Attack of the FAKE NEWS on your mind, your health and your safety

Attack of the FAKE NEWS on your mind, your health and your safety

( Natural News ) Fake news is scripted, staged, planned, promoted, and never retracted after being revealed as such. Fake news appears in many forms, including on television, via social media, featured on major websites, and it’s spewed from the mouths of most of…

A naturally-occurring plant compound shows great potential for treating Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and depression

A naturally-occurring plant compound shows great potential for treating Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and depression

( Natural News ) Scientists have learned a lot about most of the body’s organs over the years. The growing body of knowledge on the liver, heart, lungs and kidneys has enabled many people to enjoy much better health outcomes in recent times. However,…

Cognitive And Memory Enhancer Drugs Market Detailed Analysis On Forthcoming Development By 2028

Cognitive And Memory Enhancer Drugs Market Detailed Analysis On Forthcoming Development By 2028

Cognitive and memory enhancer drugs are also called as nootropics, smart drugs, brain boosters, memory boosters, drive drugs. Cognitive and memory enhancers are drugs that people use in for improving memory, increase mental alertness and concentration, as well as boost energy levels and wakefulness….

Memory and imagination

Memory and imagination

A Second Wind, by Mary Petersen My friend recommended a book to me a few weeks ago — “Adventures in Memory.” This, ironically, after I boasted in my last column that seniors have broader interests than just learning memory tips and techniques. But the…

Top 5 Herbs and Spices for Boosting Overall Health

Top 5 Herbs and Spices for Boosting Overall Health

Health coach Holly Zoccolan explains the benefits of these natural wonders Raw Garlic Garlic has been used throughout centuries for it’s medicinal properties. Garlic has the ability to boost the immune system, regulate blood pressure, fight inflammation and fight fungal infections, just to name…

Would You Like To Rewire Your Brain for Happiness?

Would You Like To Rewire Your Brain for Happiness?

Would You Like To Rewire Your Brain for Happiness? The first steps in balancing the negativity bias & feeling happier. Kate Maria Pennell Feb 17 Thank you Pixabay How we start and end our day can have a powerful impact on our well-being and…

8 Commonly Used Nootropic Herbs and Supplements

8 Commonly Used Nootropic Herbs and Supplements

After the scientific revolution and the major advancements in science and technology during the past couple of centuries, life has become very intricate, challenging and stressful. Everyone has so many things to do and worry about day-to-day while time is flying by faster and…

Hunter Focus Review – is it Really the Best Nootropic Stack?

Hunter Focus Review – is it Really the Best Nootropic Stack?

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Top 10 Nootropics That Will Make You Smarter

Top 10 Nootropics That Will Make You Smarter

Share on facebook Share on Twitter The Truth About Nootropics Why might you need to take a brain supplement? Because so many factors conspire today to make our brains perform at suboptimal levels, regardless of our age. Including: Decreased blood flow to brain cells….

These 3 Ayurvedic Herbs May Help Slow Down Ageing

These 3 Ayurvedic Herbs May Help Slow Down Ageing

Grey hair and wrinkled skin are two of the most common signs of ageing. As you grow old, the process of degenerating cells is known as ageing. Although ageing is inevitable and one cannot avoid these changes, these mental, social, psychological and physical change…

Blueberries are bursting with various antioxidants that reduce the risk of dementia

Blueberries are bursting with various antioxidants that reduce the risk of dementia

( Natural News ) In the U.S., more than five million people suffer from Alzheimer’s, a progressive form of dementia. And as the population ages, this number is expected to rise even more. According to the Alzheimer’s Association , this number could reach up…

Cholesterol Medications Cause Heart Attack, Rapid Aging, and Brain Damage. Use These 2 Foods Instead

Cholesterol Medications Cause Heart Attack, Rapid Aging, and Brain Damage. Use These 2 Foods Instead

Statins are the main cholesterol medications, and one in every 4 Americans over 45 is taking it. Therefore, it is a 30-billion dollars worth industry, but unfortunately, these drugs cause numerous side-effects, such as anemia, acidosis, chronic fatigue, liver dysfunction, Parkinson’s, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, thyroid…

How to improve sleep quality naturally

What is sleep? The dictionary definition is “a condition of body and mind such as that which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended.” But…

Natural selection and spatial memory link shown in mountain chickadee research

Natural selection and spatial memory link shown in mountain chickadee research

University of Nevada, Reno research results provide the first direct evidence for natural selection on spatial cognition in wild food-caching mountain chickadees in one-of-a-kind in the world high-altitude field lab. Credit: Vladimir Pravosudov, University of Nevada, Reno Chickadees with better learning and memory skills,…

Research reveals the connection between high blood sugar and brain shrinkage

Research reveals the connection between high blood sugar and brain shrinkage

( Natural News ) We’ve all heard about the myriad of health concerns surrounding sugar and high blood sugar levels. Maybe you’ve even heard that blood sugar can affect your brain. And it seems that the perils of high blood glucose truly do have…

Pure Nootropics Discuss Ways to Hack your Brain

Brain supplements ideally known as nootropics or smart pills are simply supplements that are specifically used with the aim of improving cognitive functions especially memory, motivation, creativity and executive functions according to Christopher Dziak of Pure Nootropics. Pure Nootropics. has seen significant growth in…

Natural selection and spatial memory link shown in mountain chickadee research

Natural selection and spatial memory link shown in mountain chickadee research

University of Nevada, Reno research results provide the first direct evidence for natural selection on spatial cognition in wild food-caching mountain chickadees in one-of-a-kind in the world high-altitude field lab. Chickadees with better learning and memory skills, needed to find numerous food caches, are…

Eating blueberries and strawberries is a proactive solution for preventing cognitive impairment

Eating blueberries and strawberries is a proactive solution for preventing cognitive impairment

( Natural News ) In highly vaccinated populations, cognitive impairment begins at an early age. The antigens in vaccines are not benign; they are combined with aluminum cations to stimulate the response of immune cells in the human recipient. As immune-responsive cells uptake the…

Natural selection and spatial memory link shown in mountain chickadee research

Natural selection and spatial memory link shown in mountain chickadee research

Mountain Chickadees live year-round in the high-elevation Sierra Nevada, including the harsh winters Chickadees with better learning and memory skills, needed to find numerous food caches, are more likely to survive their first winter, a long-term study of mountain chickadees has found. Enhanced spatial…

Your multivitamins and brain-boosting pills may be suspect, and regulators are cracking down on the $40 billion industry

Your multivitamins and brain-boosting pills may be suspect, and regulators are cracking down on the $40 billion industry

This week, federal regulators announced they’ll be taking a more active role in policing the more than $40 billion supplement industry . From vitamins to specialized supplements for improved focus and weight loss, some formulations have been tied to serious health risks . The…

Nature Knows Nootropics