Fear Memory-making Involves Extensive DNA Breakage that Leads to Neurodegeneration

Fear Memory-making Involves Extensive DNA Breakage that Leads to Neurodegeneration

Double-strand DNA breaks, which occur when the phosphate backbones of both DNA strands are hydrolyzed, are considered the most significant DNA damage and have been shown to increase the risk of cancer and other deadly diseases. So, it’s surprising enough that previous research has…

7 new coffee trends that taste great and have impressive health benefits

7 new coffee trends that taste great and have impressive health benefits

Trying one of these coffee trends is an easy way to give your caffeine fix an upgrade and boost your health in the process. Plus, they have the added bonus of shaking things up when your frothy cappuccino or on-the-go Americano is becoming a…

To Make Memories, DNA Must Break

To Make Memories, DNA Must Break

The urgency to remember a dangerous experience requires the brain to make a series of potentially dangerous moves: Neurons and other brain cells snap open their DNA in numerous locations—more than previously realized, according to a new study—to provide quick access to genetic instructions…

These Eggplant Health Benefits Prove the Produce Is Way More Than a Funny Emoji

These Eggplant Health Benefits Prove the Produce Is Way More Than a Funny Emoji

When it comes to summer produce , you can’t go wrong with eggplant. Known for its deep purple hue and a certain euphemism via emoji, the veggie is impressively versatile. Serve it on sandwiches, toss it in salads, or add it to brownies. The…

The Best and Worst Foods for Women Over 50

The Best and Worst Foods for Women Over 50

There may have been a time when you ate whatever you wanted without few, if any, health consequences. You might remember that time well! But it’s true—nothing lasts forever. “After 50, metabolism slows, estrogen levels drop, and certain nutrient requirements rise,” says Hillary M….

Let’s talk turmeric: How much you should take and how it can help

Let’s talk turmeric: How much you should take and how it can help

Read on to learn why turmeric is the ultimate superfood. Source: Getty You may know it as the vibrant yellow spice used in Indian curry, but turmeric has been touted as the ultimate superfood in the past few years, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and…

Organic Food During Childhood Boost Brain Power, Study Finds

Organic Food During Childhood Boost Brain Power, Study Finds

Parents understand that a child’s diet plays a pivotal role in their growth and development. However, they may not know that organic food could help give their children a cognitive advantage. In fact, not only is adopting an organic diet beneficial for the planet…

Brain cells snap DNA strands in numerous locations to make memories

Brain cells snap DNA strands in numerous locations to make memories

The urgency to remember a dangerous experience requires the brain to make a series of potentially dangerous moves: Neurons and other brain cells snap open their DNA in numerous locations–more than previously realized, according to a new study–to provide quick access to genetic instructions…

World Chocolate Day 2021: Health benefits you ought to know

World Chocolate Day 2021: Health benefits you ought to know

A bite of dark chocolate a day could not only be good for your heart, but may also improve brain function, alleviate stress, and lower the risk of stroke. Celebrate World Chocolate day by having some! Whether happy or sad, chocolate is a delicious…

Memory making involves extensive DNA breaking

Memory making involves extensive DNA breaking

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The urgency to remember a dangerous experience requires the brain to make a series of potentially dangerous moves: Neurons and other brain cells snap open their DNA in numerous locations—more than previously realized, according to a new study—to provide quick…

Best Supplements for People Over 50, Say Nutrition Experts

Best Supplements for People Over 50, Say Nutrition Experts

Once the celebrations for hitting your half-century mark fade and you’ve had a chance to take a good look at yourself in the mirror, maybe, just maybe, you’ll think: “Gee, it’s time to start taking better care of myself !” You know that the…

12 bad habits from swearing to gossip which could have surprise health benefits

12 bad habits from swearing to gossip which could have surprise health benefits

Swearing triggers a well known stress-induced analgesia From swearing, chewing gum to gossiping – these irritating traits actually have a fair few advantages in life. Swearing Shouting an expletive when you stub your toe can actually help alleviate the pain, according to a study…

Motiva launches a ‘life changing’ product, the first-ever clinically proven to help improve Alzheimer’s patients

Motiva launches a ‘life changing’ product, the first-ever clinically proven to help improve Alzheimer’s patients

–News Direct– Motiva Neuro Booster offers higher absorption of six key functional foods New product is clinically proven to improve brain health Worldwide, approximately 44 million people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and approximately 2.5 million suffer from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) today. With the former…

Reap the benefits of dark chocolate & boost your health with top products

Reap the benefits of dark chocolate & boost your health with top products

IT is World Chocolate Day on Wednesday – and it’s worth remembering the dark type can be good for you, improving heart health, cholesterol levels and even playing a role in cancer prevention. I try out the latest chocolate products while our Beauty Editor…

Covid cures literally grow like weeds, yet most people buy lawn poison to kill them off, thereby killing themselves

Covid cures literally grow like weeds, yet most people buy lawn poison to kill them off, thereby killing themselves

( Natural News ) In today’s Situation Update, we discuss the astonishing truth that covid cures literally grow like weeds (such as dandelion weeds), yet most people rush to Home Depot to buy toxic, cancer-causing herbicides so they can poison their own lawns ,…

Early experiences have larger effect on mood than more recent ones, study suggests

New insight on how our experiences during a task or interaction shape our current mood has been published today in the open-access eLife journal. The study suggests that early experiences may have a larger effect on our mood than more recent events. These findings…

Study Identifies Cytokines That Predict Cognitive Trajectories in Older Adults

Study Identifies Cytokines That Predict Cognitive Trajectories in Older Adults

Decades before patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) exhibit symptoms of cognitive decline and loss of memory, their brains begin to harbor deposits of amyloid plaques and tau tangles. These deposits increase neuroinflammation in the brain that leads to neuronal cell death. “There has always…

An atlas of the bumblebee brain

The buff-tailed bumblebee Bombus terrestris is one of the most common bumblebee species in Europe. It is not only active in nature as a pollinator — humans also use it in greenhouses and foil tunnels to get good harvests of tomatoes or strawberries. The…

10 nutrients to help with brain health

10 nutrients to help with brain health

A controversial drug approved by the FDA for Alzheimer’s could provide an opening to nutritional interventions to support cognitive health. The controversy over the drug, aducanumab (Aduhelm), is because only one study found that it is able to reduce amyloid plaques that are a…

Brain fog at work? Boost your focus with these 6 foods

Brain fog at work? Boost your focus with these 6 foods

Brain fog getting in the way of your focus at work? These 6 foods could help you break through the afternoon slump and help you get back to work From meeting to meeting, call to call and email to email – office jobs aren’t…

Nature Knows Nootropics