Natural ADHD cure FOUND: Teen girls who exercise daily have better attention spans than their peers

Natural ADHD cure FOUND: Teen girls who exercise daily have better attention spans than their peers

( Natural News ) A new study by researchers from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) has found that teenage girls who exercise every day have much better attention spans than their peers , potentially acting as a natural cure for teenagers with attention…

Brain health – Preventing and coping with memory loss

Brain health – Preventing and coping with memory loss

What everyone should know Everyone gets forgetful once in a while, especially as we get older and with all of life’s stresses, tiredness, certain medication, distractions and illnesses. Apart from being annoying, that is generally nothing concerning but with the upsurge in the incidence…

Unlock Your Inner Genius: A Drink To Help Accelerate Learning

Unlock Your Inner Genius: A Drink To Help Accelerate Learning

Do you ever feel like it’s hard to stay focused and retain new information? Experts have discovered that tuning into brainwave rhythms is a powerful tool to boost learning. Researchers from the University of Cambridge recently discovered that briefly tuning into a person’s individual…

Conquering exam stress: 6 ways to overcome brain fog and achieve academic success

Board exams are a crucial part of every student ‘s academic journey, but they can also be one of the most stressful and anxiety-inducing experiences. The pressure to perform well, coupled with the fear of failure, can leave students feeling overwhelmed and mentally exhausted….

Startling News: Common Levels of Traffic Pollution Found To Rapidly Impair Brain Function

Startling News: Common Levels of Traffic Pollution Found To Rapidly Impair Brain Function

fMRI shows decreased functional connectivity in the brain following exposure to traffic pollution. Credit: Air Pollution Exposure Lab A groundbreaking study reveals that even brief exposure to air pollution can have rapid effects on the brain. The study conducted by researchers at the University…

Boost your kid’s memory with these BRAIN FOODS

Children in their growing phase requires more nutrients than adults. This is the time (till 18 years of age) when their overall physical as well as mental development takes place. They need to focus in their studies, sports and in learning new skills. Every…

Adding milk to coffee can help fight inflammation, suggests study

Adding milk to coffee can help fight inflammation, suggests study

( Natural News ) Coffee is one of the most popular beverages around the world. And while some people like drinking it with other ingredients like creamer, sugar or flavored syrups, others prefer drinking black coffee. But according to a study, drinking coffee with…

Enriched diet: Eat the rainbow

Enriched diet: Eat the rainbow

Red, green and yellow are not just colours of the rainbow, but nature’s way of adding nutrition to your diet. The diet enriched with these colours is an important source of phytonutrients, which means all the natural compounds found in plant foods such as…

Research Determines the Best Types of Workouts to Boost Memory and Brain Function

Research Determines the Best Types of Workouts to Boost Memory and Brain Function

Research from the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health , involving more than 4,000 people, found a link between moderate- to vigorous-intensity activity and a boost in memory and cognitive processing time. The same didn’t hold true for low-intensity exercise. Adding just 10 minutes…

Brain supplements are big business, but there are more proven ways to preserve one’s memory

Brain supplements are big business, but there are more proven ways to preserve one's memory

Brain supplements are gaining popularity as baby boomers hit retirement age and seek to avoid dementia. But there is little evidence that they are better at preventing cognitive decline than eating healthy and exercising. It seems like you cannot watch television these days without…

8 Science-backed health benefits of eating kiwi

8 Science-backed health benefits of eating kiwi

( Natural News ) Hiding behind the soft, fuzzy brown peel of kiwi, a small exotic fruit associated with New Zealand, is a wealth of essential nutrients, antioxidants and powerful plant compounds. Here are some of the impressive science-based health benefits of kiwifruit, a…

Covid jab spike proteins get “delivered” to ALL bodily organs, resulting in hyper-accelerated aging

Covid jab spike proteins get “delivered” to ALL bodily organs, resulting in hyper-accelerated aging

( Natural News ) The phenomenon of “sudden deaths” being seen all around the world following the release of covid “vaccines” can be traced back to one common cause: the age-accelerating effects of spike proteins . Spike proteins lodge inside every organ of the…

Your Primitive Brain Doesn’t Want You to Break Bad Habits. Science Can Help

Your Primitive Brain Doesn't Want You to Break Bad Habits. Science Can Help

Most people associate bad habits with the kind of activities that wind up on a list of New Year’s resolutions—eating and drinking too much, spending too much time on the smartphone and avoiding the gym. But bad habits are often behind more than just…

Brain ‘zips and unzips’ information to perform skilled tasks

Peer-Reviewed Publication University of Birmingham The human brain prepares skilled movements such as playing the piano, competing in athletics, or dancing by ‘zipping and unzipping’ information about the timing and order of movements ahead of the action being performed, a new study reveals. Experts…

Tuning Into Brainwave Rhythms Dramatically Accelerates Learning in Adults

Tuning Into Brainwave Rhythms Dramatically Accelerates Learning in Adults

The brainwaves experiment set up in the Adaptive Brain Lab, led by Prof Zoe Kourtzi, in the University of Cambridge’s Department of Psychology. Credit: University of Cambridge First study to show that delivering information at the natural tempo of our neural pulses accelerates our…

An 81-year-old brain doctor’s 7 ‘hard rules’ for keeping your memory ‘sharp as a whip’

An 81-year-old brain doctor’s 7 ‘hard rules’ for keeping your memory ‘sharp as a whip’

Like any other part of your body, your brain needs daily exercise. Neglecting your brain health can make you vulnerable to degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia . As a neuroscientist , I’ve spent decades guiding patients with memory problems…

How to Tell If Your Brain Needs a Break

How to Tell If Your Brain Needs a Break

Taking a few minutes to do a puzzle — or stare into space — can allow you to return to work sharper and more creative. Monica Ramos It’s 1:02 p.m. Do you know what your brain is doing? If the answer is trawling the…

New Study Finds the Best Brain Exercises to Boost Memory

New Study Finds the Best Brain Exercises to Boost Memory

Research has found exercise can have a positive impact on your memory and brain health. A new study linked vigorous exercise to improved memory, planning, and organization. Data suggests just 10 minutes a day can have a big impact. Experts have known for years…

17 RD-Approved ‘Brain Snacks’ That’ll Help Boost Your Memory and Focus (That You Can Find on Amazon)

17 RD-Approved ‘Brain Snacks’ That’ll Help Boost Your Memory and Focus (That You Can Find on Amazon)

et’s set the scene: You’ve barely made it past lunchtime without nodding off at least 15 times at your desk, but your Slack DMs are blowing up with messages from your coworkers about an EOD deadline you need to meet. Stress-induced panic commencing in…

These 7 herbs can help you through life’s aches and pains

These 7 herbs can help you through life’s aches and pains

( Natural News ) Manage your pain naturally without relying on over-the-counter pain medications with these seven natural pain relievers: Boswellia ( Boswellia serrata ) Boswellic acids are the active constituents of Boswellia, an ayurvedic herb found from the resin of the plant, according…

Nature Knows Nootropics