5 brain-boosting snacks that are perfect for the workplace

5 brain-boosting snacks that are perfect for the workplace

Morning and after-lunch snacks are important at work because they keep your concentration going during the workday.

“To keep your brain sharp during the workday, it’s important to choose snacks that provide a balance of nutrients, including complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein,” Sarah Heckler, MS, RD, a dietitian with Anne Till Nutrition Group in Raleigh, North Carolina, told FOX Business.

Nutrition experts say to pick these brain-bossing snack ideas over empty calories like candy, another cup of coffee or a sugary carb-laden snack selection.

Check out these five. 1. Greek yogurt

Most offices have a fridge — and this snack choice is an easy way to stay on a healthy track.

“Greek yogurt is high in protein, which can help keep you feel full and provide a steady release of energy,” said Heckler.

She suggested adding some blueberries, strawberries or raspberries for extra flavor and antioxidants, which she noted may improve cognitive function. Nutritionists say these snacks are brain-boosting in the workplace. 2. Nuts and seeds

Almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, which support brain health, said Heckler.

These types of snacks store well in your desk drawer or handbag — and can also work well for on-the-go jobs. 3. Hummus with veggies

Hummus is a good source of protein and healthy fats, said Heckler.

“Pair hummus with carrot sticks, cucumber slices, or bell pepper strips for a satisfying and nutritious snack,” she said. Hummus can be a good source of protein and healthy fats. 4. Whole grain crackers and cheese

Taking a snack break can recharge your afternoon, especially when your snack offers a blend of nutrition benefits.

“Whole grain crackers provide complex carbohydrates — and cheese offers protein and healthy fats,” Heckler said.

The best part of this snack choice is you can mix and match crackers and cheese varieties so you don’t fall into a snack rut. 5. Apple and peanut butter

Great snack picks are a balance of carbs, healthy fat, protein and fiber, and the apple and peanut butter combo fits the bill, said Julie Lopez, RD, owner of Virtual Teaching Kitchen and based in New Jersey.

Packaged sliced apples and individual peanut butter cups can make this snack option a cinch. Picking better snacks has impactful benefits

Research shows how eating nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables throughout the day boosts brainpower, mood, engagement and productivity.

In addition to creating a better snack plan, stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water, Heckler recommended.

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“Dehydration can negatively impact cognitive function,” she said.

Also, keep your snack breaks snack-sized.

“Portion control is also important to avoid feeling sluggish after snacking,” Heckler said.

Read more at nypost.com

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