Neuroscientists discover brain circuitry of placebo effect for pain relief

Neuroscientists discover brain circuitry of placebo effect for pain relief

by University of North Carolina Health Care This image shows that the cells in yellow in the pons (left) receive input from the green cells in the cingulate cortex (rACC, right), with subdivisions Cg1 and Cg2. Credit: Scherrer Lab, UNC School of Medicine The…

One-dose nasal spray clears toxic Alzheimer’s proteins to improve memory

One-dose nasal spray clears toxic Alzheimer's proteins to improve memory

A nasal spray clears away toxic tau tangles and improves memory One dose of a new treatment, delivered by nasal spray, clears away build-ups of the toxic tau protein associated with Alzheimer’s disease from inside brain cells, improving memory, according to new research. It…

Cognitive benefits from high intensity interval training may last for years

Cognitive benefits from high intensity interval training may last for years

Vigorous exercise may have lasting brain benefits, a study suggests. Catherine Ivill/Getty Images The brain is a delicate organ that experiences specific changes with age. Older individuals tend to be at a higher risk for developing dementia. Researchers are interested in finding what interventions…

Trump has long been a skeptic of childhood vaccines, leaked video with RFK Jr. reveals

Trump has long been a skeptic of childhood vaccines, leaked video with RFK Jr. reveals

Tags: 2024 elections , badhealth , badmedicine , badscience , big government , Big Pharma , childhood vaccinations , Dangerous Medicine , Donald Trump , pharmaceutical fraud , presidential elections , rational , Robert F. Kennedy Jr. , skeptics , truth , vaccine damage…

See How the Brain Responds to Psychedelic ‘Magic Mushrooms’

See How the Brain Responds to Psychedelic ‘Magic Mushrooms’

A heat map of brain activity shows stable patterns before and after taking psilocybin in blue and green, while temporary changes are shown in red, orange and yellow. Sara Moser via Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis The psychedelic drug psilocybin—the active…

Neuropeptides, Not Neurotransmitters, Drive Brain’s Fear Response

Neuropeptides, Not Neurotransmitters, Drive Brain’s Fear Response

Summary: Researchers have discovered that neuropeptides, not neurotransmitters, are the primary messengers in the brain’s fear circuit. This finding could lead to better painkillers and treatments for fear-related conditions. Using innovative tools, scientists observed neuropeptide release during fear responses in live mice. The study…

Remarkable magnetic brain control tech alters appetite and behavior

Remarkable magnetic brain control tech alters appetite and behavior

Researchers have developed a remote, non-invasive method of selectively controlling neurons in the brain using magnetic fields. The technique opens the door to a greater understanding of brain function and, potentially, new treatments for disorders. In a recently published study, researchers from the Institute…

9 foods that can boost your brain health — and don’t cost more than $1 per serving

9 foods that can boost your brain health — and don't cost more than $1 per serving

Greens and beans both made the list. What we eat makes a difference to our brain health. Brain doctors Ayesha and Dean Sherzai list 9 favorite foods for boosting cognition. Everything on their list is a plant. Brain doctors Ayesha and Dean Sherzai have…

Ivermectin found to work against Parkinson’s, depression, chronic pain and more

Ivermectin found to work against Parkinson’s, depression, chronic pain and more

Tags: alternative medicine , anticancer , antiviral , Anxiety , beat depression , brain health , breakthrough , Censored Science , chronic pain , discoveries , EMP , goodhealth , goodmedicine , goodscience , health science , ivermectin , ivermectin science , mental health…

Scientists define new type of memory loss in older adults

Researchers at Mayo Clinic have established new criteria for a memory-loss syndrome in older adults that specifically impacts the brain’s limbic system. It can often be mistaken for Alzheimer’s disease. The good news: Limbic-predominant Amnestic Neurodegenerative Syndrome, or LANS, progresses more slowly and has…

Scientist’s MRIs Highlight Psilocybin Boosting Brain Plasticity

NPR reports on fascinating research that shows how taking the psychedelic drug psilocybin changes brain process, producing mind-altering effects and temporary boosts to the brain’s ability to adapt and change. In other research news, CBD may protect skin from the sun. NPR: This Is…

The Aging Brain: Is Decline Preventable?

The Aging Brain: Is Decline Preventable?

July 17, 2024 – The changes can begin in middle age, but they’re not usually noticeable until decades later. By age 60 and beyond, the changes can pick up speed and may become obvious. “As we get older, our brain actually starts to shrink…

Meet the Brain Cells that May Help Us Adapt to Changes in Day Length

Meet the Brain Cells that May Help Us Adapt to Changes in Day Length

Study illuminates circadian rhythms, psychiatric disorders with seasonal flare-ups 4 min read Serotonin glows green in a microscope image of cells in the mouse brain stem. Image: Giacomo Maddaloni At a glance: Study in mice reveals a brain circuit — and brain cell behavior…

Your Brain Might Try to Stockpile Estrogen During Menopause—And It Could Explain Brain Fog

Your Brain Might Try to Stockpile Estrogen During Menopause—And It Could Explain Brain Fog

FG Trade / Getty Images Key Takeaways A new study shows that the menopause transition is associated with an increase in estrogen receptors in the brain. This increase in estrogen receptors is also linked to brain fog and mood changes. More research is needed,…

Are These Plant Molecules the Secret to Brain Health?

Are These Plant Molecules the Secret to Brain Health?

Key points Polyphenols, found in fruits, vegetables, tea, and wine, boost brain health and cognitive function. Flavonoids and phenolic acids are key polyphenol groups with diverse health benefits, including brain support. Polyphenols have anti-inflammatory, epigenetic and neuroprotective properties that may enhance brain vitality. Consuming…

Experimental nasal spray boosts cognitive function in mouse models of dementia

Experimental nasal spray boosts cognitive function in mouse models of dementia

Researchers were able to improve memory in mouse models of dementia through an experimental nasal spray treatment. Image credit: YEVHEN HOLOBORODKO/Getty Images. A novel intranasal antibody treatment shows potential in fighting tau protein buildup, which is a key factor in neurodegenerative diseases such as…

Scientists find small regions of the brain can take micro-naps while the rest of the brain is awake and vice versa

Scientists find small regions of the brain can take micro-naps while the rest of the brain is awake and vice versa

by University of California – Santa Cruz Hengen’s artistic interpretation of the varied brain wave patterns that produce the fundamental states of sleep and wake. Credit: Keith Hengen Sleep and wake: They’re totally distinct states of being that define the boundaries of our daily…

Propofol Disrupts Brain’s Stability/Excitability Balance to Induce Unconsciousness

Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News There are many drugs that anesthesiologists can use to induce unconsciousness in patients, but exactly how these drugs cause the brain to lose consciousness has been a longstanding question. A study in non-human primates by MIT neuroscientists has now…

5 Science-backed health benefits of garlic

5 Science-backed health benefits of garlic

Tags: #nutrition , anticancer , diabetes , disease prevention , food cures , food is medicine , food science , functional food , garlic , goodfood , goodhealth , heart disease , heart health , herbal medicine , Herbs , metabolic syndrome , natural…

Ginkgo biloba leaf can help dissolve micro clots, potentially undoing some damage caused by COVID-19 vaccines, reveals new published science

Ginkgo biloba leaf can help dissolve micro clots, potentially undoing some damage caused by COVID-19 vaccines, reveals new published science

Tags: Blood clots , brain function , circulatory system , endothelial function , ginkgo biloba , goodhealth , goodmedicine , goodscience , microclots , natural cures , natural health , natural medicine , natural remedies , oxidative stress , plasminogen activator , prevention ,…

Nature Knows Nootropics