Research suggests cannabis can relieve symptoms, pain associated with MS

Research suggests cannabis can relieve symptoms, pain associated with MS

( Natural News ) Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the world’s most commonly diagnosed debilitating neurological condition , and although it is most often diagnosed in young adults between the ages of 20 and 50, it can strike anyone, at any time. The National MS…

Study says dementia affects even those who are “highly educated” – natural treatments are the answer

Study says dementia affects even those who are “highly educated” – natural treatments are the answer

( Natural News ) Many factors can increase your risk of developing dementia, and there are those who believe that having a higher education can help lower your risk for this condition. However, according to an enlightening study, your education before you reach 20…

Vitamin C for Stress, Collagen, Immunity

Vitamin C for Stress, Collagen, Immunity

Vitamin C is a “Jack of all trades” in healthy physiology. Widely used for immune system support and as a general antioxidant, it plays many other important roles. Considerable information has been learned since Linus Pauling’s research on vitamin C. Some of the most…

6 no-drug solutions for brain fog

6 no-drug solutions for brain fog

Read on to know effective ways to beat brain fog. © Shutterstock Sometimes your brain turns into a mush and your thinking centre shrinks. So, you lose clarity of thought, you are unable to concentrate, and your memory betrays you. This cognitive dysfunction is…

Why do smart people smoke? Tobacco, a brief history

This month I’m in Japan and I’ve taken up smoking the pipe. Partly, I enjoy the taste and the ritual. I’ve never gotten into smoking cigarettes and don’t plan to start. And while I understand smoking can be addictive, I’ve not experienced it yet….

Foods To Boost Your Brain Power

Foods To Boost Your Brain Power

Related If you are not as sharp as you would like to be then sometimes addressing your diet can be a good place to start. Menopause definitely seems to see an increase in ‘brain fog’ and for that bioidentical progesterone can certainly help, but…

It is possible to enhance positive memories or suppress negative ones: Study

It is possible to enhance positive memories or suppress negative ones: Study

By artificially activating memory cells in the bottom part of the brain’s hippocampus, negative memories can become even more debilitating. Washington D.C. [USA], May 27 (ANI): New research suggests that memories are pliable if you know which regions of the brain to stimulate. According…

Researched Himalayan Salt Lamp Benefits, Myths & Warning

Researched Himalayan Salt Lamp Benefits, Myths & Warning

Nowadays, you won’t find a yoga studio without a Himalayan salt lamp lurking somewhere in the corner. Made of beautiful, pink crystals, these lamps emit a warm, dim light. But many claims go beyond their decorative value, saying that these lamps will clean your…

Breakthrough device can easily and accurately measure fluoride concentrations in water

Breakthrough device can easily and accurately measure fluoride concentrations in water

( Natural News ) What if there were a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to test your drinking water at home or at work to determine just how much toxic fluoride it contains? Well, thanks to the dedicated work of researchers from Switzerland, now…

Mark Sakraida: C’mon, let your self play. It’s good for you.

Mark Sakraida: C'mon, let your self play. It's good for you.

Mark Sakraida is the adventure therapy coordinator at Pathways, AAMCs substance use and co-occurring disorder treatment facility. (Courtesy photo) Most parents know about the importance of play for their children to develop essential life skills. But did you know about the importance of play…

10 Benefits of Fasting That Will Surprise You

10 Benefits of Fasting That Will Surprise You

Fasting is not a new thing. For centuries, the practice has played a central role in several religions and cultures. The month of Ramadan is known all over the world as a month of fasting for Muslims. Catholics fast on Good Friday and Ash…

Essential Oils: Main Benefits and 101 Uses

Essential Oils: Main Benefits and 101 Uses

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years in various cultures for medicinal and health purposes. Because of their antidepressant, stimulating, detoxifying, antibacterial, antiviral and calming properties, they are recently gaining popularity as a natural, safe and cost-effective therapy for a number of…

Greenpoint: Step away from the noise and reset your brain

Greenpoint: Step away from the noise and reset your brain

Hiding out in a quiet place, even for a few minutes, can improve your outlook and your health. My daughter sometimes calls me midday, and we have a cup of coffee or take a coffee walk together while we’re talking. Last week, she kept…

Can a common mineral deficiency explain PMS? Researchers say try this inexpensive, natural cure

Can a common mineral deficiency explain PMS? Researchers say try this inexpensive, natural cure

( Natural News ) Many women dread “that time of the month,” when symptoms of impending menstruation like cramps, headaches, bloating, digestive problems, breast tenderness and irritability set in. Everyone has their own preferred method of dealing with premenstrual syndrome, whether it’s a hot…

Forget foam. This fluid-filled helmet mimics your brain to protect your head

Forget foam. This fluid-filled helmet mimics your brain to protect your head

Fluid Inside In recent years one of the most important areas of research in the field of sports medicine has been the effects of head trauma on the health of an athlete. Research indicates that while a sudden, sharp strike to the skull can…

Husband-Wife Team Develop Brain Health Supplement

Husband-Wife Team Develop Brain Health Supplement

LANCASTER, Pa: For Tessa and Jordan Balencic, DO, the drive to develop safe, evidence-based supplements that support brain health and healthy aging is personal. Each of the co-founders of ERApeutics has a grandparent with incurable cognitive disorders Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Their company’s first…

Health in Mind: Using the great outdoors to boost your wellbeing

Health in Mind: Using the great outdoors to boost your wellbeing

South Downs Way Cuckmere Valley Evidence suggests that our mental wellbeing can be improved simply by being outside – whether exercising, socialising or just taking in the fresh air and sunlight. Amanda Elmes from the South Downs National Park Authority And with modern life…

Motoring on: UCC gut-health expert looks forward to new challenges

Motoring on: UCC gut-health expert looks forward to new challenges

Motoring on: UCC gut-health expert looks forward to new challenges Professor Ted Dinan, UCC, with his Honda CBF 1000cc motorbike, outside the Biosciences Building, UCC, Cork. Picture: Jim Coughlan. As he prepares to leave UCC, Prof Ted Dinan recalls the early-morning moment he coined…

How It’s Possible to Enhance or Suppress Memories

How It’s Possible to Enhance or Suppress Memories

What if scientists could manipulate your brain so that a traumatic memory lost its emotional power over your psyche? Steve Ramirez (CAS’10), a Boston University neuroscientist fascinated by memory, believes that a small structure in the brain could hold the keys to future therapeutic…

Stress: Spotting the Signs and Symptoms and Ways to Treat It

Stress: Spotting the Signs and Symptoms and Ways to Treat It

When you say, ‘I’m stressed out’, what exactly do you mean? Stress , generally speaking, is the feeling of overwhelming mental or emotional pressure. It’s pressure with a side order of prang – a voice inside your head that says ‘this is too much,…

Nature Knows Nootropics