Anavex, Glovia, And India Globalization Capital: The Future Of Alzheimer’s Treatments

Anavex, Glovia, And India Globalization Capital: The Future Of Alzheimer's Treatments
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Anavex 2-73, Glovia's Feru-guard, and India Globalization Capital's Hyalolex act as antioxidants which is likely the key to treating Alzheimer's disease.

Glovia is not currently a publicly traded company in the United States; regardless, its natural product holds considerable promise for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

India Globalization Capital's management and products have come under sharp criticism.

Results from Anavex's current Alzheimer's trial will not be available until March 2021.

After each Alzheimer’s drug failure, the inevitable question is always asked what are we doing wrong. Anavex (AVXL), Glovia, and India Globalization Capital (IGC) are three companies that may have the correct answer.

Each company’s drug candidate acts as an antioxidant and this is likely the key to treating Alzheimer’s disease. Following is compelling evidence that oxidation and nitration are the key factors behind the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease:

The increase in oxidative stress and the decrease in the brain’s main antioxidant glutathione exactly parallels the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease (glutathione depletion and Alzheimer's disease).

All genetic mutations that lead to early onset of Alzheimer’s disease increase oxidative stress (genetic mutations and oxidative stress). Reducing that stress (genetic mutations and environmental toxins) and using specific antioxidants may delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease in these cases by up to ten years.

Oxidative stress leads to the formation of amyloid oligomers, hyperphosphorylated tau, and neuroinflammation all of which in turn increase oxidative stress, but without that stress each does relatively little damage to the brain (amyloid, tau, neuroinflammation).

All of the main features of Alzheimer’s disease are the direct result of oxidation and nitration: mitochondrial dysfunction, DNA damage, the reduced synthesis and release of neurotransmitters needed for the retrieval of short-term memory, sleep, balanced mood, social recognition, and alertness, the impaired transport of glucose, reduced blood flow, damage to the blood-brain barrier, delusions, hallucinations, the decreased regeneration of neurons and synapses in the hippocampus, and the death of neurons and synapses (the effects of oxidation/nitration).

Most of the drugs tested for Alzheimer’s disease have slowed down the production of oxidants, but very few have scavenged oxidants and reversed part of their damage to the brain. The former can only slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease for a while while the latter can largely stabilize the disease and lead to improvements in some areas.

Anavex 2-73, a tetrahydrofuran derivative and heterocyclic compound, acts as an antioxidant (heterocyclic compounds as antioxidants). The drug at higher concentrations appeared to largely stabilize Alzheimer’s disease for 148 weeks (clinical trial, pp. 18-19). Tetrahydrofuran compounds are hydrogen and electron donors (study) which is needed to scavenge the nitro-oxidant peroxynitrite (formula on bottom p. 8). In doing so, they produce water which de-nitrates critical enzymes needed for the regeneration of neurons and synapses in the hippocampus (water as a de-nitrating agent, nitration of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase neurogenesis and synaptogenesis). Peroxynitrite is also implicated in other neurological conditions such as Rett syndrome (peroxynitrite in autism spectrum disorders). Anavex 2-73 has shown some early promise in the treatment of Rett syndrome as well (preliminary results). Anavex’s future success will depend on results from its placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blinded trials.

Glovia is also currently running such a trial for Alzheimer’s disease (Glovia trial). Its natural compound ferulic acid is a peroxynitrite scavenger (scavenger) that also appears to lower norepinephrine levels (ferulic acid adrenergic receptors/norepinephrine). The latter is connected to neuropsychiatric problems in Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia (noradrenaline in neuropsyciatric problems - dementia). In the past, Feru-guard has produced promising results in this area (Feru-guard for Alzheimer's disease, Feru-guard for other dementias). In addition when combined with other antioxidant compounds (such as in panax ginseng), ferulic acid also appears to largely stabilize cognitive function in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (clinical trial one, clinical trial two, clinical trial three, clinical trial four).

India Globalization Capital’s compound hyalolex combines THC from hemp oil with turmeric/curcumin and melatonin. IGC is jumping on the hemp oil (and marijuana) bandwagon but it has a head start in regards to Alzheimer’s disease because of its pending patent. THC (THC as a neuroprotectant) (THC from cannabis oil), curcumin and melatonin are all peroxynitrite scavengers, although the impact of curcumin in the brain is limited by its poor absorption and melatonin’s impact is limited by damaged melatonin receptors.

India Globalization Capital unfortunately has a very checkered history with accusations of mismanagement, very limited cash flow, no clinical trials in the foreseeable future, and a past trade suspension based in part on its swerve into its new cannabis/hemp-related ventures based on unsubstantiated claims (red flags, trading suspension). All of this is very unfortunate given that medicinal marijuana has the potential to be an important treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. Investing in this company at the present time involves very heavy risks.

The results of the Feru-guard trial for Alzheimer’s disease may come out at the end of this year and the Anavex results for Alzheimer’s disease may come out in March 2021. Glovia is a small company which is not publicly traded in the United States (nor apparently in Japan). Whether its trial results will change that remains to be seen. So it should not be on the radar of investors, but it should be on the radar of anyone caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease or other form of dementia.

For the time being at least, Anavex 2-73 appears to be the only stable and substantial company offering a potential antioxidant treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. At current levels, it does not seem to be much of an investment risk, even though potential catalysts are a considerable way off.

In the larger picture, those drugs and natural products that have reduced the production of oxidants, scavenged them, and reversed part of their damage are the only substances that have ever shown any effectiveness against Alzheimer’s disease.

Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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