Nootropics to super-premium pet food: KeHE reveals top five grocery trends for 2020

Nootropics to super-premium pet food: KeHE reveals top five grocery trends for 2020

Related tags: KeHE, food trends, pet food Brain nutrition, a ‘no-brainer’ for consumers ​ “As a society, we’re stressed out. Brands in the food, beverage, beauty, and supplement industries are turning to a new way to improve our mental health and wellness with nootropics,”…

Oxytocin Genes (OXTR) & SNPs: Are You High or Low in it?

Oxytocin Genes (OXTR) & SNPs: Are You High or Low in it?

Oxytocin, often called the “love hormone,” plays a significant role in social bonding and empathy. The OXTR gene, which codes for its receptor, seems to affect how each individual processes and reacts to oxytocin. What does your DNA have to say, and which SNPs…

Adenosine: Sleep, Receptors, Effects + 3 Ways to Increase

Adenosine: Sleep, Receptors, Effects + 3 Ways to Increase

Adenosine is a natural chemical found ubiquitously in every cell of the human body. And it’s an important one: it induces sleep, it controls the circadian rhythm and fine-tunes neurotransmitter levels. In this article, we explore adenosine’s importance to health, factors that increase adenosine,…

Benefits of Proline-Rich Polypeptides (PRP) + Risks

Benefits of Proline-Rich Polypeptides (PRP) + Risks

Proline-Rich Polypeptides (PRPs) are part of colostrum or “first milk”. They are crucial for the development of newborns and support the immune and nervous systems. When supplemented, PRPs may enhance cognition in the elderly. Read on to learn the beneficial roles of PRPs and…

9 Health Benefits of Raw Honey + Effects on Blood Sugar

9 Health Benefits of Raw Honey + Effects on Blood Sugar

Honey contains hidden nutritional and medicinal values. Raw, unprocessed types are nutritious, antimicrobial, and good for the skin & hair. The Bible itself suggests eating honey. But what does the science say? Read this post to learn the health benefits of honey and its…

5 Buspirone Uses, Side Effects, Dosage + Natural Options

5 Buspirone Uses, Side Effects, Dosage + Natural Options

Buspirone is a prescription medication indicated primarily for anxiety but may also be used “off-label” for depression and other mental disorders. Read on to learn the uses and side effects of buspirone + natural complementary approaches to anxiety. Disclaimer: This post is not a…

Keto Diet: Benefits & How to Know if It’s Right For You

Keto Diet: Benefits & How to Know if It’s Right For You

The ketogenic diet (or keto diet) has been touted for its many potential health benefits such as weight loss, cognitive enhancement, and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. In this post, we cover: Different ways to get into ketosis Physiology and pathways that are…

3 Potential Uses of Coluracetam + Side Effects & Safety

Coluracetam is a nootropic that proponents believe can help memory and learning, depression, anxiety, as well as to improve vision. However, research is sorely lacking, and the company that was developing coluracetam has since closed. Learn the whole story here. Note : We recommend…

4+ Jicama Benefits + Carbs, Calories & Nutrition Facts

4+ Jicama Benefits + Carbs, Calories & Nutrition Facts

Jicama is a low-fat, low-calorie root vegetable originating from Mexico. It is rich in fiber, nutrients, and antioxidants. According to early studies, it may help digestion, heart health, blood sugar, and metabolism; learn more about its potential benefits here. What Is Jicama? Jicama (pronounced…

Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone (TRH) Roles & Regulation

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) is a hormone produced in the hypothalamus. It controls thyroid hormone secretion and has important roles in metabolism, cognition, mental health, and more. This post reveals lesser-known roles of TRH, along with 13 factors that increase or decrease its levels. What…

15 Amazing Jujube Fruit Health Benefits (Ziziphus Jujuba)

15 Amazing Jujube Fruit Health Benefits (Ziziphus Jujuba)

Jujube has been used to alleviate stress , reduce inflammation, and enhance immune health for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. Read on to learn more about the health benefits of jujube, as well as its other uses, interactions, and risks. Ziziphus Jujuba of the…

12 Surprising Health Benefits of Myricetin

12 Surprising Health Benefits of Myricetin

Myricetin is a natural substance found in many vegetables and fruits. It is a good antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and offers many other health benefits at very little risk of side effects. Read on to know why you should make myricetin an important part of…

HEMPAVIDA’s Hemp CBD + Wellness Launches at Art Basel in Miami, FL

DREAM (Ambien-alternative Sleep Aid), CHILL (Anti-Anxiety), FOCUS (Brain Booster), RESTORE (Joint & Mobility). MIAMI, Dec. 10, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — HEMPAVIDA, a new innovative wellness and skin care lifestyle brand, launches its first CBD Hemp + Wellness collection at Art Basel in Miami, FL. Amidst…

Relaxation-Induced Anxiety Is a Thing

Relaxation-Induced Anxiety Is a Thing

Roughly 14 percent of Americans meditate — a number that’s nearly triple the mere 4 percent in 2012, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And its popularity is only going up: The meditation market value is set to double from $1.2…

10 Dos and Don’ts for Surviving Finals

10 Dos and Don’ts for Surviving Finals

In Warren Towers, Prasida Unni (CAS’22) (left) and Indra Alagar (CAS’22) prepare for an upcoming chemistry test. Photo by Cydney Scott Wednesday is the final day of classes for the semester, followed by study days Thursday and Friday and final exams next week. In…

Lion’s Mane: How the Mushroom Can Boost Brain Health

Lion's Mane: How the Mushroom Can Boost Brain Health

If you’re lucky enough to come across the lion’s mane mushroom while wandering through the woods, it may be time to gather some of this powerhouse fungi, the world’s first “smart” mushroom, and even consider colonizing your very own log for future generations. Fortunately…

Suggestions for some healthy holiday indulgences: Dr. Nina Radcliff

Suggestions for some healthy holiday indulgences: Dr. Nina Radcliff

This time of the year has a reputation for dishing out some “bah-humbug” moments with added stress, more demands than time can manage, deadline pressures, budget considerations, relationship dynamics, long lines and slow check-outs at stores, crowded places and even more temptations of tables…

Top 7+ Borage Oil Benefits + Side Effects & Precautions

Top 7+ Borage Oil Benefits + Side Effects & Precautions

Borage is a flowering herb full of fatty acids and antioxidants. Its oil has shown promise for premature infant growth, heart health, arthritis, and skin health. Read on to learn more. What is Borage? Borage ( Borago officinalis ), also known as the Star…

Does Glucuronolactone Boost Energy? Benefits vs. Dangers

Does Glucuronolactone Boost Energy? Benefits vs. Dangers

Even if you have never heard of it before, chances are you drank it. Glucuronolactone is a naturally-occurring substance and a lesser-known ingredient in energy drinks like Red Bull. It is also added to pre-workout supplements touted to increase physical performance, stamina, endurance, and…

Factors that May “Grow” the Brain: Hope for Brain Injury?

Factors that May “Grow” the Brain: Hope for Brain Injury?

For a long time, scientists believed that no part of the human brain could regenerate. What have we learned since our technology improved? This article explores whether new research offers hope for brain injury and goes over various factors that may either shrink or…

Nature Knows Nootropics