1 avocado a day for 6 months can improve brain function in senior citizens: Study

1 avocado a day for 6 months can improve brain function in senior citizens: Study

( Natural News ) There’s a lot to be said of the health benefits of avocados. They are an excellent source of healthy unsaturated fats, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. In older adults especially, the fruits increase lutein levels in the brain and eyes which significantly improves cognitive functions, a study in the journal Nutrients reported . The study, conducted by scientists from Tufts University , found that for adults aged 50 and older, those who ate a fresh avocado a day had increased their lutein levels in their eyes and demonstrated improved working memory and problem-solving skills. Lutein is a carotenoid found in yellow- and orange-colored fruits and vegetables like mangoes, corn, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, tomatoes and dark, leafy greens such as kale, collards and bok choy. The carotenoid is famous for its ability to protect against common eye disorders such as cataracts and macular degeneration. In addition, lutein and zeaxanthin absorb harmful blue light from the sun, which can damage the retina. A further study of the compound revealed that it plays a role in preventing blood clots in the carotid artery in the neck, one of the indicators for atherosclerosis. In contrast, a deficiency in lutein showed a worsening of arterial clogging. Still, experts haven’t fully explored its effects in the human body, including the best route for nutrient absorption. In a study, participants added one medium avocado to their daily diet . The researchers then measure their lutein levels and any improvement in cognition using various tests for memory, processing speed, and attention level – where their results were compared with that of a control group, which had either one medium potato or a cup of chickpeas, in place of the avocado . Researchers used chickpeas and potatoes since both have a calorie […]

When it comes to chocolate, the darker the better: Dark chocolate reduces stress while improving memory

When it comes to chocolate, the darker the better: Dark chocolate reduces stress while improving memory

( Natural News ) When new research comes out saying that we should increase our consumption of broccoli or start eating kale, we might not feel overly inclined to make the suggested changes. However, there are very few of us who don’t love chocolate, and two new studies by researchers from the Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center are sure to have us dashing to the store to pick up a bar of dark chocolate. The findings of the studies , which were both conducted by principal investigator, Lee S. Berk, the university’s associate dean of research affairs, were presented at the 2018 annual Experimental Biology meeting in San Diego recently. The results indicate that consuming dark chocolate with at least 70 percent cacao can reduce stress and inflammation, while improving memory, mood and immunity against disease. So delicious and so nutritious … Dr. Berk explained that most previous studies have concentrated on how the sugar content in dark chocolate makes people feel happier. These studies, on the other hand, considered what impact large amounts of cacao have on humans over the short- and long-term with regard to happiness and eliciting a good mood. The researchers were impressed with the results. “These studies show us that the higher the concentration of cacao, the more positive the impact on cognition, memory, mood, immunity and other beneficial effects,” Dr. Berk told Science Daily . Regarding the first study, the authors noted: Study findings show cacao consumption up-regulates multiple intracellular signaling pathways involved in T-cell activation, cellular immune response and genes involved in neural signaling and sensory perception — the latter potentially associated with the phenomena of brain hyperplasticity. Support our mission and enhance your own self-reliance : The laboratory-verified Organic Emergency Survival Bucket provides certified organic, high-nutrition storable food for […]

