Learn about brain health and nootropics to boost brain function
A supplement that stops the breakdown of the acetylcholine neurotransmitter in the brain is a useful technique to trigger lucid dreams
Throughout human history, dreams were regarded as a sign of what might happen in your life and the world. Today researchers are learning more and more about how sleep and the brain control your dreams. The human brain is wired to do many things during the stages of sleep.
We now understand different types of dreams and classify them into categories.
Lucid dreaming is a term scientists use to describe when you know the situation you are experiencing, is in fact, a dream. It's a scenario with exciting possibilities.
Being able to control your dreams may have many benefits. These may include:
Neuroscientists now understand the chemistry of dreams and how you can use specific supplements to trigger lucid dreams.
Research has investigated a supplement called galantamine to treat Alzheimer's disease. It acts on enzymes that break down a neurotransmitter known to trigger dreams during sleep.
Brain conditions like Alzheimer's disease associate with sleep disorders. Even a few nights of sleep deprivation can increase the build-up of Amyloid plaques in the brain that contribute to mental decline. (1)
However, new studies show galantamine may also trigger a lucid dream.
In this article, we'll explore:
Why do Dreams Happen in REM Sleep?
Let's take a quick look at the neuroscience of sleep and dreams.
In mammals and birds, sleep is split into two types:
We now know that most dreams occur during REM sleep. During this period, the brain is doing 'self-work' like removing build-up from the day.
Brain waves during REM sleep are faster, similar to waking hours, than those during NREM sleep.
Understanding the stages of sleep tells us that dreams could be a good indicator of healthy sleep.
If you don't dream, then it might mean you're not getting enough, or good quality REM sleep.
What Causes Lucid Dreaming?
If you're new to Lucid dreaming, you can read this article: What is Lucid Dreaming?
It's now understood that specific types of neurotransmitters manage the sleep cycle.
Acetylcholine (ACh), is a neurotransmitter known to induce the REM sleep cycle. The more ACh in your brain, the more likely that you'll trigger lucid dreaming.
Scientists have studied the brain receptors for (ACh).
These include:
They removed the genes that regulate these receptors in mice. The result was less REM sleep in the study group.
How to Trigger Lucid Dreaming with Galantamine
One method to trigger lucid dreaming is to prevent the breakdown of ACh in the brain.
By using a drug or supplement called galantamine, scientists found they were able to trigger lucid dreaming.
The supplement was approved by the FDA in 2001.
Studies on galantamine have found: (3)
Galantamine increase ACh levels in the brain. It seems to improve higher memory allowance, which improves dream recall as well as the ability to lucid dream.
What is Galantamine?
When neurotransmitters are released, the body uses them and or breaks them down. Inhibitors stop the action of a particular neurotransmitter or enzyme.
Galantamine is a natural supplement:
Galantamine inhibits the enzyme that breaks down ACh. It hence increases the amount of ACH present in the brain.
These mechanisms explain why it may help improve REM sleep and lucid dreaming.
Galantamine is known to have powerful mind-inducing effects. It may even be regarded as a Nootropic (brain-enhancer).
It belongs to a class of substances frequently reported with the side effect of an increase in the vividness or intensity of dreams.
REM Sleep and Triggering Lucid Dreaming
A 2018 double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study looked at galantamine and lucid dreaming. (5)
What they did:
Dreams were classified as:
The results:
A total of 69 out of 121 participants (57%) successfully had a lucid dream on at least one out of two nights on an active dose of galantamine.
How to use Galantamine to Trigger Lucid Dreaming
Always check with your physician before starting a supplement or medication.
The most common dosage for lucid dreaming is 4-8mg. It might be best to start with 4mg, record your results, and increase to 8mg if needed.
Here are a two different galantamine supplements with 4mg and 6mg options.
Take the pill after 4-6 hours of sleep -- it will gain its highest activity in an hour. Set an alarm between 3-4am, take the pill, and go straight back to sleep
As you enter the stage between wakefulness and sleep, (hypnagogia) you may experience hallucinations.
If you see these, stay as still as possible, it's likely you're entering a lucid dreaming state.
What Happens in Lucid Dreams, and are there Dangers?
Always check with your physician and ask about interactions with medications you're taking.
If you're new to lucid dreaming read this blog before taking any medication or supplement. What is Lucid Dreaming?
Danger or side-effects may include:
How do I Trigger a Lucid Dream with Sleep Techniques?
1. Practicing mindfulness and meditation
Meditation is likely to increase your chances of lucid dreaming.
During the day, or even right before going to sleep, meditate for at 10-15 minutes.
Here are a few resources and explanations for beginners.
2. Good Sleeping Patterns
Good sleeping patterns mean balancing melatonin levels released from the pineal gland.
These depend on:
If you feel REM Sleep or lucid dreaming starting, try to be as still as possible. This allows your body to enter sleep paralysis. It's this stage that the brain immerses itself in the world of rapid eye movement sleep.
The benefits of lucid dreaming are now being understood to include better memory, focus, learning, and healthy sleep.
With proper REM sleep cycles, the brain may reduce the risk of conditions like Alzheimer's disease, and dementia.
Galantamine whilst approved as treatment for Alzheimer's disease may also be effective to trigger lucid dreaming.
For better sleep use with meditation and mindfulness practices.
Now it's up to you.
Have you experienced lucid dreaming? What techniques did you do to induce better REM sleep and lucid dreaming?
Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.
Further Reading:
The Human Origin Project (HOP) is an independent media company launched to enhance public understanding on the biggest questions on humanity. Fundamentally, every person on planet earth wants and needs to know where they come from. Our goal is to illuminate that true story of humanity.
Our writers focus on developments across a broad range of topics to enhance public understanding on the progressive topic of Human Origins. We cover areas such as prehistory, anthropology, evolutionary biology, archaeology, ancient cultures, physics, the universe, and consciousness.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.
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