Learn about brain health and nootropics to boost brain function
( Natural News ) For some time now, mothers have been made aware of the dangers of Bisphenol A (BPA) , a chemical used in many types of containers, including baby bottles. BPA is used to harden plastics, prevent contamination of foods, and stop cans from rusting. In recent years, several studies have confirmed that BPA affects endocrine function (hormonal balance) in animals and humans, and new moms have been warned to avoid baby bottles that contain this chemical and to take other steps like not boiling polycarbonate bottles or heating them in the microwave. BPA has been linked to both male and female infertility, early puberty, hormonal breast and prostrate cancers, and metabolic disorders like polycystic ovary syndrome. Now, a shocking new study has found that by the time a baby is born it may be way too late to start actively avoiding BPA. The Scientist recently reported that the findings of the study – conducted by a research team from the University of Calgary – were presented at the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society in Chicago, Illinois, in March. After determining in 2015 that BPA causes hyperactivity and alters brain development in zebrafish, the study’s lead author, Deborah Kurrasch, and her team decided to investigate its effects on pregnant mammals. Pregnant mice were fed differing dosages of BPA over a period of time, and the effects recorded. The Scientist reported on the findings: [T]he researchers observed that even when animals were exposed to low levels of the chemical—10 or 20 times below the recommended daily intake for humans—their offspring displayed significantly accelerated early neuron development. BPA exposure increased the number, size, and the rate of proliferation of neurons in the pups’ brains, but also reduced the “stemness,” or self-renewal capability, of cells, pushing them toward a […]
Throughout human history there seems to be a constant search for a silver bullet or pill that will make us faster, stronger and smarter.
Sure, there are more difficult ways of accomplishing all of these goals (through various types of training), but humans seem fascinated with the search for a substance or “hack” that will make the process easier. While this is an age-old search, new options have emerged and gained popularity in the form of smart drugs and nootropics, though many are still not aware of the benefits (and risks) of these substances. The movie “Limitless” increased interest in these substances as the main character finds a smart drug that allows him to become cognitively superhuman, but then faces the unintended consequences of the drug. In short, these are substances that enhance cognitive performance in some way. Some are natural, in the form of herbs or high-dose vitamins, while others are man-made and pharmaceutical. Technically, while “smart drugs” typically refer to any pharmaceutical (or nutritional substance) that increase brain performance, nootropics must fulfill five criteria defined by the man who coined the term, Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea: The substance should enhance the brain in some way. It should improve cognitive performance under stress (such as electrical shock or oxygen deprivation) The substance should have protective properties that protect the brain against harmful substances. The substance should “increase the efficacy of neuronal firing control mechanisms in cortical and sub-cortical regions of the brain.” (1) It should be non-toxic and have no harmful side effects. Tall order, huh? As you can imagine, this limits the number of substances that technically meet the definition of “nootropics,” and as Bradley Cooper’s character found in the movie “Limitless,” substances that offer incredible benefit and seem too good to be true often are. In […]
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Huperzine A has been used for memory retention enhancement. It is a favorite of students to help prepare for tests. A Chinese study on a group of students proved that Huperzine A can help improve memory of students. (R)
Another study done on mice showed that Huperzine A stimulated neuron growth in the brains of the mice. “These findings suggest a novel role of Hup A in neurogenesis and provide a new insight into its therapeutic effects in neurological disorders via a neurogenesis-related mechanism.”(R)
Read More at https://www.momentum98naturalhealthstore.com/products/fsf01?rfsn=359380.e2302
Click here to view my list of the best nootropics and also the worst nootropics
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Games are a good way of improving your brain function, reaction time and memory.
Brain booster games can even improve your IQ! A study by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that people who do an hour of brain training per day got an increase by 5 to 10 in their IQ! But one interesting thing they found out is that it only works if you believe in it. It is interesting how the mind body connection works. You body accepts the changes if you believe in something, if you do not believe, your mind filters it out. In this way, the conscious level of your mind is like a gatekeeper to the subconscious.
In the following game, you must use fast reaction time and quick deductions to pass the levels, this increases your minds reaction times and improves problem solving along with character recognition.