Walnuts reduce hunger and cravings by changing your brain

Walnuts reduce hunger and cravings by changing your brain

( Natural News ) Researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) have found that walnuts can “trick” your brain into feeling full by activating an area in the brain that regulates hunger and cravings. The study, published in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism , is the first of its kind to directly explore the neurocognitive effects that the nuts have on the brain. “We don’t often think about how what we eat impacts the activity in our brain,” explained Dr. Olivia Farr, the study’s first author and an instructor at BIDMC’s Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism . “We know people report feeling fuller after eating walnuts , but it was pretty surprising to see evidence of activity changing in the brain related to food cues, and by extension what people were eating and how hungry they feel.” For the study, researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to understand how eating walnuts satiates cravings and changes activity in the brain. They also conducted a test, where they invited 10 volunteers with obesity to stay in BIDMC’s Clinical Research Center for two five-day sessions. This allowed the researchers to fully monitor the participants’ nutritional intake, rather than relying on unreliable self-reported food records. During the five-day session, participants regularly consumed smoothies every day. However, one session had smoothies with 48 grams of walnuts, as recommended by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines, and the other had a “walnut-free but nutritionally comparable placebo smoothie,” that was made to taste exactly like the smoothie that contained walnuts. As this was a randomized, double-blind study, neither the participants nor the researchers knew which sessions were the ones where the walnut-containing smoothies were consumed. Support our mission and enhance your own self-reliance : The laboratory-verified Organic Emergency Survival Bucket provides certified organic, high-nutrition […]

Provasil Review: A Supplement to Keep your Brain Young and Healthy

Provasil Review: A Supplement to Keep your Brain Young and Healthy
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The best way to boost the health benefits of cocoa beans lies in how you roast them

The best way to boost the health benefits of cocoa beans lies in how you roast them

( Natural News ) Several studies have already determined that chocolate offers various health benefits, but according to researchers from Penn State University (PSU), roasting cocoa beans for a specific length of time and at a certain temperature can both “preserve and even boost the potency of some bioactive and antioxidant compounds while protecting desired sensory aspects of chocolate.” Results from previous studies imply that roasting cocoa beans can reduce their polyphenol content, which offer health benefits, especially for cancer prevention and patients with cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases and metabolic disorders. Joshua Lambert, associate professor of food science at PSU and the lead researcher for the study, explained that even if chocolate is often consumed as a treat, for the last couple of years it has been recognized as a viable source of healthy compounds. Lambert added that their goal for the study was to determine if roasting cocoa beans could help “preserve preferred flavor characteristics and boost health benefits.” (Related: Sensual sweet seduction: Why chocolate is good for your heart, brain, and mood .) Roasted cocoa beans and polyphenol content For the study, the researchers looked into how whole-bean roasting influenced the aroma-related chemistry, pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity, and polyphenol content of cocoa after various roasting conditions. Inhibiting pancreatic lipase activity is a feasible method for resolving the problem of obesity. Pancreatic lipase helps break down triglycerides into fatty acids. The fatty acids are then absorbed through the small intestine’s lining. A pancreatic lipase inhibitor restricts the formation of fatty acids, effectively preventing the absorption of dietary fats into the body. Get CLEAN FOOD and help support our mission to keep you informed : The Health Ranger Store lab verifies everything we sell with accredited testing for heavy metals, microbiology and food safety. Certified organic facility, ISO-accredited on-site […]

Strawberries found to reduce inflammation and prevent cognitive decline

Strawberries found to reduce inflammation and prevent cognitive decline

( Natural News ) Strawberries may be sweet and juicy, but they are more than just their taste. This fruit can reduce inflammation and cognitive issues related to aging . In a study published in the Journals of Gerontology Series A, a team of researchers from the Salk Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory discovered that these are all due to the dietary flavonoid called fisetin, which is abundant in strawberries. The research team fed prematurely aging mice a daily dose of fisetin with their food for seven months, and a different group of prematurely aging mice was fed with the same food but without fisetin. During the study period, they subjected the mice to various activity and memory tests. In addition, they looked at the levels of specific proteins in the mice associated with brain function, stress responses, and inflammation. Results revealed that getting more of fisetin can provide benefits to memory and osteoarthritis symptoms. The group of mice that did not receive fisetin showed increased markers of inflammation and stress, as well as difficulties on the cognitive tests. On the other hand, the group that received fisetin did not show any sign of age-related decline both physically and cognitively. In addition, there were no signs of toxicity or adverse effects from taking the compound fisetin, even at high doses. Earlier studies have also found fisetin to be beneficial to the conditions of mercury exposure, homocysteine clearance, diabetic neuropathy, and liver damage. Fisetin can also be found in other fruits, such as apples, grapes, kiwis, mangoes, persimmons, and tomatoes. It can also be obtained from vegetables, such as cucumbers and onions as well as some types of nuts. However, strawberries have the highest amount of this powerful flavonoid among other dietary sources. Support our mission and enhance your own self-reliance : […]

