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Fibre is an important plant-based nutrition that primarily helps promote weight loss along with maintaining digestive and bowel health, reducing unwanted cravings, lowering blood sugar levels, fighting constipation and reducing the risk of stroke. Fibre-rich foods help bulk up the stomach and make the digestion slow to prevent sudden glucose and cholesterol spike in the body. [1]
Overweight is a major issue as many of the health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity are due to increased body fat. Reducing the quantity of food or starving is not the solution for losing weight as it may cause a deficiency of many essential nutrients in the body.
The best way to lose weight while maintaining the nutrient balance in the body is by eating fibre-rich foods. They not only help in weight management but also provide vital nutrients for the proper functioning of the body. Take a look at essential foods that help lose weight easily. Also remember, it is always good to combine both exercise and fibre-rich foods for a healthy weight loss journey. Fruits
1. Pears
Pears are among the top fruits which are densely packed with dietary fibre. They are also enriched with antioxidants and phenolic compounds. [1]
Dietary fibre in pears (100 g): 3.1 g
How to use: Eat pears directly with the skin. You can add them to your fruit bowl or consume after roasting them. 2. Avocado
Avocado contains healthy fats and other essential nutrients such as vitamins, magnesium, fatty acids and potassium. It is also an excellent source of phytochemicals that may help in weight management and prevent heart-related diseases. [2]
Dietary fibre in avocado (100 g): 6.7 g
How to use: Add avocados in a fruit salad. You can also simply slice the fruit, sprinkle some black pepper and consume. 3. Blackberry
A low-fibre diet can cause digestive problems such as constipation and bloating while high-fibre foods primarily help in weight loss as well as in controlling blood sugar and reducing cholesterol. This is why blackberries are mostly consumed for healthily losing weight.
Dietary fibre in blackberry (100 g): 5.3 g
How to use: Consume blackberries with Greek yoghurt, oats or porridge. You can also include them in your fruit bowl. 4. Fresh Figs
Figs are packed with dietary fibre. Including fresh figs in the diet helps lower blood cholesterol that may further help maintain body weight and proper blood flow in the body. Fresh figs also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. [3]
Dietary fibre in fresh figs (100 g): 2.9 g
How to use: Either eat fresh figs or soak them in water for overnight and consume. You can add them to your cakes and puddings as they act as a natural sweetener. 5. Raspberry
Raspberry helps prevent fatty liver and obesity. It is best known to decrease body weight and hepatic triacylglycerol due to the presence of essential nutrients along with dietary fibre. [4]
Dietary fibre in raspberry (100 g): 6.5 g
How to use: Eat raspberries as a snack with Greek yoghurt, oatmeal or make smoothies out of them.
The Longevity Diet: What To Eat And How Does It Work? Know More About This Diet Plan 6. Coconut
Both raw and dried coconut have multiple health benefits. The fruit helps stabilise glucose level and has antidiabetic effects.
Dietary fibre in coconut (100 g): 9 g
How to use: Add coconut pulp in a fruit bowl or roast them and consume. 7. Guava
This seasonal fruit is an excellent source of fibre and low in calories. Studies say that the fruits can help maintain proper weight by regulating cholesterol and sugar levels in the body.
Dietary fibre in guava (100 g): 5.4 g
How to use: Consume guava without peeling. You can also sprinkle some salt on the fruit and eat. 8. Kiwi Kiwi contains both soluble and insoluble fibre. When consumed, the fruit gives us a feeling of fullness and prevents us from eating unhealthy foods that increase weight. Dietary fibre in kiwi (100 g): 3 g How to use: Eat kiwi after peeling them. You can add them to oats, porridge or a fruit bowl. 9. Pomegranate The essential nutrients in pomegranate such as antioxidants, anthocyanins and tannins may help reduce obesity and cholesterol levels. The fruit also prevents the growth of cancerous cells. Dietary fibre in pomegranate (100 g): 4 g How to use: Consume a glass of pomegranate juice every day. You can also add pomegranate seeds to oats or porridge. 10. Banana Bananas can help maintain a perfect waistline. It is rich in carbohydrates and contains low calories. Besides, eating a single banana gives a feeling of fullness and reduces hunger. Consumption of banana not only promotes weight loss but also helps replenish the lost energy from the body during physical activities. [5] Dietary fibre in banana (100 g): 2.6 g How to use: Toss a few slices of banana in a fruit bowl. You can also prepare banana smoothies or add them to your oats.Diet And Depression: Healthy Foods That May Help Fight Depression 11. Grapefruit Grapefruit is low in calories and rich in vital nutrients. It helps reduce weight with the help of an enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase. The enzyme boosts metabolism and utilises stored fat and sugar for producing energy in the body. [6] Dietary fibre in grapefruit (100 g): 1.1 g How to use: You can consume half grapefruit a day. 12. Apple Apple is a major source of dietary fibre and polyphenols. It significantly helps reduce belly fat in people who are obese. Polyphenols in the fruits also help with digestion. [7] Dietary fibre in apple (100 g): 2.4 g How to use: Add apples to your breakfast by including them in a fruit salad, oats or porridge.7 Ways To Include Apple In Your Diet 13. Mango Mango makes for healthy snacks that promote satiety. It contains beta-carotene, which helps reduce the risk of cancer. Mangoes are also a rich source of vitamins C, B and […]
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