Learn about brain health and nootropics to boost brain function
Although CBD is still fairly new to the market, it is getting a lot of attention in the media.
Many people with conditions ranging from depression to fibromyalgia find CBD to be an effective natural treatment option. And, CBD has even shown anti-tumor properties, with evidence to support the way it inhibits the progression of certain cancers.
CBD is also one of the leading natural alternatives to Adderall, a prescription medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Around 16 million prescriptions for Adderall are written for adults each year in the US alone. But, Adderall also has a range of troubling side effects, and is widely abused, especially by millennials.
As such, the potential CBD shows as the most effective natural alternative to Adderall is very significant.
Read on to learn more about why CBD is the best alternative to Adderall.
Adderall is a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. It is most often prescribed to treat the symptoms of ADHD. But, Adderall is also used off-label to help patients with severe depression and sleep disorders such as narcolepsy.
Adderall is classified as a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. It works by heightening CNS connections to control hyperactivity and impulses. This, in turn, helps improve focus and attention in those with ADHD.
The overall effect is to bring the brain down from a state of over-stimulation to a normal, baseline stimulation level.
While many people rely on Adderall for medical reasons, it can cause psychological or physical dependence. It also has a high potential for abuse and misuse. In fact, 30-40 percent of people with a prescription for Adderall have misused it at some time.
Even when taken as prescribed, Adderall has a range of troubling side effects. Adderall can cause chronic insomnia, and as an amphetamine, it puts pressure on the heart and can lead to circulatory issues.
Adderall can also have a negative effect on personality and mental health. Some Adderall users show reduced empathy and report feeling ‘strung out’ and isolated. Plus, Adderall can worsen the anxiety disorders that occur in 30-40 percent of ADHD sufferers.
Patients who cannot tolerate stimulants like Adderall may be prescribed non-stimulants or anti-depressants. But, these are not generally as effective and can also increase the likelihood of suicidal thoughts.
Also, there is also growing concern about the many numbers of young adults abusing Adderall as a means to improve their focus. This misuse of Adderall causes an increased tolerance that soon results in addiction. In fact, 116,000 people were admitted to rehab in 2012 for addiction to amphetamines such as Adderall.
As such, it is vital to find alternatives to Adderall for adults, including those with ADHD and those abusing this drug.
This would help to reduce the dangerous and widespread misuse of Adderall. And, an effective alternative to Adderall would also help ADHD sufferers find a balanced approach to their range of symptoms.
CBD (cannabidiol) comes from the cannabis plant. But, CBD products contain little to no THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), making it legal to sell and consume.
Because of this, CBD is popular with people looking to enjoy the many health benefits that CBD offers without the psychoactive ‘high’ of cannabis.
But, what are the benefits of CBD?
As a cannabinoid, CBD acts on the body’s own endocannabinoid system to regulate a range of cognitive and physiological processes. This interaction helps the body achieve homeostasis. As a result, CBD eases the symptoms of many illnesses and contributes to better health and well-being.
CBD promotes a stabilizing effect in the body to regulate and improve focus, mood and other processes. As a result, CBD helps restore balance, reducing the negative symptoms that ADHD sufferers experience, while also improving concentration.
Using CBD, therefore, reduces the need for stimulants like Adderall. And, unlike Adderall, CBD also helps ADHD sufferers deal with other mental health issues, such as anxiety disorders. As such, CBD can also be seen as the best alternative to Adderall for adults with ADHD.
That said, due to the withdrawal symptoms of Adderall, those with ADHD should consult their doctor before changing their treatment. But, the stabilizing effects of CBD can help patients through withdrawal. And, CBD also offers continuing support as an effective alternative to Adderall in the long-term.
For those abusing Adderall, CBD is a safe, natural and legal alternative. CBD also works faster and better than other ways to improve focus, such as dietary changes or meditation.
In fact, CBD is likely to be more effective at improving focus and energy levels than Adderall due to the way it helps improve memory, mood and regulate sleep.
Studies show those taking Adderall to enhance academic performance do not have better grades. They are also more likely to abuse alcohol and other drugs, indicating a more widespread addiction problem in addition to Adderall abuse.
Thanks to the way CBD helps restore normal functioning to the body, studies show that it is an effective treatment for addictive disorders. This means that CBD could provide an effective way to help Adderall abusers overcome their addiction. And, CBD would also provide them with a means to improve their focus without taking illicit drugs.
As the best alternative to Adderall, CBD offers an effective solution, both for those taking Adderall for ADHD and for those abusing it for its stimulant properties.
Of course, CBD is more than an Adderall alternative. It can help with focus, and concentration in the same way as Adderall. But, it also has a wide range of other health benefits and uses.
For more information, feel free to contact us with any questions.
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