Clinical trials prove that antioxidants and amino acid supplements can treat psychosis

Clinical trials prove that antioxidants and amino acid supplements can treat psychosis

( Natural News ) Researchers have found that antioxidant and amino acid supplementation can treat psychosis . The article, published in the journal Early Intervention in Psychiatry , also indicated that these nutrient-based compounds could be used as an adjunctive treatment in first episode psychosis by reducing its symptoms. In a systematic review, researchers at Western Syndey University’s National Institute of Complementary Medicine (NICM) Health Research Institute assessed 11 studies to determine whether there is “real evidence” behind the claim that nutrients can actually help young people with psychosis. The researchers discovered that certain nutrient supplements, together with standard treatment for psychosis, enhanced the mental health of the participants more than standard treatment alone. They also reported that nutritional deficiencies are recognized as a risk factor for different psychiatric disorders as patients with schizophrenia have low-quality diets in general. The team also looked into past studies on certain food-derived nutrients and effects on psychosis conditions. The results of a double-blind randomized controlled trial in 2008 suggested that 2,000 mg of the amino acid N-acetylcysteine (NAC) significantly improved the negative symptoms in patients with an established illness. Meanwhile, another trial found that taking in four grams of the amino acid taurine every day lessened psychotic symptoms within 12 weeks. In 2017, a trial aimed to assess the potential benefits of a 15-mg supplement of vitamin B9 in treating schizophrenia found that it reduced side effects, as well as improved brain structure and connectivity, after 12 weeks of treatment. Support our mission and protect your health: Organic Seeds of Life combines Red Raspberry Seed Power, Black Cumin Seed Power and Red Grape Seed Powder into the most potent nutrient-rich supplemental superfood powder you’ve ever experienced. Loaded with flavonoids, antioxidants, anthocyanins, OPCs, ALA and a vast array of vital nutrients. Learn more […]

7 instantly actionable tools that will improve your brain health

7 instantly actionable tools that will improve your brain health

First thing’s first, here’s something to think about: earlier this year, it was announced that one million people in the UK will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease by 2025. In fact, the number of people already living with the condition is greater than the population of Liverpool, costing the country about £26bn a year. (Related: 11 ways to improve brain health) Those statistics needn’t weigh heavily on your mind, however. Because while some amount of cognitive decline is an inescapable truth of the ageing process, it is in no way the vertiginous slope it once was. The latest research proves that, with the right application, a few innovative and seemingly inconsequential lifestyle hacks can have a vital, beneficial effect on your cerebral functions. And you won’t have to meditate or practise a single moment of mindfulness. (Related: How to refresh your brain in under 30 minutes) So, in collaboration with Debbie Hampton, author and founder of thebestbrainpossible.com , we present the most instantly actionable tools that will have a lasting impact on your brain health, protecting your neurological powers and boosting intellect, durability and memory. Have we got your attention? Then let’s begin. 1. Have Some Food For Thought The brain represents just 2% of your bodyweight but burns through 20% of its energy. If the stomach is your second brain, your first is just as hungry. Using a fifth of your total calorie intake per day, it is made up of 60% fat, and to function properly you need to maintain that magic ratio. So it follows that what you put in your mouth makes a difference to what happens in your head. This isn’t quite a free pass to load up on Styrofoam boxes of saturated fats, however. New research published in the journal Physiology & Behavior […]