This is a fun and fast pace game. Click on the picture below to go to the page to play the Brain Builder game.
Below is a IQ increasing brainwave video.
Here are some great brain boosting games by Brainetics
Boost your brain with Lion’s Mane tea from Siz Sigma, a great nootropic brain booster supplement. Made from the Lion’s Mane mushrooms which have been shown to increase neural growth.
Lion’s Mane has been shown to increase nerve growth factor, or NGF, which is a protein which is central to the function nerve cells. It protects the brain as well as increases neural growth
Here are some of the benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushrooms
Reduce high blood sugar levels
Prevent peptic and gastric ulcers
Neuro-protective effect
Enhance memory and brain function
Prevents atherosclerosis
Repairs the brain’s myelin sheaths(part of the neural network)
Reduces fatigue
Improves mood
Protects the liver
Lowers high cholesterol
The highest quality Lion’s Mane tea(the brand recommended by Tim Ferris) is available here. https://www.momentum98naturalhealthstore.com/products/fsf01?rfsn=359380.e2302
Adafenoxate is a compound related to centrophenoxine, that has been found to act as a anti-anxiety nootropic in studies on rats. It is still an experimental drug, so this article is for research only. I will provide information for natural ant-anxiety alternatives below.
In a study on the nootropic Adafenoxate, when used with other nootropics meclofenoxate,
citicholine, aniracetam and standard ginseng extract, rats learning and memory were improved after 7-10 days.The effects were more pronounced with older rats.
In another study on rats tested for memory loss, Adafenoxate, along with meclofenoxate, piracetam and citicholine prevented amnesia partially or completely. http://www.ijpp.com/IJPP%20archives/1994_38_4/241-251.pdf
In another study on nootropics Adafenoxate along with meclofenoxate,
citicholine, aniracetam ginseng extract where applied for five days and showed significant anti-anxiety effect. Adafenoxate also helped the rats recover from fear responses through its anti-anxiety effects.
There is an all natural anti-anxiety nootropic called Neural Balance which contains Passion Flower, known for its anti-anxiety properties. Check it out here https://www.momentum98naturalhealthstore.com/products/neural-balance?rfsn=359380.e2302
Here is a technique for reducing anxiety and stress instantly using controlled breathing.
The mind and body are like a 2 way street. When the body is relaxed the mind becomes relaxed and vice-versa. When you are felling stress or anxiety, your breathing becomes fast and shallow. When you are relaxed, your breathing is slow and rhythmic. You can take advantage of the mind-body connection to stop anxiety instantly using a simple breathing technique.
Use your fingers to count to 5 as you breathe in through your nose. Then reverse and close your fingers into your palm as you breathe in for a count of 5. Repeat this and you will notice that it is impossible to feel stress while having slow, rhythmic breathing. You can use the relaxing music in the following video to listen to as you practice the technique now.
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How about an all natural alternative to dangerous stimulants like Adderall? So now that you have read about CX-516, how about a natural brain and memory stimulant based on Chinese herbal medicine. It is called Re-Memery Plus. Learn more about this natural formula here. https://www.momentum98naturalhealthstore.com/products/re-memory-plus-deepure?rfsn=359380.e2302
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Read below to learn more about Barouqe classical music. One of the best brain boosters and mood enhacing musics.
Neurological evidence proves that listening to Mozart and raise your IQ. Some types of focusing music such as Mozart can reduce distractions improve intention span, improve memory and improve the recollection of memory.
Classical music can also be used to help lift your mood. This can improve health self esteem and reduced prescient. You can use classical music to reduce anxiety and increase motivation.
Classical music can help you get into a creative mindset. Classical music is processed and both sides of the brain so it stimulates both your artistic and scientific intuitions and logic. This combined right brain creativity with left brain analysis help you solve problems more creatively. This can also help them and creative blocks and expand your perception.
Music can help speed up your brain waves to wake you up fully with energy.
Baroque music is especially good for the creative mindset. Research has found that broke music was best for stabilizing mental and physical rhythms creating a state of deep concentration and focus which improves information processing learning.
