Learn about brain health and nootropics to boost brain function
Cannabis sativa belongs to industrial hemp. Each part of the plant offers many advantages: Flower: has powerful medicinal and mood-changing properties
Seeds: are rich in essential fatty acids and vegetable amino acids, which are necessary for the body.
Stalk: belong to the most substantial natural production source of industrial fibres worldwide
Roots & leaves: enrich the soil with valuable nutrients so that a farmer can allow several cannabis plants to flourish per season.
With the rise of CBD products, we are now able to order and buy weed seeds in UK with some of the best companies and online stores such as SensorySeeds.com.
Besides, the cannabis plant is straightforward to grow. It withstands harsh winter months and thrives in almost any setting without pesticides and herbicides. But keep in mind that growing cannabis in the UK is still illegal!
Cannabis seeds’ special features
Hemp seeds are the small seeds of the hemp seed plant Cannabis sativa. They have an olive-green, glossy protective cover, a white pulp and are about 2-4mm long and wide.
In contrast to the Indian hemp Cannabis indica (also known as marijuana), cannabis seeds and hemp oil from Cannabis sativa are not intoxicating. The Cannabis sativa plant contains only a tiny amount (less than 0.2%) or no THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) at all.
Cannabis indica, on the other hand, plays a significant role in the manufacture of drugs and medicine.
Healthy cannabis seeds
Cannabis seeds strengthen the immune system, promote the elimination of toxins and support the healing process. They provide all of the essential amino acids that the human body cannot produce on its own, thereby increasing the building and repair of cells and reducing the susceptibility to disease.
Cannabis seeds are also rich in healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The human body needs both fatty acids for various cellular processes. They lower harmful triglycerides, promote heart health, boost immune activity, improve digestion, are suitable for the brain, and increase physical energy.
The body also uses the omega 6 fatty acids as a building block for anti-inflammatory hormones and supports the healing process of eczema, asthma, acne, allergies, fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids also make it easier to burn fat, lower the bad cholesterol level and ensure shiny hair, beautiful skin and healthy nails.
Cannabis seeds also contain a lot of vitamin E, various minerals and trace elements (such as zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus), digestive fibre, antioxidants, chlorophyll and immune-supporting secondary plant substances.
Vitamin E and zinc have an antioxidant effect and protect the cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Iron helps distribute oxygen-rich red blood cells throughout the body, and magnesium plays a massive role in hundreds of chemical reactions in the body.
The complex nutritional composition in cannabis seeds helps eliminate unwanted toxins from the body and stimulate fat burning. At the same time, the creation of a hormonal balance is supported, and a high cholesterol level is lowered.
In contrast to some whey or protein shakes, the protein in the hemp seeds is easily digestible for most. Whey and various protein shake often lead to air pockets and gas in the intestines.
The vegetable protein in cannabis seeds is easy to digest and, unlike soy products, does not contain any phytic acid.
Cannabis seed effects
1. Hemp seeds promote the regeneration of the muscles
After a strenuous exercise, the body is often over-acidic. The various minerals and vitamin E in cannabis seeds help to bring the body’s pH back into balance, and the essential fats have anti-inflammatory effects and support the regeneration and healing process of small muscle cells.
The muscle can regenerate faster, muscle soreness can be reduced, and the acidification of the body can be balanced out.
2. Hemp seeds increase testosterone levels
Testosterone is an important muscle stimulating hormone. It promotes muscle growth and muscle activity.
Besides, cannabis seeds contain various nutrients that support the function and production of testosterone.With the help of the magnesium in cannabis seeds, testosterone is released from the binding protein SHBG and becomes bioavailable to the body. It increases the level of testosterone in the blood and promotes muscle growth.Aspartic acid is a non-essential amino acid found in cannabis seeds and is used in the production of signaling molecules. These molecules promote testosterone levels and the number of sperm in the male body.Cannabis seeds provide magnesium and aspartic acid in large quantities.3. Cannabis seeds provide energy Cannabis seeds provide more energy if 4 tablespoons of raw hemp seeds are eaten with fresh fruit in the morning, productivity and the ability to concentrate increase.Cannabis seeds contain special fats that increase brain performance and proteins that stimulate cell activity. Both serve as a good source of energy for the body and reduce the need for other stimulants, such as coffee, sugar, chocolate, energy drinks or other sugary drinks.4. Cannabis seeds improve memory The brain needs various fats and vitamins to function optimally. The omega-3 fatty acids in cannabis seeds are converted through several processes in the body and used as an essential source of energy for the brain and the entire nervous system.It improves memory and mood and reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression. Regular consumption of cannabis seeds can also reduce the risk of diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.5. Cannabis seeds help you lose weight The combination of nutrients in cannabis seeds ensures a faster feeling of satiety, increases metabolism, reduces cravings for sweets and increases motivation for training and physical activity. The fats they contain also help burn fat, and the fibre helps to excrete more toxins, making it easier to lose weight.In conclusion cannabis seeds have many beneficial properties and we hope that over time they will be more appreciated and marketed, so that more people can easily include them in their daily diet. It is now easy to find them online as on the Sensoryseed shop and we hope that over time they will become more and more known by lovers of healfy food. Keep up with the top stories from Reader’s Digest by subscribing to our […]
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