Nootropics industry has a largely untapped opportunity in eSports

Nootropics industry has a largely untapped opportunity in eSports

Related tags: eSports, Nootropic, Cognitive function, Cognitive health “Engagement with and understanding of nootropics have increased substantially over the past few years,” ​ Matthew Oster, head of consumer health research at Euromonitor ​ ​, told NutraIngredients-USA. This is especially true for younger consumers active in online environments such as the eSports community who have become much more concerned with maintaining and improving mental sharpness and consider cognitive adaptability, creativity and focus critical factors of healthy aging, Oster added. Globally, eSports encompasses an audience of 380 million and North America represents the largest market with projected revenues of $656 million by 2021, up from $345 million this year, according to video game market research firm Newzoo ​ ​. “ It is an industry dominated by the need for an edge in mental acuity, reflexes, alertness and awareness, so it seems like a natural fit for nootropics companies to expand their reach,” ​Oster said. Opportunity exists online and through sponsorships ​ Nootropics brands would be wisely spending their marketing dollars on social media engagement as much of the eSports community are avid users of these platforms. “The esports community is extremely active on social media, so there’s a higher likelihood that a particular nootropics brand will see increased consumer recognition and engagement based on its relationship with eSports,” ​ Oster said. Sponsorship of eSports teams and players has become the fastest-growing revenue stream in eSports representing 40% of the $1.2bn global revenue and registering 53.2% year-over-year growth, according to Newzoo’s data. Silicon-Valley direct-to-consumer nootropics startup, Nootrobox, has caught onto the sponsorship opportunity by striking a partnership with the eSports team, Gankstars, in 2016. Koios, a functional nootropics beverage brand based in Canada, also has a newly-minted sponsorship deal with North American eSports group, Team Impulse. “As a business, eSports is now […]

Learning Music or Speaking Another Language Leads to More Efficient Brain

Learning Music or Speaking Another Language Leads to More Efficient Brain

Summary: According to researchers, bilingual people and trained musicians utilize fewer resources in their brains while completing working memory tasks. As their brains require less effort to perform tasks, researchers speculate this could protect them from the onset of cognitive decline. Source: Baycrest Center for Geriatric Care. Whether you learn to play a musical instrument or speak another language, you’re training your brain to be more efficient, suggests a Baycrest study. Researchers found that musicians and people who are bilingual utilized fewer brain resources when completing a working memory task, according to recently published findings in the journal, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Individuals with either a musical or bilingual background activated different brain networks and showed less brain activity than people who only spoke one language and didn’t have formal music training to complete the task, according to the study’s findings. “These findings show that musicians and bilinguals require less effort to perform the same task, which could also protect them against cognitive decline and delay the onset of dementia,” says Dr. Claude Alain, first author of the paper and senior scientist at Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute. “Our results also demonstrated that a person’s experiences, whether it’s learning how to play a musical instrument or another language, can shape how the brain functions and which networks are used.” Musicians and people who are bilingual have long been shown to have a better working memory, the ability to keep things in mind, such as remembering a phone number, a list of instructions or doing mental math. But it remains a mystery as to why this is the case. This is the first brain imaging study looking at all three groups and this work uncovers how these activities boost different parts of the brain among individuals, adds […]

Ratting them out: Rats are better at detecting tuberculosis in children than standard tests

Ratting them out: Rats are better at detecting tuberculosis in children than standard tests

( Natural News ) Tuberculosis ranks among the top ten causes of death around the world, mainly in low-income countries. One problem that makes it difficult to treat is the inability to detect it in the first place; the current methods used to find the disease leave a lot to be desired. Cheap smear tests are generally used in less-affluent countries in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, and they only turn up a positive result in those who have the disease 30 to 40 percent of the time. That could soon become a problem of the past, however, as scientists have discovered that rats have the uncanny ability to sniff out the disease among children. Tuberculosis killed 1.3 million people globally in 2016, including 130,000 children. Sick people smell different Researchers from Tanzania’s Sokoine University of Agriculture became interested in this possibility thanks to anecdotal reports that people with tuberculosis give off a very specific odor. For the study, which was published in Pediatric Research , the researchers trained African giant pouched rats to smell certain compounds that are produced by people with tuberculosis. They then presented the rodents with samples of mucus and saliva, or sputum, from nearly 1,000 children younger than five. While standard smear tests in Dar es Salaam clinics only picked up 34 cases among those aged 1 to 5, the rats found an additional 23 cases, which were later confirmed using advanced fluorescence techniques with a microscope. Among children aged 6 to 10, the smear test caught 94 cases, and the rats picked up 35 more cases. In adolescents, the smear test picked up 775 cases and the rats caught an additional 177, while in adults, the smear test found 7,448 cases and the rats picked up 2,510 more. Get more news like this […]

