Learn about brain health and nootropics to boost brain function
Few go as far as Zoltan Istvan, who dreams of a brain implant to connect him to the internet, but many in Silicon Valley use technology to improve their bodies
We chart some of the latest developments in biohacking, implants, experimental biology and nootropics – all intended to improve cognitive ability and health
Implants such as a chip in your hand or wrist that could send messages and open your front door are one of the more extreme visions of biohackers. Photo: Shutterstock How binaural beats work: the sounds said to tune our moods, boost productivity, lower stress. The science is shaky, doctor says
‘Brain-tuning frequencies’ known as binaural beats are gaining credence as a tool to encourage mindfulness, boost productivity and even relieve stress
While the scientific evidence for their beneficial effects is slim, doctors agree exposure to binaural beats can create changes in the brain’s degree of arousal
Binaural beats are being used as a way to encourage mindfulness and boost productivity – but can sound frequencies make real changes to our brain states and moods? Photo: Shutterstock