Turmeric is nutritional “gold” for your brain

Turmeric is nutritional “gold” for your brain

( Natural News ) The Indian spice turmeric has been getting a lot of attention lately for its health benefits, and many people now take turmeric supplements regularly for their anti-inflammatory effects. However, did you know that curcumin, the main bioactive component in turmeric,…

Your brain pH can make you prone to Alzheimer’s

Your brain pH can make you prone to Alzheimer’s

As we age, losing our memory becomes more and more of a concern for each and every one of us. After all, who hasn’t known someone — a friend, a relative or a co-worker whose life had been ravaged by a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s….

Yoga reduces depression and anxiety which can affect how you perceive pain

Yoga reduces depression and anxiety which can affect how you perceive pain

( Natural News ) Looking for an effective solution to depression and anxiety? This ancient practice of breath control, simple meditation, and doing bodily postures called yoga may be the solution. Research published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice has confirmed that…

15 Simple Ways to Improve Brain Performance

15 Simple Ways to Improve Brain Performance

The human brain is a 3 kg computer – it is the command and control center that runs our lives and is involved in everything we do, so there is no shadow of a doubt that it is very important to protect and upkeep….

Coffee makes your brain younger: Research shows that by normalizing stress hormones, coffee reverses memory deficits

Coffee makes your brain younger: Research shows that by normalizing stress hormones, coffee reverses memory deficits

( Natural News ) Do you start your morning off with a cup of coffee or tea? Many people do – and research continues to show that caffeine can have many great health benefits. Beyond coffee’s reputation for offering an instant pick-me-up, scientists have…

30 Days to a Smarter Brain (How to Rapidly Improve How You Think)

30 Days to a Smarter Brain (How to Rapidly Improve How You Think)

brain development Thomas Oppong – Everyone wants a better, and smarter brain to process information faster and have better memory recall. The most brilliant minds don’t have more brain power than the average person, they just use their brains more efficiently. Your brain’s health…

Best Nootropics (Smart Drugs) to Unlock Your True Brain

Best Nootropics (Smart Drugs) to Unlock Your True Brain

High DHA Omega-3 Fish Oil Burpless, 100% Soluble w/Astaxanthin & D3, 60 Softgels (30% off, save $11.99, Limited Time) 10 Easy Ways to Remove Skin Tags Naturally at Home Potassium Rich Foods Foods high in magnesium Foods High in Probiotics Magnesium sources Vitamin D…

Do your knees hurt? A scientific study shows black cumin seed oil reduces knee pain

Do your knees hurt? A scientific study shows black cumin seed oil reduces knee pain

( Natural News ) Experiencing knee pain? Ditch harmful drug pain relievers and use natural pain relievers instead. A study published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice has found that black cumin oil is a safe and effective natural treatment for knee…

Is social media addiction a new type of psychiatric condition?

Is social media addiction a new type of psychiatric condition?

( Natural News ) When people say that they’re “addicted” to Facebook or social media, is it the same thing as being addicted to drugs or alcohol ? According to estimates, the number of social media users around the world can skyrocket from almost…

One of the most widely used medicinal plants, java plum contains high amounts of antioxidants

One of the most widely used medicinal plants, java plum contains high amounts of antioxidants

( Natural News ) Researchers from Amity University and Helix BioGenesis have discovered the antibacterial, antioxidant, and neuroprotective properties of the stem of the java plum ( Syzygium cumini ). This study, which was published in the International Journal of Green Pharmacy , used…

The scent of health and happiness: Why you should start smelling your coffee

The scent of health and happiness: Why you should start smelling your coffee

( Natural News ) The benefits of drinking coffee are well-known and many. But what about smelling it? As it turns out, your daily cup of joe isn’t just good to drink: simply taking a whiff can be beneficial, too . Perk yourself up…

More compelling evidence that omega-3s decrease the risk of heart disease

More compelling evidence that omega-3s decrease the risk of heart disease

( Natural News ) Scientists continue to study omega-3s, and the health benefits of these fatty acids never seem to disappoint. Recent research has shown that regular consumption of omega-3s can help reduce your risk of heart disease. Past research has shown that people…

Best Nootropic Supplements For Studying

Best Nootropic Supplements For Studying

In today’s cutthroat world, having an edge means a greater chance at succeeding and achieving your goals. Everyone wants to be better, be it stronger, faster or smarter, and we want it now. Taking nootropics is one way to maximize the time you spend…

30 Days to a Smarter Brain (How to Rapidly Improve How You Think)

30 Days to a Smarter Brain (How to Rapidly Improve How You Think)

Everyone wants a better, and smarter brain to process information faster and have better memory recall. The most brilliant minds don’t have more brain power than the average person, they just use their brains more efficiently. Your brain’s health is a product of your…

Acupuncture found to be more effective than conventional treatments at reducing sensory, emotional, and motor damage

Acupuncture found to be more effective than conventional treatments at reducing sensory, emotional, and motor damage

( Natural News ) Needles often conjure images of pain. When someone tells you he’s sitting on pins and needles, it means that person is so tense he can hardly relax. But Traditional Chinese Medicine looks at it another way. Practitioners of acupuncture, a…

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford ran mass “hypnotic inductions” of psychiatric subjects as part of mind control research “creating artificial realities”

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford ran mass “hypnotic inductions” of psychiatric subjects as part of mind control research “creating artificial realities”

( Natural News ) (h/t to The Gateway Pundit for the initial lead). In another stunning bombshell about the hoax accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, we’ve now learned and confirmed that Christine Blasey Ford co-authored a science paper that involves her carrying out mass “hypnotic…

Jump-start your brain

Jump-start your brain

From pixnio.com The brain is a complex organ that requires various nutrients to operate efficiently. While there are a lot of factors necessary to keep the body running, it also helps to be familiar with the important ones that keep your brain running. Thiamin…

Global Nootropics Market To Reach Over USD 6 Bn By 2024

According to the latest report published by Credence Research, Inc. “ Nootropics Market – Growth, Future Prospects and Competitive Analysis, 2016-2024,” the global nootropics market was valued at USD 1,346.5 Mn in 2015, and is expected to reach USD 6,059.4 Mn by 2024, expanding…

What really causes cognitive decline? Examining the top causes of memory loss and impaired brain health

What really causes cognitive decline? Examining the top causes of memory loss and impaired brain health

( Natural News ) Is a decline in mental ability and cognitive function just a normal part of getting older? Medical advancements have resulted in an aging population and subsequently an increase in age-related mental health problems like Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of…

Good for your health AND the planet: Why the Mediterranean diet is an environmentally-friendly option

Good for your health AND the planet: Why the Mediterranean diet is an environmentally-friendly option

( Natural News ) If you are looking for a diet that’s not only delicious and easy to prepare but is also good for your health and the environment, the Mediterranean diet is the right one for you. Adherence to this type of diet…

Nature Knows Nootropics