Did you know you breathe in highly toxic jet engine air every time you travel?

Did you know you breathe in highly toxic jet engine air every time you travel?

( Natural News ) During flights, every breath you take inside an airliner’s passenger cabin fills your lungs with air taken directly from the plane’s jet engines. An article in Green Med Info stated that this exposes you to tricresyl phosphates (TCPs) and other deadly chemicals used to ensure the smooth operation of the engines. This is not a design flaw, by the way. This is a deliberate design that has been used for the past six decades. As aircraft began to fly higher and higher, engineers needed to find a way to pressurize fuselages at high altitudes. Otherwise, passengers and crew would suffer potentially dangerous conditions such as altitude sickness. (Related: Poison in the sky: The air travel industry has been putting profit over safety by ignoring aerotoxicity .) They decided the easiest way to do so was to redirect bleed air from the compressor stage of the aircraft’s engines into the fuselage. This diverted compressed air is cooled down and supposedly scrubbed by the plane’s environmental systems before being pumped into the fuselage. Today, almost every aircraft in service uses this dubious method to pressurize cockpits and cabins. The airliner equivalent of pumping car exhaust into your vehicle The problem with this neat engineering solution is that jet engines are very dirty machinery. They burn volatile fossil fuels and their numerous moving parts require a host of chemical lubricants that prevent potentially dangerous breakdowns. These lubricants include TCPs, which are also used as adhesives, active ingredients in pesticides, and plasticizers. Organophosphates like TCPs are also known to be neurotoxins, which target the brain and nerves. Support our mission and enhance your own self-reliance : The laboratory-verified Organic Emergency Survival Bucket provides certified organic, high-nutrition storable food for emergency preparedness. Completely free of corn syrup, MSG, GMOs and […]

4 ways to make the most of the sun this summer

4 ways to make the most of the sun this summer

( Natural News ) Summer is a season that doesn’t seem to last long enough for many of us, so when the sun is out and it’s hot, you definitely want to make the most of it. However, this can lead to inappropriate exposure and we end up cursing the sun for our short-sightedness in preparing ourselves to enjoy it safely and effectively. The good news is once you understand how to bask in the sun and harness all the health benefits it offers, you’ll find the overall experience much more enjoyable. With that, here’s four ways to make your summer the best one yet! Get acclimated It’s totally understandable that the minute it gets nice out that you want to run out in the sun all day and bask in the glory of those rays. Unfortunately, that sudden exposure is a shock to your skin and many times you’ll find yourself burnt and frustrated. When acclimating yourself to the sun, start in the spring and create a protective tan with phased in exposure. Melanin, the tanned skin pigment that is created with slow and steady exposure in spring, prevents sunburn in the summer. Melanin transforms 99.9 percent of absorbed UV radiation into heat that is easily dissipated, and helps you effectively avoid radiation damage that can cause cell damage. So when you start, tan in the early morning until solar noon, exposing at least your arms and legs without sunblock for at least 15 minutes. Use the heat and color of your skin as a guide to cover up when required. If you do burn, applying aloe vera with a drop of peppermint, lavender , or seabuckthorn will offer soothing relief and healing. Support our mission to keep you informed : Discover the extraordinary benefits of turmeric gummy […]

Recent Release – Global Nootropics Market, Share, Size, Dynamic Research, Forecasts Report 2025

