Learn about brain health and nootropics to boost brain function
Nootropics ( noo–TROP-iks)–also called smart drugs or cognitive enhancers–are drugs, supplements, or other chemicals that improve cognitive function, specifically executive functions, storage, creativity, or determination, in healthy individuals. The usage of cognition-enhancing drugs by healthy individuals in the lack of a medical sign is one of the very most debated issues among neuroscientists, psychiatrists, and medical doctors which spans lots of issues, like the ethics and fairness with their use, concerns over undesirable effects, and the diversion of prescription medications for nonmedical uses, amongst others. Nonetheless, the international sales of cognition-enhancing supplements exceeded US$1 billion in 2015 and the global demand for these materials continues to be growing rapidly.
The term nootropic was coined in 1972 by way of a Romanian psychologist and chemist, Corneliu E. Giurgea, from the Greek words (nous), or “mind”, and (trepein), signifying to flex or turn.
One of the most powerful nootropics is blue green algae and the best form is live fresh frozen from Lake Klamath. Read more about blue green algae and its brain boosting properties here https://www.momentum98naturalhealthstore.com/products/e3-live-brain-on-16-2-oz-frozen?rfsn=359380.e2302