How Dietary Supplement Citicoline Improves Memory

For some time now, Citicoline has been known for its ability to improve memory and reduce cognitive decline. A primary ingredient in many pre-made nootropics, or brain-boosting medicines, how does it work? And how effective is it? A choline donor, citicoline works by delivering…

Supplements are beneficial, but a healthy and balanced diet is the most important for your brain health

Supplements are beneficial, but a healthy and balanced diet is the most important for your brain health

( Natural News ) Seventy-five percent of Americans are turning to supplements to address their health needs, according to data collected by the Council for Responsible Nutrition during their Consumer Survey on Dietary Supplements for 2018. Not only that, 87 percent of the surveyed…

Top 7 Health Benefits of Kratom Leaves

Top 7 Health Benefits of Kratom Leaves

About Kratom Kratom, or Mitragyna speciosa, is a traditional herb that’s native to Southeast Asia. It’s one of the most famous herbs that experts recommend for a variety of ailments, thanks to its immense medicinal properties. Kratom is mostly used to treat pain. It…

3 Simple Ways Moving Your Body Will Move Your Career

3 Simple Ways Moving Your Body Will Move Your Career

It’s everywhere. Entrepreneurs, business professionals, and HR departments, completely fixated on finding the “silver bullet” for optimizing workplace productivity . . . and for good reason. The statistics on employee productivity are staggering, with the US Bureau of Labor (2016) uncovering data that suggest…

Elicio Therapeutics to Discuss Novel Lymph Node Vaccine Targeting Seven Key mKRAS Mutations at RAS – Targeted Drug Discovery Summit in Vienna, Austria

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Feb 19, 2020– Elicio Therapeutics , a next generation immuno-oncology company, today announced Peter DeMuth , PhD., Elicio Vice President of Research, will present “Targeting the Lymph Nodes to Enhance Mutant KRAS-Specific Vaccine Responses,” at the upcoming RAS-Targeted Drug Discovery Summit in…

Here Are 5 Great Longevity Food Trends To Look Out For

Here Are 5 Great Longevity Food Trends To Look Out For

As we go further into the year, you may be having trouble sticking to those New Year’s resolutions. That said, if you’re having trouble following a healthy diet, perhaps looking at the biggest food trends of the year can help you to reorganize your…

High-fat diets are LITERALLY depressing … here’s why

High-fat diets are LITERALLY depressing … here’s why

( Natural News ) The World Health Organization (WHO) defines overweight or obesity as the abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that presents a health risk. Obesity is caused by either one of two things: genetics or an increased consumption of high-calorie foods coupled…

The Better-Than-Coffee Morning Booster

If you’re like many people, you down a cup or two of coffee in the morning to clear mental fogginess and give your brain a jumpstart. And science says it works. Studies show the caffeine in coffee boosts cognition and helps your memory. That…

Fast food and nutrition: for the sake of our brain health we need to watch what we eat

Fast food and nutrition: for the sake of our brain health we need to watch what we eat

Frozen pizza, refrigerated dough and powdered milk for coffee are among the worst offenders for trans fats, which the World health Organisation has linked to half a million deaths globally per year. Getty With reference to Kelly Clarke’s story What are trans fats and…

7 Health Benefits of Garlic, According to a Nutritionist

7 Health Benefits of Garlic, According to a Nutritionist

Garlic may just be one of the most satisfying aromas and flavors used in cuisines around the globe. But it can also boast some pretty impressive health benefits. Here are seven reasons to incorporate more of this mouthwatering veggie into your eating routine, and…

DID YOU KNOW: Walkers exercise in great company

DID YOU KNOW: Walkers exercise in great company

[‘Did You Know That with Alan Walter’] Ludwig van Beethoven, Charles Dickens, Charles Darwin and Steven Jobs, all geniuses in their own fields, relied on regular walking to stimulate their thinking processes when they had difficult or complicated issues to deal with. Beethoven, though…

Nootropics 101: Are ‘Smart Drugs’ Right for Your Brain?

Nootropics 101: Are ‘Smart Drugs’ Right for Your Brain?

In the never-ending quest to maximize brainpower, a growing number of seekers are entering the world of nootropics. At the very least, it’s a fun word to pronounce: “new-tropics” is correct, but call them “no-o-tropics” if you like. What exactly are nootropics? More importantly,…

How to sleep better: 7 tips to help get a good night’s sleep

How to sleep better: 7 tips to help get a good night's sleep

Nearly a third of us regularly experience poor quality sleep, according to the latest figures. This not only affects your mood, concentration, and memory, but can have serious health consequences if it continues long-term – as thousands of people in Kent know to their…

Vitamin C Health Benefits That Will Surely Surprise You

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is present in some natural food sources such as citrus fruits (e.g. oranges, lemons) and tomatoes. It also comes in the form of a dietary supplement as ascorbic acid. A powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C protects cells in…

Would you try hacking your brain to perform better?

Would you try hacking your brain to perform better?

On one hand neurohacking promises a happier, healthier life, on the other, there is very little proof it actually works. Vogue spoke to the experts about the new rage Consider the brain to be a piece of hardware, where therapies and technology can be…

6 Scientific Ways to Improve Your Cognitive Thinking

6 Scientific Ways to Improve Your Cognitive Thinking

Dolly Parton may have said it best when she sang, “The day you’re born is the day you start to die.” Bleak? Sure, but it also gets to the heart of why we need to take care of our brains while we still can….

Some Useful Facts about Phosphatidylserine Supplement

It is a fatty substance that is found in the human body and mostly in the brain. It is produced in the body, which covers and safeguards every cell in the body. This plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity and fluidity of…

How to Choose a Quality Brain Supplement & Why We Recommend Mind Lab Pro

How to Choose a Quality Brain Supplement & Why We Recommend Mind Lab Pro

One of the most common questions we get from our visitors and subscribers is: “ What’s the best brain supplement?” We talk a lot about brain supplements on Be Brain Fit. Why? Because finding the right one can make a big difference in your…

Eating leafy greens delays cognitive decline by at least 11 YEARS, finds study

Eating leafy greens delays cognitive decline by at least 11 YEARS, finds study

( Natural News ) As if there weren’t enough reasons to eat leafy greens, researchers from Rush University in Chicago have added one more. A study published in the peer-reviewed journal Neurology showed that eating green leafy vegetables — such as spinach, broccoli, kale,…

Shocker: The Western World’s Diet Is Making Everyone Scientifically Brain-Dumber

Shocker: The Western World’s Diet Is Making Everyone Scientifically Brain-Dumber

A “Western diet” (or the “Western pattern diet”) is exactly what you think: Fatty, sugary, salty, and lousy with red meat and processed products — in stark contrast to diets comprised mostly of whole grains, or plants, or legumes, or natural fats. As you…

Nature Knows Nootropics