According to the latest report published by Credence Research, Inc. “ Nootropics Market – Growth, Future Prospects and Competitive Analysis, 2016-2024,” the global nootropics market was valued at USD 1,346.5 Mn in 2015, and is expected to reach USD 6,059.4 Mn by 2024, expanding at a CAGR of 17.9% from 2016 to 2024. Browse the full report Nootropics Market – Growth, Future Prospects and Competitive Analysis, 2016–2024 at http://www.credenceresearch.com/report/nootropics-market Market Insights Nootropics, also known as cognitive enhancers are drugs and natural extracts that improve cognitive functions such as memory, creativity, motivation in healthy individuals. Nootropics have been available in the market for several decades and were made of ingredients such as multivitamins and caffeine – substances that the FDA has approved as dietary supplements and classified as GRAS (generally regarded as safe). At present, these products are being repackaged, repurposed and sold to academic and professional overachievers to augment their brain function. Companies operating in this space primarily succeed as lifestyle brands through smart marketing. However they can only be recognized as healthcare brands only after they develop products that secure regulatory approval thus establishing certified efficacy and safety to their products. Among the key applications of nootropics, memory enhancement currently holds the largest revenue share and it is anticipated that the segment will maintain its lead through the forecast period 2016-2024. Major factors favoring the demand for memory enhancing nootropics include growing awareness among students and executives about the promised benefits of nootropics, easy accessibility, and the booming market for supplements. The memory enhancing nootropic drugs enhance learning and memory effect, enhance the ability of learned behaviors to resist disruption, enhance the efficiency of your brain functions and protect the brain from chemical injuries. Memory enhancement segment for nootropics was valued at USD 391.6 Mn in 2015. Geographically, […]

How do you test a nootropic supplement for efficacy? Analytical labs weigh in

How do you test a nootropic supplement for efficacy? Analytical labs weigh in

Related tags: Nootropic, Analytical Lab, Analytical chemistry, RCT, Cognitive function, Claims “We have seen an increase in requests for nootropic studies over the past 3-5 years,” ​ Josh Baisley, B.Sc., director of clinical trials at Nutrasource ​ ​, told NutraIngredients-USA. The lab he works for is an Ontario-based full contract research organization that helps companies with regulatory compliance, clinical trials, and product testing. A key part of the business is claims substantiation to help companies bring products to market with strong science and regulatory confidence. According to Baisley, the side effects of pharmaceutical agents for cognitive decline—like the potential abuse of its addictive nature—is a big component of the rise of demand for dietary supplement nootropics. “There is ​[also] a lack of effective pharmaceutical therapies for more severe conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s which appear more prevalent due to the aging population,” ​ he explained. This in turn has boosted demand for preventive natural products and dietary supplements from consumers, he added. Changes reflect 21 st ​ century North American population ​ Another Ontario-based lab, KGK Science ​ ​, noted the same upward trend for nootropic product testing. Dr. Mal Evans, scientific director at KGK Science, said that it’s very much a consumer-driven trend. “The changes are also a reflection of the 21st century North American population,” ​ she told us. “Cognition and stress is an issue with baby boomers becoming a sandwich generation, the transient nature of jobs, and the demand for keeping up with the ever-changing face of technology.” ​ “The term ‘nootropic’ by definition is a compound that increases mental functions including memory, motivation, concentration, and attention,” ​ said Josh Baisley, B.Sc., director of clinical trials at Nutrasource, citing a 2008 study ​ ​ published in Pharmacological Research ​. It is often linked to products […]

