Dark chocolate is good for your heart

Dark chocolate is good for your heart

( Natural News ) Chocolates are a guilty pleasure for many people around the world, but there’s nothing to feel bad about if you’re eating the right kind. Milk chocolate is the type that most people eat, but it is dark chocolate that is…

MCT oil shows great promise in treating many neurological diseases

MCT oil shows great promise in treating many neurological diseases

( Natural News ) Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s take a devastating toll on all whom they touch. Watching a once vibrant and healthy person’s mental and other faculties wasting away is one of the hardest things for any family to deal with,…

6 Best Nootropics (or Brain Supplements) to Boost Learning, Creativity & More

6 Best Nootropics (or Brain Supplements) to Boost Learning, Creativity & More

Nootropics — or as many people like to call them, “smart pills” — are “cognitive enhancers” that claim to improve learning capability, motivation, concentration and creativity. But do nootropics really work, and are they safe? In recent years there’s been a major surge in…

Why You Should Try Lion’s Mane Mushroom, The Brain-Boosting Superfood That Fights Menopausal Anxiety

Why You Should Try Lion’s Mane Mushroom, The Brain-Boosting Superfood That Fights Menopausal Anxiety

After the painful realization that I might actually have to give up my morning coffee (too much anxiety, losing sleep, energy crashes in the afternoon), I started looking for something that I could replace it with — an all-natural alternative that would help me…

Humm’s headset turns your brain into overdrive for better gaming

Humm’s headset turns your brain into overdrive for better gaming

Above: Humm’s headband stimulates your brain. Humm has a headset that can make you smarter, at least temporarily, by stimulating the part of your brain that is responsible for learning and memory. This “ biohacking ” can help you play games or esports better,…

HUMM Launches Edge Headset to Activate Brain to Boost Learning and Memory; Kicks Learning Speed into Overdrive

HUMM Launches Edge Headset to Activate Brain to Boost Learning and Memory; Kicks Learning Speed into Overdrive

First Device to Help Improve Cognitive Performance with a Touch of a Button so Users Safely Attain Highest Levels of Ability BERKELEY, CA / ACCESSWIRE / November 8, 2018 / Silicon Valley executives and students at the most elite universities are starting to use…

How to hack your memory with memory training

How to hack your memory with memory training

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Can we train our brains to remember the things we want? We can’t remember everything. Instead, our brains pick out things that are important to burn into our long-term memory . But is there a way to take back control…

Cocoa found to have a powerful inhibitory effect on influenza virus infections

Cocoa found to have a powerful inhibitory effect on influenza virus infections

( Natural News ) Cocoa can protect against an influenza infection by activating the body’s natural immunity and enhancing immune response, according to a study in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture . The study, conducted by researchers in Japan, looked…

The many ways conventional deodorant threatens your health

The many ways conventional deodorant threatens your health

( Natural News ) Odor and wetness shouldn’t come with a price greater than the cost of a deodorant stick, but unfortunately there is mounting evidence that when you buy conventional deodorant, you not only pay now, but you also pay later in medical…

Recap of Depression Natural Remedies

Recap of Depression Natural Remedies

There are many herbs, flowers, essential oils, and foods to deal with depression. Over the past few years, I’ve written several articles on these different alternative therapies. So here’s a quick recap of some of these natural remedies. Arctic root boosts your overall physical…

16 Health Benefits of Fish Oil Supplements (Omega-3 Fatty Acids)

16 Health Benefits of Fish Oil Supplements (Omega-3 Fatty Acids)

Article Contents 1 – What are Omega-3 Fatty Acids? 1.1 – Types of Omega-3 Fatty Acids a. Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) b. Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 2 – 16 Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements 2.1 – Helps Support Weight Loss 2.2 – Reduces Cholesterol…

From OCD to depression to anxiety, learn how inositol can prevent many mental health disorders

From OCD to depression to anxiety, learn how inositol can prevent many mental health disorders

( Natural News ) Having a clean bill of health doesn’t just mean that a person is physically fit. It also includes whether his mental health is in check, which is something that a lot of people don’t regularly think about, and an issue…

The surprising link between magnesium and brain health

The surprising link between magnesium and brain health

( Natural News ) Many of the health problems facing us today can be traced to nutrient deficiencies. You might have heard about the importance of getting enough Vitamin D or omega 3s, for example, but other nutrients don’t seem to get as much…

Amped-up Memory

Amped-up Memory

www.medicalnewstoday.com Your brain – what’s it up to…at night? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. It’s not just cooking up bizarre dreams! Sleep is also thought to affect memory formation.. Our natural electrical brain activity helps seal in those…

The Tricks to Protect and Improve Brain Health

The Tricks to Protect and Improve Brain Health

It was found they achieved improvements with their early neurodegenerative disease symptoms after 12 weeks of supplementation. ( Newswire.net — November 6, 2018) Orlando, FL — Researchers have been conducting studies to learn about brain health and how it can be protected. According to…

Natural supplements that treat sleep disruptions and menopause symptoms

Natural supplements that treat sleep disruptions and menopause symptoms

( Natural News ) There are a lot of things that a person can do to improve sleep during menopause. Some examples include dietary changes, exercise, stress management, and mind-body therapies. However, natural supplements are also effective in treating these unpleasant symptoms. (h/t PsychologyToday.com…

Nootropics: The Brain Enhancement Supplements for the New Age

Nootropics: The Brain Enhancement Supplements for the New Age

Nootropics are nothing really new. They are taken in either naturally, or by way of man-made foods, drugs, or in the form of a supplement, and aid with the cognitive enhancement of the brain’s functioning, including areas of: memory, motivation, focus, and intelligence. With…

How to increase your serotonin levels with strategic eating

How to increase your serotonin levels with strategic eating

( Natural News ) Your mood can either make or break your day, which is why it’s important that your body produces sufficient amounts of the “happy molecule” serotonin. Unfortunately, many people don’t get enough serotonin, causing them to develop mental health conditions like…

Nootropics Are Trending…but What the Heck Are They?

Nootropics Are Trending…but What the Heck Are They?

Remember that movie, Limitless? In it, Bradley Cooper plays a struggling writer who discovers a magical pill that makes him a smarter, more productive and better version of himself. Well, as it turns out, the film’s plot isn’t entirely science fiction—these kinds of brain…

How to Develop Impeccable Multitasking Skills

How to Develop Impeccable Multitasking Skills

These days, multitasking is a powerful and a vital skill to acquire. When you run a small business or a startup, you need to concentrate on multiple processes at the same time. That can be difficult for people whose brains work at a slower…

Nature Knows Nootropics