Supercharge Your Brain Health in 2025 With 12 Life-Changing Questions

Supercharge Your Brain Health in 2025 With 12 Life-Changing Questions

Discover 12 actionable ways to enhance your brain health with advice on everything from sleep to social interactions, outlined by neurology experts. Engage with your doctor about 12 crucial lifestyle factors to boost your brain health. From managing stress and diet to fostering social…

Top 10 foods that BOOST DOPAMINE and help you stay focused, fit, positive and motivated

Top 10 foods that BOOST DOPAMINE and help you stay focused, fit, positive and motivated

Depression is a significant health burden, prompting interest in nutrition’s role in mental well-being. Dopamine, responsible for pleasure and reward, is crucial for combating depression, stress, and anxiety. Top 10 dopamine-boosting foods: apples, almonds, dark chocolate, bananas, eggs, strawberries, salmon, beets, watermelon, pumpkin seeds….

The science behind capers: A nutritional and bioactive powerhouse

The science behind capers: A nutritional and bioactive powerhouse

Brighteon Broadcast News, Dec 5, 2025 Vaccine doctor announces wave of deadly pandemics will strike America the day after Trump is inaugurated Tags: alternative medicine , capers , food as medicine , food cures , functional food , goodfood , goodhealth , goodmedicine ,…

Food for the brain: Boost your cognitive function and memory with almonds

Food for the brain: Boost your cognitive function and memory with almonds

Tags: almonds , brain function , brain health , cognitive function , cognitive health , food cures , food is medicine , food science , goodfood , goodhealth , goodmedicine , health science , natural cures , natural health , natural medicine , organics…

9 Things You Should Do for Your Brain Health Every Day, According to Neurologists

9 Things You Should Do for Your Brain Health Every Day, According to Neurologists

By Angela Haupt October 17, 2024 11:28 AM EDT Taking care of your cognitive health ought to be—well, a no-brainer. According to a survey published in March, 87% of Americans are concerned about age-related memory loss and a decline in brain function as they…

Brain-Boosting Secrets: 6 Proven Tips from Ancient Indian Wisdom

Brain-Boosting Secrets: 6 Proven Tips from Ancient Indian Wisdom

Medindia » Articles » Lifestyle » Brain-Boosting Secrets: 6 Proven Tips from Ancient Indian Wisdom Last Updated on Oct 14, 2024 About As the body ages, so does the brain. Given our sedentary lifestyles, mental health is getting center stage. A study published in…

Echoes in the brain: Why today’s workout could fuel next week’s bright idea

In a rare, longitudinal study, researchers from Aalto University and the University of Oulu tracked one person’s brain and behavioral activity for five months using brain scans and data from wearable devices and smartphones. ‘We wanted to go beyond isolated events,’ says research leader…

How a restless night or a good workout can affect your brain — even days later

Lead study author Ana Triana underwent twice-weekly brain scans, took mood surveys and wore technology that tracked her movements as she went about her daily routine for five months. Got a lot on your mind to work out? Maybe last week’s workout is to…

Neuroplasticity: How New Experiences Impact Your Brain

Neuroplasticity: How New Experiences Impact Your Brain

a close-up of a game board When it comes to defining neuroplasticity, there’s a little quiz that neuroscientist Sandra Bond Chapman, Ph.D ., likes to pose. Think about how much control you have over changing the health of your heart, your brain, and your…

A Scientist Explains How Brains Form Memory—and What Causes Memory Loss

A Scientist Explains How Brains Form Memory—and What Causes Memory Loss

There are so many reasons—normal, non-scary reasons—why we forget things, whether it’s the name of that dog-walking neighbor, or our friend’s birthday, or where we parked our car. Sometimes we’re moving at too fast a pace, multi-tasking all the way. Or maybe our lives…

Top 6 Natural Ways to Improve Memory

Top 6 Natural Ways to Improve Memory

If you’re relatively young and healthy, improving your memory may not be the health goal you’re currently most focused on. However, memory impairment is an issue that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Considering that memory is tied to many other brain functions and serves as…

Melatonin Making You Groggy? A Better Natural Sleep Aid Might Be GABA

Melatonin Making You Groggy? A Better Natural Sleep Aid Might Be GABA

Kiss melatonin’s bleary mornings and overactive dreams goodbye with another natural, silly-sounding sleep aid. You’re tossing and turning all night, and waking up feeling groggy. Maybe you’ve already tried using a new pillow with better neck support but still found it impossible to get…

Grape flavonoids are key to longevity and overall wellness

Grape flavonoids are key to longevity and overall wellness

Tags: #nutrition , aging , brain health , cancer , cardiovascular health , cognitive function , flavonoids , food cures , food is medicine , goodcancer , goodfood , goodhealth , goodmedicine , grape flavonoids , grapes , heart health , longevity , oxidative…

Reversible Brain Mechanism Explains Memory Loss from Drug Abuse

Reversible Brain Mechanism Explains Memory Loss from Drug Abuse

Summary: Scientists have uncovered a mechanism in the brain that explains how drugs like methamphetamine and PCP impair cognitive functions, particularly memory. The study shows that these drugs trigger neurotransmitter switching in the cerebral cortex, where excitatory glutamate neurons switch to inhibitory GABA neurons,…

How Cancer Hijacks the Brain to Benefit Itself

How Cancer Hijacks the Brain to Benefit Itself

Key points Some natural mechanisms in the body can prevent the formation of cancer in its early stages. Increasing the tumor mass beyond a certain threshold renders these mechanisms ineffective. The nervous system and cancer have a reciprocal interplay. Cancer cells manipulate the nervous…

MIND Diet Linked with Sharper Memory, Lower Risk of Cognitive Decline

MIND Diet Linked with Sharper Memory, Lower Risk of Cognitive Decline

Health News The MIND diet (a blend of the Mediterranean and DASH diets) can help slow cognitive decline as you grow older, especially for women. Ascent Xmedia/Getty Images A study says the MIND diet could reduce the risk of cognitive problems during aging. Following…

MIND diet linked to lower cognitive decline risk, especially in women

MIND diet linked to lower cognitive decline risk, especially in women

New research confirms the brain-protective benefits of the MIND diet. Image credit: Nadine Greeff/Stocksy. Closely following a MIND diet was associated with a reduced risk of cognitive impairment and slower rates of decline with aging in a new study. The observed effects on cognitive…

Exploring the effect of low sodium concentrations on brain microglial cells

Exploring the effect of low sodium concentrations on brain microglial cells

In a new study, scientists investigated the impact of low sodium concentrations and its rapid correction on nitric oxide production dependent on expression of Nfat5 in microglial cells. Credit: Yoshihisa Sugimura from Fujita Health University Low serum sodium concentrations in the blood are called…

New study reveals link between cataracts and vascular dementia

New study reveals link between cataracts and vascular dementia

Tags: Alzheimer’s disease , badhealth , badscience , brain function , brain health , cataracts , cognitive function , cognitive health , cognitive impairment , discoveries , eye health , health science , prevention , research , tips , vascular dementia , vision ,…

Feeling anxious or unhappy? Here’s how to pump up your serotonin and dopamine naturally

Feeling anxious or unhappy? Here's how to pump up your serotonin and dopamine naturally

From exercising to changing your diet, you can naturally increase your serotonin and dopamine levels. Enjoying sunlight outdoors can help boost your serotonin and dopamine levels. (Getty Images) If you’ve been lacking the motivation to clean your house, get a workout in or just…

Nature Knows Nootropics