11+ Health Benefits of Lactobacillus plantarum (L. plantarum)

11+ Health Benefits of Lactobacillus plantarum (L. plantarum)

The gut microbe L. plantarum is a promising probiotic for diarrhea, high cholesterol, and atopic dermatitis. How does it work, and what other benefits might it have? Learn more here. What is Lactobacillus plantarum? Lactobacillus plantarum is a widespread species of lactic acid bacteria….

Nuriv Launches Lineup of CBD Formulations

Nuriv Launches Lineup of CBD Formulations

POMONA, Calif. — At one time, it was a highly misunderstood substance extracted from the cannabis plant. Today, it is touted as one of the most beneficial natural remedies throughout the health and wellness industry and their consumers. Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, interacts…

Reichelt: What science says about the brain and sugar

Reichelt: What science says about the brain and sugar

Paramount Pictures // Special to Western News Knowing the full truth behind sugar and its impact on the brain might take a little of the shine off that Golden Ticket. Even though it’s not easy to break habits like always eating dessert or making…

This Is Your Brain on Sugar: Why We Crave Sweets and How They Can Impair Memory

This Is Your Brain on Sugar: Why We Crave Sweets and How They Can Impair Memory

The average Canadian adult consumes more than triple the daily limit of 25g added sugar recommended by the World Health Organization. We love sweet treats. But too much sugar in our diets can lead to weight gain and obesity , Type 2 diabetes and…

What REALLY happens to your body when you don’t get enough sleep: Experts share the results of a poor night’s rest – from brain fog to bad skin

What REALLY happens to your body when you don't get enough sleep: Experts share the results of a poor night's rest - from brain fog to bad skin

Experts have revealed exactly what happens to your body and mind when you don’t get a decent night’s sleep. Sleep deprivation is a problem for many Australians, as 7.4 million adults say they don’t get enough rest, according to a report by the Sleep…

Scientists Discover the Best Exercise for Your Brain

Scientists Discover the Best Exercise for Your Brain

Researchers have known for years that exercise is one of the best ways to keep your brain strong as you get older. Which kind of exercise works best? They had no idea…until a recent study was published. Scientists from Canada’s McMaster University recruited 64…

Steps to take now to keep your aging brain in shape

Steps to take now to keep your aging brain in shape

And by taking steps, we don’t mean playing brain games or taking vitamins. We mean taking actual steps . That’s right. Research has shown over and over that exercise helps keep dementia at bay, and that living a sedentary lifestyle makes you far more…

How ‘Your Cup of Tea’ Can Become a Herbal Potion to Boost Your Inner Forces

How ‘Your Cup of Tea’ Can Become a Herbal Potion to Boost Your Inner Forces

Are you suffering from insomnia, anxiety, high blood pressure, fatigue, rapid heart rate, and digestive issues? Or maybe you are looking for a better pick-me-up drink than coffee? Well, you have come to the right page, as we’re going to discuss all these and…

5 Schisandra Health Benefits + Side Effects & Cautions

5 Schisandra Health Benefits + Side Effects & Cautions

Schisandra is an adaptogen that may support cognition and liver health, improve physical performance, and more. However, clinical research on this Chinese herb is scarce. In this post, we reveal the benefits of Schisandra and warn about potential side effects. What is Schisandra? Schisandra…

NSI-189, a New Experimental Nootropic

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41 Amazing Health Benefits of Zinc

41 Amazing Health Benefits of Zinc

Zinc has so many health benefits that it’s almost impossible to cover them all in one post. This mineral has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects; it’s essential for immunity, reproduction, mental health, skin health, cognitive function, and so much more! Read on to learn…

Here’s What Sugar Does to Your Brain

Here's What Sugar Does to Your Brain

We love sweet treats. But too much sugar in our diets can lead to weight gain and obesity , Type 2 diabetes and dental decay . We know we shouldn’t be eating candy, ice cream, cookies, cakes and drinking sugary sodas, but sometimes they…

Boost your wellbeing by bringing conscious awareness to your breath

Boost your wellbeing by bringing conscious awareness to your breath

As a way to quickly and effectively take back control over your body and mind, the breath has long been used as a way to calm even the most fevered of emotions. Yet most people don’t breathe very well; they over-breathe, chest-breathe or hold…

Does Sugar Really Improve Mental Performance?

Does Sugar Really Improve Mental Performance?

Until recently, many people mistakenly believed tha t sugar improves mental performance. However, the latest studies call this claim into question. Now, scientists know that the body has very effective mechanisms to supply glucose to the brain, even without consuming sugar. The brain relies…

Novel finding suggests magnets can improve working memory

Novel finding suggests magnets can improve working memory

( Natural News ) There may be a new alternative option for treating Alzheimer’s disease or dementia without resorting to toxic pharmaceutical drugs. A new approach uses magnets to stimulate the brain’s working memory . Researchers at Duke University have recently debuted an experimental…

Your brain on sugar: What the science actually says

Your brain on sugar: What the science actually says

Your brain on sugar- What the science actually says We love sweet treats. But too much sugar in our diets can lead to weight gain and obesity, Type 2 diabetes and dental decay. We know we shouldn’t be eating candy, ice cream, cookies, cakes…

Here’s What Sugar Does to Your Brain

Here's What Sugar Does to Your Brain

We love sweet treats. But too much sugar in our diets can lead to weight gain and obesity, Type 2 diabetes and dental decay. We know we shouldn’t be eating candy, ice cream, cookies, cakes and drinking sugary sodas, but sometimes they are so…

Scientists Reveal a Link Between Brain Fog and Inflammation

Scientists Reveal a Link Between Brain Fog and Inflammation

When people get sick, they often also feel tired, which can be as troublesome as their disease. A team of researchers has learned more about this connection. Reporting in the journal NeuroImage , they have shown that inflammation, which is a natural biological response…

3 ways to boost productivity by creating a better work area

3 ways to boost productivity by creating a better work area

For many people, a cluttered desk is normal. It’s easy to get caught up in work and forget to clear away papers, pens, or other items used during your everyday work. However, this can be detrimental to working proficiently as clutter has been shown…

David Attenborough health: Presenter’s worsening condition making him ‘run into problems’

David Attenborough health: Presenter's worsening condition making him ‘run into problems'

Sir David Attenborough, 93, is a broadcaster and natural historian. He has entertained millions with his iconic voice and documentaries offering a peak into our mysterious planet and its inhabitants. David is an advocate for saving the planet and championing its protection and in…

Nature Knows Nootropics