Learn about brain health and nootropics to boost brain function
Despite our hopes that 2021 would roll around and spell the end of the turmoil we experienced in 2020, we quickly came to realise that change doesn’t listen to months on the calendar. Now three months into the New Year, and it appears the global pandemic isn’t going anywhere. While some now find themselves carefully easing back into office life, others are finding the financial strains of the pandemic unforgiving. It’s unfamiliar territory we find ourselves in and as we’ve seen, it’s unrelenting. No one quite knows when things will return to normal, or at least, the life we once knew before all interactions mandated masks, social distancing and, if you’re lucky, a bump of elbows.
It’s hardly surprising then, that the pandemic has led to feelings of uncertainty, with one in four Australians feeling less calm and focused, according to new research commissioned by integrative healthcare brand Flordis KeenMind. This study found that of those surveyed, 30 per cent are worried about their ability to stay focused in 2020, particularly amongst those aged 18 to 33-years-old.
Many factors have contributed to the uncertainty of this time and in particular, financial constraints. But as many of us now look to rebuild and invest our energy in new passions for 2021, the focus we need to now “switch on” is hard to produce. How do we combat these feelings of uncertainty to ensure 2021 is a year of greater clarity, focus and achieving our goals? Read on for six ways to improve mental focus while working from home, including supplements, exercise and embracing fun activities. Take up a new hobby
You need only take a cursory scroll through Instagram to see that when lockdown strikes, people get creative and that creativity shone through in the form of sourdough bread. But if the thought of feeding a starter and tending to a loaf in the kitchen isn’t quite what you’re into, don’t stress – any hobby is worth pursuing if it encourages experimentation, learning and sparks curiosity. Studies have shown that activities like exercise, cooking or meditation can help improve cognitive function and overall wellbeing, too. Eat a balanced diet
Food is fuel and not surprisingly, what we put into our bodies has a major impact on how we feel and perform. When the body is struggling to focus or you feel like you’re in a brain fog, it can be easy to reach for processed foods and sugars, thinking these will give you the mental boost you need. Rather, you should be eating a well-balanced diet, complete with all the nutrients you need. When it comes to optimising brain health and performance, consider adding fatty fish, blueberries, turmeric which is a potent antioxidant, pumpkin seeds and green tea to your diet. Carve out time for exercise
The importance of exercise can’t be underestimated and when most of us are cooped up indoors as a result of lockdown, the need to prioritise our health and carve out time to exercise can’t be overestimated. If you can’t get outdoors, something as simple as following a 15-minute app workout will do wonders to increase the level of dopamine and serotonin to the brain, encourage deep breathing and, as studies suggest, even results in an increased focus of attention and reaction time, for at least two hours. Take work out of the bedroom
As most of us continue to divide our time between the office and working from home arrangements, you might want to reconsider the location of where you’re working at home. By working in the bedroom, the brain soon associates the space with work, meaning that despite how tired you are, when it comes time to switch off for the night, your brain will be in overdrive thinking about the work you need to get done. Health experts suggest keeping the bedroom to the three S’s: sleep, sex, and sickness. If you really can’t work anywhere else, consider being stricter about the time you switch off for work, and start implementing a sleep routine in which you begin to unwind for the night by doing things like reading or listening to music. Cut down on screen time
Similarly to that above, NBN reported a 71 per cent increase in business traffic on screens, compared to pre-lockdown figures. In 2021, find ways to cut down on screen time by minimising screen exposure and ensuring you get up from your desk every 20-30 minutes. This could be something as simple as making tea in the kitchen during a break, or doing some guided meditation or stretches outside to break up the work day. Explore complementary medicines
Research suggests natural supplements can be effective when it comes to supporting optimal brain performance and focus. When it comes to supplements, Flordis’ KeenMind demonstrates benefits for enhancing memory retention and recall, supporting mental clarity and focus, and also assists in learning, concentration and attention. As well as this, clinical research has shown that KeenMind supports mental wellbeing and even helps you maintain a sense of calm. The healthcare recommended product contains a special extract called CDRI 08 which is made from nootropic plant, Bacopa Monnieri which is designed to maintain brain function, ensuring you stay focused and on track to reach your 2021 goals.
Brought to you by Flordis
Flordis KeenMind is a Health Professional Only product that is available in pharmacies Australia wide. For further information about KeenMind®, or if you have any concerns about your cognitive health, be sure to consult your health professional.
Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.
Read more at www.womenshealth.com.au