Learn about brain health and nootropics to boost brain function
(Natural News) Both matcha and green tea come from the Camellia sinensis plant, but that’s were the similarities end. The former, in particular, is processed further into powder — the word “matcha” literally means “powdered tea.” It’s also known to boost brain and heart health and even protect cells from harmful reactions. Matcha can even support a stable metabolism, keep the mind sharp and lift the mood, and purge toxins from the body.
The catechins in green tea can support the health of the heart and blood vessels. Drinking matcha tea, therefore, can lead to even more benefits because it’s the most potent version of it. People drinking either matcha or green tea can also lower the chances of dying from heart disease and stroke. The superfood can also curb the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.
Matcha tea contains EGCG and other strong antioxidants that ensure the arteries stay healthy. They also stop free radicals from triggering inflammation and oxidative reactions that harm cells and tissues. Thanks to these antioxidant effects, matcha can slow down the effects of aging and bolster the immune system. (Related: Antioxidant-rich matcha green tea found to help beat breast cancer.)
The brain is another important organ that loves matcha tea. Regularly drinking it can help maintain cognitive function in the face of advancing age and the advent of neurodegenerative diseases.
A 2014 study by the University of Shizuoka showed that drinking matcha tea every day for three months sharpened the brain of elderly participants. The treatment also slowed the rate of cognitive decline caused by aging. In a separate experiment, healthy people who took matcha were able to react faster, remember things better, and concentrate harder on a task than placebo-treated counterparts.
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In addition, matcha raises the metabolism of the body and improves the efficiency of the fat-burning process. It could, therefore, contribute to the tough effort of losing weight.
Regular doses greatly increase the rate of thermogenesis, which determines the number of calories burned by your body. Normally, the body only achieves a thermogenesis rate of up to 10 percent, but taking the superfood can more than quadruple the effectiveness of this calorie-burning process by up to 43 percent.
Drinking a cup before taking a walk will increase the amount of fat that gets broken down into energy during exercise. This effect decreases the overall fat present in the body.
When it comes to amino acid content, matcha tea is the best among all teas. In particular, it has the greatest amount of L-theanine, which induces a relaxing feeling in the brain.
The caffeine in matcha increases the alertness and concentration of a person. At the same time, its high levels of L-theanine calms the person. The two substances balance each other out, and the resulting state of “relaxed alertness” explains why Japanese monks like to drink this concoction before practicing meditation for long periods of time.
Last but not least, matcha can help detoxify your body. The green color of the tea comes from its abundance of chlorophyll, a biological adaptation of matcha tea plants to ensure sufficient absorption of sunlight for photosynthesis. Chlorophyll absorbs chemicals, heavy metals, and other harmful substances that have accumulated in your organs. It carries those toxins out of your body, allowing your internal systems to resume their normal functions.
However, matcha tea is not for everyone. If caffeine is bad for you, there are other superfoods with similar benefits.
If you’re looking to try it out, eat breakfast or lunch first before drinking a cup.
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