6 Proven Supplements To Improve Your Mood And Mental Health (That Most People Ignore)

6 Proven Supplements To Improve Your Mood And Mental Health (That Most People Ignore)

How can you know whether or not you’re doing enough for your mental health? First, did you know that around 40 percent of Americans take some supplement and undergo some “alternative” treatment? Harvard University researchers estimate that this percentage rises to about 50 percent…

Wonderful Water

Wonderful Water

After a night of sleep realistically you’ve gone one third of the day without taking in any fluids, add to that most people don’t drink enough water when they are awake. As much as 75% of the USA population may suffer from chronic dehydration….

Oral omega-3 supplementation linked to a reduced risk of eye disease in young adults

Oral omega-3 supplementation linked to a reduced risk of eye disease in young adults

( Natural News ) Omega-3 fatty acids are highly regarded for their health benefits, especially when it comes to brain health. But it turns out omega-3s have a lot more to offer and can be highly beneficial to a set of organs that are…

Scientists reveal that restricting eating to a 12-hour window prevents obesity

Scientists reveal that restricting eating to a 12-hour window prevents obesity

( Natural News ) Australian researchers report that restricting yourself to eating within a 12-hour window can help you avoid obesity. In an article on Health Medicine Network , the researchers show the results of a mice model where animals on a high-fat diet…

Evidence is accumulating that hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields can cause high blood sugar

Evidence is accumulating that hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields can cause high blood sugar

( Natural News ) Some 30 million people in the U.S. have diabetes, and the number of people affected continues to grow every year. The disease and its hallmark symptom, high blood sugar, are known to have a number of risk factors like poor…

Ease anxiety with meditation and essential oils

Ease anxiety with meditation and essential oils

( Natural News ) One of the negative effects of living in today’s high-paced world is an elevated level of anxiety. With the pressures brought about by work, studies, or even home, most people always live in constant worry, with some even turning to…

Nature Knows Nootropics