Motiva launches a ‘life changing’ product, the first-ever clinically proven to help improve Alzheimer’s patients

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, June 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Worldwide, approximately 44 million people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and approximately 2.5 million suffer from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) today. With the former expected to rise to 115 million cases by 2050 as well as…

Years of Smoking Weed May Leave You Grasping for Words

Years of Smoking Weed May Leave You Grasping for Words

Talk about a buzzkill. When researchers looked at the marijuana habits of a group of people ages 18 to 30, and then again 25 years later, one finding rose above the fog: For every five years of lighting up, your ability to recall common…

Four essential herbal ingredients that can help boost immunity

Four essential herbal ingredients that can help boost immunity

Amalaki (amla) is helpful for a wide variety of health problems, especially those of the respiratory tract. (Photo: Getty/Thinkstock) In our quest to lead a healthy life, we are almost always on the lookout for ways to boost our immunity. Instead of opting for…

Anti-aging Protein in Blood Cells Helps Slow Cognitive Decline

Anti-aging Protein in Blood Cells Helps Slow Cognitive Decline

As life expectancies around the world increase, so are the number of people who will experience age-related cognitive decline. The amount of oxygen in the blood declines with age. Aging in the brain might be naturally held at bay by adenosine receptor A2B (ADORA2B),…

We need healthy habits to live meaningfully and purposefully

We need healthy habits to live meaningfully and purposefully

Happy Father’s Day to all the incredible dads in the world! Fathers play a pivotal role in shaping our children’s views toward men, and the role men play in our lives. Children’s relationship with their father is usually the very first connection they make…

Researchers created a brain interface that can sing what a bird’s thinking

Researchers created a brain interface that can sing what a bird’s thinking

Researchers from the University of California San Diego recently built a machine learning system that predicts what a bird’s about to sing as they’re singing it. The big idea here is real-time speech synthesis for vocal prosthesis. But the implications could go much further….

8 foods to boost your brain power and keep your mind sharp

8 foods to boost your brain power and keep your mind sharp

/ You pay attention to what you eat, you exercise regularly , and you don’t smoke. You do things to take care of your heart , you avoid too much salt and added sugars in your diet, and you’re limiting how much processed food…

What You Need to Know About COVID-19 and Brain Fog

What You Need to Know About COVID-19 and Brain Fog

Early in the pandemic, a group of Columbia University neurologists reviewed the neurological effects of past (not novel) coronavirus outbreaks, in an attempt to understand what the new virus would bring. They noted lingering cognition problems and psychiatric issues with recovering patients. Post-COVID-19 symptoms…

7 healing medicinal mushrooms

7 healing medicinal mushrooms

When you think of valuable mushrooms, you might think of gourmet truffles or posh porcini, but mushrooms are more than just a risotto filling When you think of valuable mushrooms you might think of gourmet truffles or posh porcini, but mushrooms are more than…

Best Supplements to Take Every Day, According a Dietitian

Best Supplements to Take Every Day, According a Dietitian

Knowing which supplements to take every day is no easy feat. From amazing claims on labels implying that what is found in the bottle is essential for every ailment under the sun to Instagram influencers pushing their must-have concoction, knowing which pills are worth…

Memory biomarkers confirm aerobic exercise helps cognitive function in older adults

Memory biomarkers confirm aerobic exercise helps cognitive function in older adults

The enhanced physical activity group underwent 26 weeks of supervised treadmill training. Blood samples for both groups were taken at baseline and after 26 weeks. Credit: Florida Atlantic University Increasing evidence shows that physical activity and exercise training may delay or prevent the onset…

‘Smart drugs’ are real — here’s what’s scientifically proven and how to tell if nootropics are right for you

'Smart drugs' are real — here's what's scientifically proven and how to tell if nootropics are right for you

zhangshuang/Getty Images Green tea contains L-theanine, a natural nootropic that may boost serotonin and dopamine levels. Nootropics are cognitive enhancers that may help boost energy, focus, and memory. They aren’t a cure-all and most work best if you have some symptoms of decreased mental…

Top 7 Ways CBD Can Help Runners Perform Better

Top 7 Ways CBD Can Help Runners Perform Better

Few activities are as healthy and fulfilling as running. Going for a run every day can boost your overall health and make you happier, stress-free, and ready to take on the world. But just like any other physical activity, running isn’t all rainbows and…

Cancer-causing chemical found in 78 sunscreen products

Cancer-causing chemical found in 78 sunscreen products

(Image credit: Shutterstock) An independent testing lab has detected the chemical benzene, a known human carcinogen, in 78 sunscreen products and is now calling on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to recall the products. The lab, Valisure, checks medications and health care…

‘We made a big mistake’ — COVID vaccine spike protein travels from injection site, can cause organ damage

‘We made a big mistake’ — COVID vaccine spike protein travels from injection site, can cause organ damage

( Natural News ) COVID vaccine researchers had previously assumed mRNA COVID vaccines would behave like traditional vaccines. The vaccine’s spike protein — responsible for infection and its most severe symptoms — would remain mostly in the injection site at the shoulder muscle or…

Intermittent fasting is key to a “healthy lifestyle,” experts suggest

Intermittent fasting is key to a “healthy lifestyle,” experts suggest

( Natural News ) Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It is said to promote weight loss, lower blood pressure and boost brain health, among others. But what does science actually say about intermittent fasting? In…

Blood biomarker detects whether depression is due to neurodegeneration

Blood biomarker detects whether depression is due to neurodegeneration

A test could be used as a rapid screening tool in clinics to determine whether a patient’s cognitive problems are due to neurodegeneration. A new study published in the journal Nature Communications is reporting a single blood-based biomarker can detect the presence of 13…

Here Are 10 Amazing Benefits Of Learning To Play Musical Instruments

Here Are 10 Amazing Benefits Of Learning To Play Musical Instruments

Have a fascination for musical instruments? Learn where that can take you and the benefits it offers. playing music m Lockdown had a very harsh effect on people’s lives, it took a toll on everyone’s emotional and physical well-being. But that’s just the negatives,…

Brain Maps May Reveal the Origins and Paths of Neurological Dysfunction

Brain Maps May Reveal the Origins and Paths of Neurological Dysfunction

Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News Statisticians like to say, “All models are wrong, but some are useful.” Mapmakers could say the same thing about their maps. Mapmakers, however, could add that some maps complement each other, or have the potential to do so. Such…

Do medicinal mushrooms really work? What you need to know about lion’s mane, reishi and more

Do medicinal mushrooms really work? What you need to know about lion's mane, reishi and more

Medicinal mushrooms are popular — but do they really work? Mushrooms have officially taken over the wellness space, and that extends well beyond the ones you find on your plate. Mushrooms are found in everything from coffee to smoothies to your medicine cabinet, and…

Nature Knows Nootropics