Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH) Health Effects

Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH) Health Effects

Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) has many positive roles in the human body; it stimulates growth, development, and muscle strength. On the other hand, it’s involved in the progression of certain chronic diseases. Read on to learn the roles of GHRH in health and…

“Lupus Brain Fog” Symptoms & Complementary Approaches

“Lupus Brain Fog” Symptoms & Complementary Approaches

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that damages all the organs in the body, including the brain. “Lupus brain fog” refers to cognitive problems, mood imbalances, and the fatigue people experience. It’s common but infrequently talked about. In this article, we bring up some possible…

8 Surprising Lycopene Benefits + Foods & Side Effects

8 Surprising Lycopene Benefits + Foods & Side Effects

Most people admire colorful fruits and veggies, but few know about the pigment that gives tomatoes their red color: lycopene. It has the potential to protect the prostate, prevent oxidative damage, enhance heart health, and more. Read on to discover the benefits of lycopene,…

16 Strategies That May Stimulate Long-Term Potentiation (LTP)

16 Strategies That May Stimulate Long-Term Potentiation (LTP)

In our previous post on long-term potentiation (LTP) , we covered the basics of LTP and why it’s so important for healthy, optimal cognitive function. We also discussed a variety of lifestyle, dietary, and other health-related factors that can interfere with how this important…

The Ultimate Guide to Adrafinil

The Ultimate Guide to Adrafinil

WN Lifestyle Home – Health Originally Posted On: is Adrafinil? Adrafinil is a synthetic nootropic compound that was originally manufactured and designed for the people struggling with narcolepsy. The compound… Adrafinil is a synthetic nootropic compound that was originally manufactured and designed for…

5 Types of Supplements That Can Help Improve Brain Function

5 Types of Supplements That Can Help Improve Brain Function

In the same way high-performance athletes take dietary supplements to improve their physical function, you can take supplements to improve your cognitive function. Nootropics is the name given to natural supplements that increase brain performance, including memory, motivation, alertness, concentration, creativity, and general cognitive…

4 fruits parents should feed children regularly to improve their immunity system

4 fruits parents should feed children regularly to improve their immunity system

Parents should regularly give their children fruits, especially the 4 fruits mentioned below because of their wonderful benefits. Here are the fruits recommended by nutritionists to regularly feed children, help improve the immune system and help reduce eye stress. 4 fruits parents should feed…

Add Salmon Milt To Your Diet For Enhanced Brain Function

Add Salmon Milt To Your Diet For Enhanced Brain Function

Health NATURALNEWS.COM Looking to boost your memory? Researchers from Kanazawa University have you covered – if you’re up for something highly unusual. In a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, the team from Japan found that adding salmon milt to your diet…

Can Intermittent Fasting Help You Lose Weight And Improve Your Health?

Can Intermittent Fasting Help You Lose Weight And Improve Your Health?

Clock on white plate with fork and knife, intermittent fasting, meal plan, weight loss concept on … [+] With the holidays upon us and everyone focused on watching their waistline, it’s a natural to think about the ideal diet to prevent weight gain and…

5 Cocaine Side Effects + Overdose Signs

5 Cocaine Side Effects + Overdose Signs

Cocaine is a dangerous drug that creates intense feelings of euphoria, happiness, and alertness. It has gained infamy over the years due to its association with popular culture and celebrity abuse. Read on to discover some unlikely medical history and learn more about the…

Is Your Doctor Ordering These 7 Important Tests?

Is Your Doctor Ordering These 7 Important Tests?

Are you regularly doing your CBCs and CMPs and checking your cholesterol levels? That’s great. And if you are feeling well and overall healthy, it’s likely enough. But what happens when all of these tests are coming back normal yet you still feel like…

Health Effects of Salt: Is It Good or Bad for You?

Health Effects of Salt: Is It Good or Bad for You?

Salt has a bad reputation among health-conscious people, but the picture isn’t black and white. The truth about whether salt is good or bad depends on the individual. Some people need more, while others need less. Read on to learn the official recommendations and…

Genetics of Sleep and Insomnia – 21 Genes & SNPs to Check

Genetics of Sleep and Insomnia – 21 Genes & SNPs to Check

Sleep problems may be caused by lifestyle factors, health conditions, and genetics. If you struggle with insomnia, it is important to understand which genes may play a role. A genetic makeup may influence lifestyle factors and point to specific aspects that need to be…

American Ginseng Health Benefits, Side Effects & Caution

American Ginseng Health Benefits, Side Effects & Caution

American ginseng is a member of the famous ginseng family, with potential immune-boosting and antioxidant properties. It may prevent diabetes, common cold, and cognitive decline, but the available evidence is scarce. Keep reading to learn the benefits, side effects, and drug interactions of American…

5 Main Types of Tea + Production & Active Components

Did you know that the only real tea comes from the tea ( Camellia Sinensis) plant? Based on the production process, there are 5 main types of tea, and they all vary in taste and active components. Although caffeine is undoubtedly the most popular,…

Potential Effects of rs6265 (BDNF): Stress, Weight, Cognition + More

Potential Effects of rs6265 (BDNF): Stress, Weight, Cognition + More

One of the most well-studied genetic variants in the BDNF gene is the SNP rs6265. The variant that a person carries for this SNP has been reported to affect how much BDNF their brain produces. Because BDNF is believed to be critical for many…

All About Neuropeptide Y (NPY): Potential Effects & Functions

All About Neuropeptide Y (NPY): Potential Effects & Functions

Neuropeptide Y – or just “NPY” for short – is a compound with a wide variety of potential effects on the body and brain. It has been suggested to play a key role in stress, pain, and anxiety, among many other interesting functions. However,…

Leptin Deficiency & Factors that Increase Leptin

Leptin Deficiency & Factors that Increase Leptin

Low levels of the satiety hormone leptin have been linked with poor memory, anorexia, depression, and frequent infections. Read on to learn about the causes and symptoms of leptin deficiency and factors that increase and normalize it. What is Leptin? Leptin is a satiety…

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Olive Oil + Emerging Research

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Olive Oil + Emerging Research

Olive oil is not only good for cooking but for our health as well, with potential benefits to blood sugar, heart health, metabolic syndrome, depression, and more. Read on to learn how to take advantage of this Mediterranean superfood. What is Olive Oil? Olive…

11 Factors That Disrupt the Blood-Brain Barrier

11 Factors That Disrupt the Blood-Brain Barrier

A leaky blood-brain barrier (BBB) is thought to play a role in different neurological and psychiatric disorders, including “ brain fog ”, Alzheimer’s disease , depression , schizophrenia, and more. However, the research in this field is still young, and scientists are yet to…

Nature Knows Nootropics