Why are people putting mushroom in their coffee?

Why are people putting mushroom in their coffee?

Mushrooms have long been a popular pizza topping or salad bar option, but these days, people are adding them to their coffee or drinking them in tea. In fact, superfood mushroom powder is currently one of the more popular products on Amazon. Certain mushroom…

The 7-day brain workout

It’s never too early to start maintaining your brain health – but should you do crosswords or CrossFit to protect your grey matter? The experts weigh in on the proven ways to stay mentally sharp. How often do you break a mental sweat? It’s…

Leftovers from chocolate manufacturing can help manage obesity and lipid disorders: Study

Leftovers from chocolate manufacturing can help manage obesity and lipid disorders: Study

( Natural News ) Cocoa ( Theobroma cacao ) is the main ingredient of chocolate, one of the most popular foods on the planet. The seeds of cocoa, also known as cocoa beans, are the only parts used for the production of chocolate. It…

Illuminate Festival premiere of HeartMath Experience Feb. 23 at Hilton Sedona Resort

Illuminate Festival premiere of HeartMath Experience Feb. 23 at Hilton Sedona Resort

HeartMath has helped to create 26 years of research with over 300 independent peer-reviewed studies on heart intelligence and has created useful tools and techniques to help improve stress reduction, well-being and heart coherence. The Illuminate Film Festival presents the festival world premiere of…

6 Natural Ways to Gain More Energy Throughout the Day

Getty Images Do you start feeling lethargic around the same time every day? Uncover the reason for your daily slump — and the body-clock secrets that guarantee nonstop energy. Groggy midmorning? Try knitting. Wish midmorning naps were a “thing”? That’s because your brain’s prefrontal…

Best Tips To Prevent Dementia From A Neuroscientist

Best Tips To Prevent Dementia From A Neuroscientist

The brain is the body’s most important organ, a control center that directs its steps everyday. Sadly, that is one fact that we basically take for granted, not only resulting in a variety of diseases that affect our mood and mental health, but also…

The Dangers Of Using Smart Drugs

The Dangers Of Using Smart Drugs

Image from https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20131212-smart-drugs-at-work-good-idea The competitive nature of life today has resulted in a lot of pressure for many individuals. There is pressure to study harder, work harder, and work for longer hours. As a result of this people often suffer from fatigue, poor concentration…

If You’re Going to Use Nootropics, Shouldn’t You Know Exactly What You’re Taking?

If You’re Going to Use Nootropics, Shouldn’t You Know Exactly What You’re Taking?

More and more people are using nootropics to give themselves a mental boost, and it’s not hard to understand why. Studies have shown that nootropic supplements may enhance cognitive functions such as reasoning, memory, alertness, focus, willpower, creativity, flexibility, and verbal fluency. But with…

Start your day with lemongrass tea and enjoy its brain-boosting benefits

Start your day with lemongrass tea and enjoy its brain-boosting benefits

Advertisement Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) has a lemony aroma and a refreshing citrus flavor. This superfood offers many health benefits, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. A study published in the Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants also found that lemongrass…

6 Morning Energy Drinks That Wake You Up Better Than Coffee

6 Morning Energy Drinks That Wake You Up Better Than Coffee

Most people wake up to a warm cup of joe in the morning to give them a much-needed energy boost. For others, coffee serves as a source of comfort and routine practice. However, some studies have found that large amounts of caffeine can harm…

Want to improve your memory while staying fit? Try exercising for at least half an hour regularly

Want to improve your memory while staying fit? Try exercising for at least half an hour regularly

( Natural News ) Regular exercise is a key component of a healthy lifestyle, but its benefits go beyond just strengthening muscles and reducing fat. Researchers from the University of Maryland (UMD) found that exercising for at least 30 minutes each day can help…

What Is Dopamine & Is It Bad In Excess?

What Is Dopamine & Is It Bad In Excess?

Without dopamine, we wouldn’t feel driven and motivated. But what happens when dopamine stops being a means to an end and turns into an end in itself? Dopamine has been blamed for many destructive behaviors of our modern lifestyle, making “dopamine fasting” the newest…

Is Too Much Acetylcholine Bad & What Reduces Its Levels?

Is Too Much Acetylcholine Bad & What Reduces Its Levels?

The brain needs acetylcholine to form memories. The nerve bundles of our “rest-and-digest” system require it to balance “fight-or-flight” activity. But can too much acetylcholine be bad? Check out this post to learn when an excess of this neurotransmitter might be unwanted and whether…

Understanding healing power of nature

Understanding healing power of nature

MOST of us spend our days inside in environments devoid of natural influence. Combined with the rapid rise of technology in our everyday lives, from computers and TV’s to ipads and smart phones, more and more people have limited time, access, and desire to…

6 Natural Remedies for Brain Fog and Fatigue

6 Natural Remedies for Brain Fog and Fatigue

Getty Images Women who feel worn-out are often told to prioritize “me time.” But according to David Perlmutter, M.D., and his son, Austin Perlmutter, M.D., co-authors of Brain Wash ( $16.80, Amazon ) , for millions of us, the brain is in a biochemical…

Why Aging Adults Are Turning To Nootropic BPG For Memory Loss

Why Aging Adults Are Turning To Nootropic BPG For Memory Loss

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Chris Hatton, CEO of Genesis Nutrients, created BPG (Brain Power Genesis) because he and his wife, Mary, had their own heartbreaking experience due to memory loss. Mary’s mother, Vivian, died from Alzheimer’s Disease and Chris decided to…

Best Tips To Prevent Dementia From A Neuroscientist

Best Tips To Prevent Dementia From A Neuroscientist

The brain is the body’s most important organ, a control center that directs its steps everyday. Sadly, that is one fact that we basically take for granted, not only resulting in a variety of diseases that affect our mood and mental health, but also…

Which herbal treatments in TCM help boost memory?

Which herbal treatments in TCM help boost memory?

( Natural News ) Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is defined as the transitional stage between cognitive decline caused by aging and severe cognitive decline caused by brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Research suggests that the prevalence of MCI increases with age,…

Prevent age-related cataracts by increasing your intake of vitamins and carotenoids

Prevent age-related cataracts by increasing your intake of vitamins and carotenoids

( Natural News ) As people grow older, they become more prone to developing cataracts that can impair their vision or even cause blindness. To prevent this, experts suggest eating more foods rich in vitamins and carotenoids . These nutrients help prevent the onset…

Study shows “brain zapping” can help improve your memory

Study shows “brain zapping” can help improve your memory

( Natural News ) A new study, published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience , found that giving your brain a tiny zap can help stimulate parts of it that deal with memory, specifically the prefrontal cortex. Participants of this study were around 15.4…

Nature Knows Nootropics