Read – it’s good for your brain

Read – it’s good for your brain

Lou Danner is an avid reader. Reading print books accrues documented benefits for better brain function. Researchers have found that the occipital lobe, the area of the brain that processes visual input, is more developed in readers. Readers also demonstrate increased connectivity in the left temporal cortex, the region responsible for language receptivity, even hours after they’ve stopped reading. The ability to quickly and efficiently distill information enhances creativity, imagination and strengthens analytical skills.

Following all the story elements in chapter books develops critical thinking. Studies have shown that reading builds connections across both hemispheres and between the lobes. This suggests that reading can train the mind and enhance neural function. Improved brain structure may help slow age related cognitive decline.

Reading creates new synapses and stimulates existing ones in areas of the brain responsible for associative learning, learning and vision for a memory boost. Overall mental flexibility is vital to developing and retaining memories. 300×250 image ad Numerous studies find reading to be an effective stress reliever. In one 2009 study 30 minutes of reading compared favorably to 30 minutes of yoga. Another study found that reading lowers stress levels by 68%. Being lost in a book is akin to an altered state of consciousness.

Sleep is critical to brain health. Relaxing with a real book versus screen time has been shown to promote better sleep.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one,” according to George R.R. Martin, author of “Games of Thrones.” Immersing oneself in the lives of people from different times, places and cultures fosters empathy. A study published in 2013, found that people who consume literary fiction have an easier time sensing and relating to emotions in other people. Reading doesn’t just make a person smarter – it may make them kinder.

Open for high risk individuals, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. For the general public, open hours will be 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Building capacity will be limited to 25, per Gov. Mark Gordon’s order. Contact tracing will be required by the county health department. Both restrictions will be subject to change.

Summer Reading 2020 began June 1 and ends Aug. 1. Summer Reading is for all ages, babies to adults. Check out the movie, yes, there is a unicorn involved, at youtube.

“Imagine your Story” and “Kindness Rocks!” are the guiding themes for 2020. Explore the app at for a virtual component. Use the following codes at Reader Zone for activities and suggestions: adults, 4d958; teens and tweens, ad3b7 and kids, a73b2

For students in grades 6-12: Sign on at for an interactive summer reading experience.Teens and tweens use code ad3b7. Choose a program to join:

• Record completed books: O Cody Readers grades 6-8, eight books duration of SR O Cody Readers grades 9 -12, eight books duration of SR Summer Readers may pick up packets beginning on Monday of each week. Call (307) 527-1889 or email for special exceptions.

Join Summer Reading anytime until Aug. 1. Pick up a folder with activity sheets and a calendar to track progress in the library or swing by for a grab and go curbside pickup all this week. There may be a unicorn sighting. See the downloads at .

Explore for an interactive summer reading experience. Kids use code a73b2. To stay in touch with Children’s Librarian Holly Baker and staff call (307) 527-1884, email or visit . Follow codykidsread on Twitter and Facebook.

Log in at the for live event with Nguyn Phan Qu Mai, author of “The Mountains Sing,” 5 p.m. June 16. “The Mountains Sing” is a saga of the Vietnamese people themselves, illustrating the true power of kindness and hope. It available at in eBook or audiobook format. Hoopla is underwritten by the Park County Library Foundation.


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