Fermented Blueberries May Restore Cognitive Function In Amnesia

Fermented Blueberries May Restore Cognitive Function In Amnesia

Blueberry vinegar is suggested by researchers from Konkuk University to help boost memory and restore cognitive function of people with dementia, as published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Whether vinegar made from blueberries might help improve cognitive function and stop cognitive…

Medicinal Mushrooms Are Trending RN—Here’s How They Can Help With Stress, Immunity & General Wellbeing

Medicinal Mushrooms Are Trending RN—Here’s How They Can Help With Stress, Immunity & General Wellbeing

Image: willfrolicforfood.com/blog If you’re up with the latest and greatest wellness trends, you’ll no doubt have noticed mushrooms sneaking their way into the limelight. Forget your usual supermarket pick-ups like cup and portobello—medicinal mushrooms pack an astounding superfood punch. All medicinal mushrooms are powerful…

Eating too much processed sugar increases your risk of Alzheimer’s

Eating too much processed sugar increases your risk of Alzheimer’s

( Natural News ) Research has found that a high intake of processed sugar can raise the risk of Alzheimer’s disease . The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports , revealed that high sugar levels caused by excessive consumption of processed sugars can…

Blue light from digital devices causes eye strain and increased risk of macular degeneration

Blue light from digital devices causes eye strain and increased risk of macular degeneration

( Natural News ) A lot has been said about the dangers of mobile devices, but did you know that just looking at them can cause health problems ? Studies indicate that staring at the screen of digital devices, be it your laptop, desktop…

Stroke patients suffering from insomnia can find relief with acupuncture

Stroke patients suffering from insomnia can find relief with acupuncture

( Natural News ) People suffering from insomnia after a stroke would do well to ditch their sleeping pills for acupuncture needles, according to experts. In a study, researchers from South Korea confirmed that stroke patients who suffer from insomnia can find relief from…

Acupuncture improves cognitive function of Alzheimer’s patients

Acupuncture improves cognitive function of Alzheimer’s patients

( Natural News ) Acupuncture has seen some use as a means of alleviating the effects of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) on the brain. However, recent systematic reviews have expressed some doubt on the effectiveness and safety of the traditional Chinese medicinal treatment. Therefore, a…

Synapse Launches Natural Cognitive Boost

Synapse Launches Natural Cognitive Boost

ATLANTA — Synapse, a natural, fast-acting and ready-to-drink supplement designed to boost mental performance and vitality by optimizing memory function, focus and mental clarity, announces its launch. Made with herbal ingredients used in centuries-old health and wellness practices and supported by a proprietary, cutting-edge…

Reverse brain shrinkage with this ‘neuro-boosting’ combo

Reverse brain shrinkage with this ‘neuro-boosting’ combo

Give your aging brain superpowers with THIS It’s been summer blockbuster season at movie theaters across the country — and that means that our “silver screens” have been filled with stories about guys and gals who woke up as superheroes after taking a blow…

One more reason to take probiotics: They protect against liver damage

One more reason to take probiotics: They protect against liver damage

( Natural News ) Probiotics are known for supporting a healthy gastrointestinal tract and promoting good digestion, but new research has shown that these friendly microbes can benefit more than just your gut. It turns out probiotic bacteria can also help keep your liver…

Periodic fasting rapidly stimulates a multitude of healing processes

Periodic fasting rapidly stimulates a multitude of healing processes

( Natural News ) When you think of starving, everything that comes to mind is likely negative – extreme hunger, weakness, and eventual death. However, periodic starvation is another story entirely as extensive research has shown that temporarily restricting your caloric intake can quickly…

How Spending Time Outdoors Can Boost Student Academic Potential

How Spending Time Outdoors Can Boost Student Academic Potential

School is back, and with it come parents’ concerns for their child’s academic performance. Parents want what is best for their kids and, in order to ensure a successful future, they are constantly on the lookout for tools that can help them reach their…

Scientists discover that fermenting blueberries can restore cognitive function, improve memory for people with amnesia

Scientists discover that fermenting blueberries can restore cognitive function, improve memory for people with amnesia

( Natural News ) Blueberry vinegar may help boost memory and restore the cognitive function of people with dementia , according to researchers from Konkuk University . In their study, which appeared in Science Daily , the team examined whether vinegar made from blueberries,…

5 Proven Natural Ways To Boost Your Body’s Dopamine Production

5 Proven Natural Ways To Boost Your Body’s Dopamine Production

Dopamine is a crucial chemical transmitter in the brain that performs a lot of operations. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter—a chemical that helps brain cells communicate with one another. It plays a crucial role in motivation, reward, memory, attention and even in the control of…

Surprising Way to Boost Your Memory

Surprising Way to Boost Your Memory

Some of us like to work in a dimly lit room so we can concentrate. We might even close our eyes to focus ourselves mentally. A darkened environment just seems to lend itself to blocking out distractions. But surprising new research finds that doing…

How much physical exercise you do now will affect the learning ability of your future children

How much physical exercise you do now will affect the learning ability of your future children

( Natural News ) Our looks, intelligence quotient, and personality disposition are not the only things we inherit from our parents. A recent study shows that we get our capacity to learn from them as well. A recent study by Prof. André Fischer and…

They’re taking over sports, too? New AI robot can shoot better than professional basketball players

They’re taking over sports, too? New AI robot can shoot better than professional basketball players

( Natural News ) Toyota employees loved a basketball manga character so much, they built a basketball-shooting robot from scratch. While it can’t move, it hits nothing but net from the free throw line, reported a NewsWeek article . Japanese newspaper Asahi Shumbun identified…

Molecular hydrogen dramatically reduces oxidative stress in your body

Molecular hydrogen dramatically reduces oxidative stress in your body

( Natural News ) Could one of the most prevalent molecules on our planet prove to be one of the most powerful healers of our time? While researchers investigate rare botanicals tucked away in remote corners of the planet and scientists try to engineer…

How to Train Your Brain to Crave Lifelong Learning (And Why It’s Good)

How to Train Your Brain to Crave Lifelong Learning (And Why It’s Good)

I am in love with lifelong learning . It was not always that way, however. To be perfectly honest, I used to think that the only way to learn was in school. And I was not always a big fan of “conventional learning”, unless…

25 Brain-Boosting Foods That Will Keep You Sharp

25 Brain-Boosting Foods That Will Keep You Sharp

Healthy Eating Celery It’s time to stop skipping celery because it tastes like, well, nothing. Because what celery lacks in taste it more than makes up for in brain power! It’s a rich source of luteolin, a plant compound believed to reduce inflammation in…

How to save your brain in 2 minutes

How to save your brain in 2 minutes

Like a lot of people these days, a large part of my day is spent at a computer. I research new scientific studies, I write these articles, I handle email and bills and the hundreds of other little things that make up my work…

Nature Knows Nootropics