In one study stings found that they enjoyed a class more with baroque music playing the background.
Some people think that baroque music seems to be well suited more than other classical music because it generally hasn’t beat between 50-80 beats per minute which is close to the human heart. Some baroque music pieces are played faster than that as it tend to be a very energetic music genre.
Baroque music is light and lively to create a positive an energetic mindset.
Try it out by listening to the video below.
At the bottom of the page or find some pieces selected specifically for their brain boosting properties.
Get brain boosting classical music and train your brain here https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OLAFUKA/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=natureknowspr-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B00OLAFUKA&linkId=2e243f494ae7e8e19f61e74cbd87555e
A brain boosting potent extract of Green Tea, Theanine , also called L-?-glutamylethylamide and N5-ethyl-L-glutamine, can be an amino acid solution analogue of the proteinogenic proteins L-glutamate and L-glutamine and is available mainly specifically herb and fungal types. It was uncovered as a constituent of green tea extract in 1949 and in 1950 was isolated from gyokuro leaves.
The name “theanine” with out a prefix generally signifies the enantiomer L-theanine, which is the proper execution within fresh teas and in a few dietary supplements. The contrary enantiomer, D-theanine, is merely within some supplements.
Theanine has been examined due to probability that it could provide positive mental or physical results. The Western european Food Safety Expert reported that there surely is insufficient information to find out whether theanine alone has a recognizable influence on humans. Therefore, health statements for L-theanine are prohibited in europe. Other studies have analyzed the possible aftereffect of both level of caffeine and theanine at exactly the same time.
The regulatory position of theanine varies by country. In Japan, L-theanine has been approved for use in every foods, including natural herb teas, carbonated drinks, sweets, etc. However, some limitations connect with infant foods. In america, the meals and Drug Supervision (FDA) considers it to be generally named safe (GRAS) and allows its sales as a health supplement. However, the German Government Institute for Risk Analysis, an agency of the Federal government Ministry of Food and Agriculture, has objected to the addition of isolated theanine to drinks.
Theanine offers a unique brothy or savory (umami) flavour to green tea extract infusions.
As an added bonus, Theanine is also a great anxiety reducing supplement. It also contains a potent cancer fighting antioxident called EGCG.
Here is a great Theanine brain booster supplement
Check More at https://www.momentum98naturalhealthstore.com/products/e3-live-brain-on-16-2-oz-frozen?rfsn=359380.e2302
Nootropics ( noo–TROP-iks)–also called smart drugs or cognitive enhancers–are drugs, supplements, or other chemicals that improve cognitive function, specifically executive functions, storage, creativity, or determination, in healthy individuals. The usage of cognition-enhancing drugs by healthy individuals in the lack of a medical sign is one of the very most debated issues among neuroscientists, psychiatrists, and medical doctors which spans lots of issues, like the ethics and fairness with their use, concerns over undesirable effects, and the diversion of prescription medications for nonmedical uses, amongst others. Nonetheless, the international sales of cognition-enhancing supplements exceeded US$1 billion in 2015 and the global demand for these materials continues to be growing rapidly.
The term nootropic was coined in 1972 by way of a Romanian psychologist and chemist, Corneliu E. Giurgea, from the Greek words (nous), or “mind”, and (trepein), signifying to flex or turn.
One of the most powerful nootropics is blue green algae and the best form is live fresh frozen from Lake Klamath. Read more about blue green algae and its brain boosting properties here https://www.momentum98naturalhealthstore.com/products/e3-live-brain-on-16-2-oz-frozen?rfsn=359380.e2302
Alpha waves can help improve your memory. Listen to the video below.
Memory Storage improvement is the function of bettering one’s memory.
Medical research of memory storage deficits and age-related recollection loss has led to new explanations and treatment ways to improve memory storage, including diet, exercise, stress management, cognitive remedy and pharmaceutical medications. Neuro-imaging as well as cognitive neuro-science have provided neuro-biological proof supporting holistic ways that you can improve memory such as using Alpha Waves.
Check out Ashwagandha, a potent brain boosting herb here https://www.momentum98naturalhealthstore.com/products/ayh02?rfsn=359380.e2302