New study links body clock to mood disorders

New study links body clock to mood disorders

Messing with the rhythm of one’s internal body clock and sleep cycle may increase the risk of developing mood problems ranging from depression to bipolar disorder, scientists have found. The study , published in the Lancet Psychiatry journal on Tuesday, also linked interference with the body’s "circadian rhythm" to a decline in cognitive functions such as memory and attention span. The brain’s hard-wired circadian time-keeper governs day-night cycles, influencing sleep patterns, the release of hormones and even body temperature. Earlier research had suggested that disrupting these rhythms can adversely affect mental health, but was inconclusive: most data was self-reported, participant groups were small, and potentially data-skewing factors were not ruled out. For the new study, an international team led by Laura Lyall, a University of Glasgow psychologist, analysed data – taken from the UK Biobank, one of the most complete long-term health surveys ever done – on 91,105 people aged 37 to 73. The volunteers wore accelerometers that measured patterns of rest and activity and had this record compared to their mental history, also taken from the UK Biobank. Individuals with a history of disrupting their body’s natural rhythm – working night shifts, for example, or suffering repeated jetlag – also tended to have a higher lifetime risk of mood disorders, feelings of unhappiness and cognitive problems, the researchers found. The results held true even after the potential impact of factors such as old age, unhealthy lifestyle, obesity and childhood trauma had been taken into account, the researchers said. The study cannot say conclusively that body-clock disturbances are what caused the mental risk, instead of the other way round. But the findings "reinforce the idea that mood disorders are associated with disturbed circadian rhythms", said Lyall.

Stunned scientists find BLUEBERRIES are better at destroying cancer cells than conventional radiation therapy alone

Stunned scientists find BLUEBERRIES are better at destroying cancer cells than conventional radiation therapy alone

( Natural News ) Cervical cancer strikes close to 13,000 women each year , claiming over 4,200 lives. Traditional treatment options include surgery to remove the affected tissue, radiation therapy using high energy x-rays to destroy cancer cells, chemotherapy drugs to destroy the affected cells (although healthy cells are killed too), or a combination thereof. However, these treatments are invasive and have low success rates. Now, a study by researchers from the University of Missouri-Columbia has confirmed that blueberry extract not only enhances the effects of radiation therapy – one of the most popular treatments for cervical cancer – but is even more successful than radiation at destroying cancer cells. A radiosensitizer turns out to be a potent treatment The University of Missouri research team wanted to investigate the use of blueberry extract as a radiosensitizer – a non-toxic, natural substance which enhances the efficacy of conventional cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy. The team previously had success treating prostate cancer using a polyphenol in red grapes called resveratrol as a radiosensitizer . To their surprise, blueberry extract not only proved to be a powerful radiosensitizer, but was shown to be an even more effective cervical cancer treatment than radiation. Study participants were divided into four groups: The first group was only given radiation therapy; a second group received only blueberry extract; a control group received no treatment at all; and a fourth group received a combination of both radiation therapy and blueberry extract. Support our mission and enhance your own self-reliance : The laboratory-verified Organic Emergency Survival Bucket provides certified organic, high-nutrition storable food for emergency preparedness. Completely free of corn syrup, MSG, GMOs and other food toxins. Ultra-clean solution for years of food security. Learn more at the Health Ranger Store . The radiation-only group exhibited an […]

With plastic pollution in the oceans at 16xs more than previously thought, is it even possible to clean it up?

With plastic pollution in the oceans at 16xs more than previously thought, is it even possible to clean it up?

( Natural News ) There was a time when the sea was the go-to place for keeping the body clean and catching fresh fish free from harmful chemicals. Beach lovers didn’t think twice about swimming there because they knew it was perfectly safe, and good for their health besides. But recent figures show that those who hesitate to swim at the beach have good reason to do so. A Great Pacific Garbage Patch is threatening the health of humans and the lives of sea creatures that live there. The humongous patch is twice the size of Texas and thrice the area of France. It is home to 80,000 tons of debris, which scientists estimate is equivalent to 1.8 trillion pieces of glow sticks, nets, bleach bottles, straws, toys, and drums. A three-year mapping project conducted by eight organizations showed that the garbage patch cuts across over 600,000 square miles of water between California and Hawaii. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration marine debris program funded research by Beth Polidoro, assistant professor of environmental chemistry in the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences at Arizona State University on plastic litter and microplastics in places near marine ecosystems. Her findings reveal that the garbage patch was discovered in the late ’80s. Its size has exponentially grown since. The culprit: plastic use and discards, which are expected to balloon to over 400 million tons per year by 2020. Contributing to these frightening statistics are findings from Plastic Oceans , a global nonprofit organization that looks into plastic pollution and its effects, that over 500 billion plastic bags and 35 billion plastic water bottles are thrown into the patch yearly. Get CLEAN FOOD and help support our mission to keep you informed : The Health Ranger Store lab verifies everything we sell with […]

