10 surprising things caffeine does to your body and mind

10 surprising things caffeine does to your body and mind

Some of us hardly feel human without a cup (or three) of coffee in the morning. Caffeine fuels our days and helps us connect with others. Where would the world be without cafés, coffee breaks, and the perfect espresso after dinner? But you might…

Surprising Health Benefits of Nitro Coffee (Factors to Consider)

Surprising Health Benefits of Nitro Coffee (Factors to Consider)

If you are a hardcore coffee lover then you are probably familiar with nitro coffee. Nitro coffee is a trendy new drink that is infused with nitrogen, a type of colorless, odorless gas that makes up 78% of the air we breathe. The concept…

ADHD and ADD are FAKE disorders stemming from bad schooling practices, HFCS and artificial food coloring

ADHD and ADD are FAKE disorders stemming from bad schooling practices, HFCS and artificial food coloring

( Natural News ) Attention-deficit disorders are defined as brain disorders marked by ongoing patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, to an extent that it interferes with development and functioning. Symptoms include wandering off task, difficulty sustaining focus, disorganization, defiance, constant movement, fidgeting, tapping,…

A member of the forget-me-not flower family found to prevent neurodegenerative disorders

A member of the forget-me-not flower family found to prevent neurodegenerative disorders

( Natural News ) Researchers from Pakistan have found that Nonea micrantha , a plant native to northern Africa and the Iberian Penninsula, contains bioactive compounds that can potentially be used to treat neurodegenerative diseases. The team arrived at this finding by studying the…

Technology and social media are feeding addictive behaviors and mental illness in society

Technology and social media are feeding addictive behaviors and mental illness in society

( Natural News ) Smart phones and tablets have become a cancerous growth in our lives – never leaving us, feeding off our essence, and sucking away our attention, life, and energy. Social media is like an aggressive form of brain cancer, attaching to…

5G tech fast-tracked to get pushed into our homes by next year

5G tech fast-tracked to get pushed into our homes by next year

( Natural News ) For tech junkies, the arrival of 5G can’t come soon enough — but for all those concerned about environmental and public health, it’s a soon-to-be health disaster looming overhead. As the wireless industry competes to see who can roll out…

The Pentagon is building technology that would allow troops to control machines with their minds

The Pentagon is building technology that would allow troops to control machines with their minds

( Natural News ) Transhumanism is well on its way to becoming a reality in the United States military, as the Pentagon has announced that it’s working on a new “neural interface” technology that would connect human brains directly to machines as a way…

NeuroActiv-6 Review by Naturalcell.com – Restores Brain Energy

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Why you want a superager brain and how to get one

Why you want a superager brain and how to get one

It probably wouldn’t surprise you to hear that keeping your mind active is a way to prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health analyzed a dozen peer-reviewed studies that examined the relationship between late-in-life cognitive activities…

5 ways to encourage your body to naturally detoxify

5 ways to encourage your body to naturally detoxify

( Natural News ) It’s okay, you’re not the only person to fall off the wagon this summer, and whether you came out relatively unscathed or feeling like you’ve been run over by a tractor, it is probably time for you to get back…

Top 8 ways most Americans severely compromise their immune systems

Top 8 ways most Americans severely compromise their immune systems

( Natural News ) One thing is for sure. More than 200 million Americans are completely paranoid about germs and bacteria to the extent that they’re brainwashed to believe that the human immune system is next to helpless without the assistance of a boatload…

Strong scientific evidence points to acupuncture as an effective treatment for anxiety disorders

Strong scientific evidence points to acupuncture as an effective treatment for anxiety disorders

( Natural News ) Could acupuncture be the solution to anxiety you’ve been looking for? The ancient practice of inserting needles into the skin may sound a bit daunting, but research has continued to confirm that this traditional healing art can offer a myriad…

Nootropics: The Curious World of Smart Drugs

Lifestyle Nootropics, also known as smart drugs, are the latest health craze, promising enhanced mental performance. You’ve likely seen these supplements in the health aisle or at supplement shops, with claims to boost your memory and focus, but do these mental enhancers actually work?…

Foods that prevent sun damage and heal your skin

Foods that prevent sun damage and heal your skin

( Natural News ) The largest organ in the human body is your skin, yet it is so often overlooked. Heart-healthy foods are all the rage, but really, nutrition affects your entire body – inside, and out. While our internal organs are very important,…

Study: Exercise makes you younger on a GENETIC level

Study: Exercise makes you younger on a GENETIC level

( Natural News ) Exercise has long been proven to slow down the aging process by supporting healthy organs. In addition to this, recent studies suggest that the effects of exercise can even be observed on the genetic level . Throughout a person’s lifetime,…

15 Brain Foods You Should Be Eating Regularly to Keep Your Mind Sharp

15 Brain Foods You Should Be Eating Regularly to Keep Your Mind Sharp

These days there are so many food choices. Every marketing trick is used to make you buy brain foods, all-natural, fat-free or gluten-free products. Could you blame them? They need to make a profit to keep existing and delivering their goods to the consumers….

5 surprising ways your office is influencing your brain

5 surprising ways your office is influencing your brain

You probably know that your office setup plays a considerable part in your productivity. Poorly lit offices, for example, can have a negative impact on your memory . Those of you who work in open offices probably have a gripe (or two) about your…

5 foods that boost psychological well-being

5 foods that boost psychological well-being

© Miriosti How to eat your way to wellness. Most of us know that what we eat has an effect on how our body feels. For me, binges of sugar and other refined carbs (I’m only human) leave me feeling enlarged and lethargic the…

The profound effect working night shifts can have on your body

The profound effect working night shifts can have on your body

( Natural News ) If you’ve ever worked night shifts, you don’t need to see any scientific studies to know that it’s bad for your health as well as your mood. However, a new study has shown just how much working these unnatural hours…

Brain Supplements That Increase Focus and Concentration

Brain Supplements That Increase Focus and Concentration

In your everyday life, you need to be able to focus and concentrate. This is true whether you are preparing for final exams or just hammering away spreadsheets in the office. However, it can be difficult to find this focus on your own at…

Nature Knows Nootropics