Learn about brain health and nootropics to boost brain function
adhd These are the top natural remedies for Adult ADHD. iStock If you’ve had difficulty concentrating due to the stress of the past few years, you’re not alone. Occasional disorganization, poor planning, and restlessness are a normal part of life, especially this year. But these symptoms could signal something more serious, like ADHD/Hyperactivity Disorder, which the Cleveland Clinic describes as “a developmental problem characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.”
Most adults with ADHD had the symptoms as a kid, whether they were diagnosed or not. Many people go through life untreated either through a lack of diagnosis or because they don’t like the side effects of Ritalin and Adderal, the medications commonly used to treat ADHD.
While it’s always important to talk with your doctor about the best treatment plan for you if you have ADHD—or get a diagnosis if you don’t yet have one—there are natural remedies to try. From turning to nature to leaning on routines, here are 10 of them. Adult ADHD treatment
Dr. Jeffrey Ditzzell, DO , a Manhattan-based psychiatrist who specializes in treating mood and anxiety disorders including ADHD says, “Medications can be an aspect of care, but they’re not the entirety of care.”
To decrease the functional load of medications, Dr. Ditzell educates patients on things like nourishing the body at consistent intervals, getting proper sleep, and living an overall fit lifestyle, which includes exercise, hydration, and adding supplements as necessary. This type of mindset coaching not only helps with ADHD but “over the course of a lifetime improves performance.” In his practice, Dr. Ditzell uses the obstacle—what brought them into the office—as an opportunity to begin to improve their lives. He collaborates with ADHD clients to come up with ideas that will help them pursue purpose-driven activities throughout the day. Populating the intervals of the day is profoundly satisfying and calming to the mind, and Dr. Ditzell says that when patients put in consistent effort, they find that their level of performance and mindset is more efficient than they ever dreamed.
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1. Make lists
Some people with ADHD can feel overwhelmed by the enormity of a task ahead of them, but breaking it into smaller chunks makes life’s responsibilities seem more manageable. After breaking up larger tasks into more manageable pieces, making lists allows someone to cross items off a list, which leads to a sense of accomplishment, which people living with ADHD often lack if they’re pinging from one thing to another. 2. Streamline routines
Whitney Olivia Wilson , a life skills teacher in treatment programs, says, “I teach kids to come up with streamlined, unwavering routines for mundane tasks like getting out of the house in the morning, times when their minds may check out and go exploring into other concepts. Setting routines reduces anxiety over forgetting or messing up something simple. Students can stick to the routine until the neuropathway in their brain has it hardwired. Eventually, when you start the routine your brain will automatically take you through the process while you enjoy the wonderland that is your wild, creative mind.”
Related: The 5 Best Free Brain Games Training Apps 3. Move your body
Almost everyone with ADHD reports an improvement in symptoms if they move their body. Some prefer vigorous exercise like running or spinning, while others find relief through yoga. Either way, exercise increases breathing, which has a calming effect. One person with ADHD points out that starting the day with exercise works for her because it’s something to cross off the list, which sets her up for a successful day. 4. Create silence and order
Some find that life itself is loud and distracting, so wearing earplugs creates a cocoon-like sense of calm. Life can feel more disorderly to someone with ADHD, so color coding things with neon Post-it notes can help with visual organization, which helps with mental tranquility. 5. Nourish yourself
Maui-based nutritionist Jennifer Dreisch encourages those struggling with ADHD symptoms to investigate food sensitivities and, if necessary, repair a leaky gut. “80% of our neurotransmitters are made in our gut,” Dreisch says, “if it’s not healthy, our brain isn’t healthy.” She also recommends adding omega 3s and vitamin D to the diet and cutting processed sugar. 6. Turn to nature
Getting outside and into nature is great for most of what ails us, including ADHD, and herbs found in nature are also helpful for treating ADHD naturally . Sarah Holden , a Missoula, Montana-based clinical herbalist, recommends adaptogens like American ginseng, Rhodiola, and ashwagandha to “help the body accept and deal with stress hormones and reduce the impact of stress on the body. Through this mechanism, the body uses the herb to help it regulate the fight or flight response.”
Holden also recommends nootropics like Ginkgo biloba to help with attention, focus, concentration, learning, memory, and mental acuity and nervines like Gotu Kola to tone down or calm the nervous system, reducing hyperactivity. 7. Do anything you know helps
People with ADHD do well with structure, and many find relief through proximity. One woman could never get her clothes to the laundry basket, so they ended up on the bathroom floor, creating visual chaos that wasn’t helpful. Putting a laundry basket in the bathroom was a simple change that helped immensely. A man couldn’t remember to take his vitamins, which help with his ADHD, so he started putting them in his coffee pot so when he went to make coffee in the morning he couldn’t miss them. 8. Strategize
Jill Wheeler, MA, LMHC , a psychotherapist and transformational leadership coach, has a toolbox full of strategies she uses to help herself and her clients who struggle with ADHD. For starters, Wheeler sees ADHD as a strength. “We’re hardwired to be distracted,” she says, “It’s what kept us safe from predators, and though life isn’t as demanding as […]