Rebutting Big Pharma’s false arguments about the safety of vaccines

Rebutting Big Pharma’s false arguments about the safety of vaccines

( Natural News ) Those in favor of vaccines, including government mouthpieces like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), insist that these medical interventions carry very few side effects, and that the benefits far outweigh any risks. Nonetheless, the public at large is never really given the opportunity to make that assessment individually, because those who try to warn others about the dangers of vaccines are dismissed as conspiracy theorists. Despite this, as noted by the Global Research Centre , there are at least four areas of concern when it comes to vaccines: autism, Alzheimer’s disease, aluminum and autoimmune disorders. Autism When parents report that their cognitively normal children have started exhibiting disturbing changes in behavior after a vaccine and have been diagnosed as autistic, there is often a media backlash and insistence that the parents are talking rubbish. However, Health Impact News reported that despite the medical community’s “hear no evil, see no evil” attitude, there are no fewer than 49 scientific studies confirming a link between vaccines and autism. And those studies stretch all the way back to 1943, when a Dr. Kanner noted that 11 children became “withdrawn, uncommunicative and displayed … odd behaviors” – a group of symptoms later referred to as “autism” – after receiving the smallpox vaccine. Representative Dan Burton, addressing the House Oversight Committee Hearing on Autism held in Washington D.C in 2012, noted, “We have gone from one in 10,000 children with autism to one in 88. It is worse than an epidemic, it is an absolute disaster.” Support our mission and enhance your own self-reliance : The laboratory-verified Organic Emergency Survival Bucket provides certified organic, high-nutrition storable food for emergency preparedness. Completely free of corn syrup, MSG, GMOs and other food toxins. Ultra-clean solution for years of food […]

Rampant mobile phone use causing brain tumors to skyrocket… while corporate-run media remains in denial

Rampant mobile phone use causing brain tumors to skyrocket… while corporate-run media remains in denial

( Natural News ) Is your cellphone giving you brain cancer? New research highlights the potential dangers of increased mobile phone use. Cellphones have become ubiquitous in Western societies, and now evidence suggests that they could be behind the dramatic rise in a rare type of brain tumors. Experts say that cases of a malignant brain tumor known as Glioblastoma Multiforme (or GBM) have doubled since 1995. GBM is an aggressive and often fatal type of cancer, and used to be far less common than it is today — now there are nearly 3,000 cases of GBM in England alone. Scientists from Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE) have analyzed 79,241 malignant brain tumors over the last 21 years in order to come to this estimation. Speaking about their findings, Professor Denis Henshaw commented, “Our findings illustrate the need to look more carefully at, and to try and explain the mechanisms behind, these cancer trends, instead of brushing the causal factors under the carpet and focusing only on cures.” Recently, the group as a whole surmised that the increasing rates of frontal temporal lobe cancers “raises the suspicion that mobile and cordless phone use may be promoting gliomas.” Past research has come to similar conclusions about cellphones and cancer. In 2014, one study reportedly found that cellphone use was contributing to a three-fold increase in cancers of the brain. More recently, however, a study published in early 2018 found that cell phone radiation caused rare brain tumors in rats. The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has even declared that cellphone radiation is a “probable human carcinogen,” yet many mainstream health organizations and trendy scientists are denying the very real potential of cellphone-induced disease. Get CLEAN FOOD and help support our mission to […]

Nature Knows Nootropics