The science of why the sun makes us feel so happy

The science of why the sun makes us feel so happy

Step outside and what is the first thing that you notice? Maybe it’s the reuniting of friends and family sat chatting happily in the park, or the cheery chirping of the birds. But one thing that everyone seems to have in common when the…

How taking fish oil may help fight inflammation and improve mental health

How taking fish oil may help fight inflammation and improve mental health

The benefits of fish oil come mainly from its ability to reduce inflammation in your body. This makes it ideal for boosting heart health, especially for people with preexisting heart issues. Fish oil may also help fight off depression because it can increase serotonin…

6 Soothing herbal teas you can drink to relieve stress and anxiety during the pandemic

6 Soothing herbal teas you can drink to relieve stress and anxiety during the pandemic

There is no denying that the lockdown and other measures, such as social distancing, implemented to help curb the spread of the coronavirus infection have had an impact on almost every aspect of our lives. The global pandemic has brought in many changes in…

The expectant brain: adapting for motherhood

The expectant brain: adapting for motherhood

Key Points The expectant brain undergoes many changes to maximize the likelihood of a successful outcome of the pregnancy. These adaptations are driven by pregnancy hormones and ensure adequate nutrient supply to the fetus, protection from maternal stress hormones, appropriate organization of parturition and…

The why behind the high: determinants of neurocognition during acute cannabis exposure

The why behind the high: determinants of neurocognition during acute cannabis exposure

Abstract Acute cannabis intoxication may induce neurocognitive impairment and is a possible cause of human error, injury and psychological distress. One of the major concerns raised about increasing cannabis legalization and the therapeutic use of cannabis is that it will increase cannabis‐related harm. However,…

Study explains how diet, exercise and the endocannabinoid system contribute to healthy aging

Study explains how diet, exercise and the endocannabinoid system contribute to healthy aging

( Natural News ) Researchers define the human endocannabinoid system (ECS) as a complex cell-signaling system that plays an important role in the development of the central nervous system (CNS), synaptic plasticity — a characteristic of neurons in the brain — and the body’s…

New Alzheimer’s treatment using ultrasound yields 75% success rate, restoring complete memory function in trial run

New Alzheimer’s treatment using ultrasound yields 75% success rate, restoring complete memory function in trial run

( Natural News ) A new Alzheimer’s treatment called focused therapeutic ultrasound beams sound waves into brain tissue and stimulates the brain’s waste removal system, safely enabling a clearance of the plaques, clumps and tangles that block memories. This non-invasive technology uses sound waves…

Food for the brain: Review examines the link between diet and mental health

Food for the brain: Review examines the link between diet and mental health

( Natural News ) A review published in the journal European Neuropsychopharmacology shows that a person’s diet can improve or worsen his mental health, depending on the quality of the foods that he eats. European researchers arrived at this conclusion after reviewing past studies…

Gearing Up for Down’s Syndrome Clinical Trials

Gearing Up for Down’s Syndrome Clinical Trials

Part 2 of two For years, researchers have been paving the way for Down’s syndrome treatment studies by carrying out longitudinal observation studies. These have identified imaging, fluid biomarker, and cognitive measures that could serve as selection or outcome measures. In parallel, clinicians have…

The benefits of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation for men

The benefits of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation for men

( Natural News ) Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that are incredibly important for human health. Not only do these polyunsaturated fats make up cell membranes, but they also serve as the starting point for hormone production inside the body. Some of these…

Robotic Third Thumb changes how hand represented in brain – study

Robotic Third Thumb changes how hand represented in brain – study

Dani Clode wearing the Third Thumb device she designed (Dani Clode/UCL) Using a robotic Third Thumb can impact how the hand is represented in the brain, a new study has found. Researchers trained people to use a robotic extra thumb and found they could…

This Is What Doing Squats Does to Your Body, According to Science

This Is What Doing Squats Does to Your Body, According to Science

On average , the typical American adult spends roughly six-and-a-half hours each and every day sitting down. Obviously, this isn’t good. According to the World Health Organization , leading a sedentary life doubles one’s risk of developing heart disease. What’s more, lounging more and…

Cannabinoids May Help Limit Secondary Damage of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Cannabinoids May Help Limit Secondary Damage of Traumatic Brain Injuries

In the hours and days after a traumatic brain injury, inflammation inside the brain can accelerate to the point that more brain damage occurs, says a scientist working to better understand the acceleration and whether interventions like cannabinoids can improve patient outcomes. While some…

Tea-rrific! Fife doctor reveals new research on benefits of a cuppie – but which shade is best for your health?

Tea-rrific! Fife doctor reveals new research on benefits of a cuppie – but which shade is best for your health?

© Supplied by Shutterstock image e Whether you call it a cuppie, cuppa or a brew, the health benefits of drinking a cup of tea are clearer than ever, according to Scottish research for International Tea Day on Friday May 21. A new poll…

The 14 Best Foods to Help Reduce Anxiety—Plus 3 Foods You Should Avoid

While there are a wide variety of anxiety management tools out there— yoga , therapy, meditation , and journaling , to name a few–one of the most simple yet powerful ways to combat your anxiety is through your diet. Food has the power to…

Brain research gets a boost from mosquitoes

Brain research gets a boost from mosquitoes

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Can a protein found in a mosquito lead to a better understanding of the workings of our own brains? Prof. Ofer Yizhar and his team in the Weizmann Institute of Science’s Neurobiology Department took a light-sensitive protein derived from mosquitoes…

Tinnitus 911 Review (PhytAge Labs) Alarming User Complaints?

Tinnitus 911 Review (PhytAge Labs) Alarming User Complaints?

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Mindblowing: advances in brain tech spur push for ‘neuro-rights’

Mindblowing: advances in brain tech spur push for 'neuro-rights'

In 2013, then-US president Barack Obama promoted the BRAIN (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neuro-technologies) initiative, which aimed to study the causes of brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and epilepsy. As sci-fi thriller “Inception” topped box offices across the world, audiences were delighted…

The Science Behind Cold Water Plunges

The Science Behind Cold Water Plunges

Whether it’s a wintery blizzard or blazing sun, MC Jenni has walked to the edge of the cold Montana creek near her home every day for the past 14 years. She disrobes, takes a deep breath, and gazes at the trees, water and rocks….

Let’s Talk Food: Berries are in season

Let’s Talk Food: Berries are in season

Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries and blueberries are starting to appear at the markets now and are quite sweet. You might as well get your fill of them now because berries taste best when they are fresh and in season. Berries have many health benefits, and…

Nature Knows Nootropics