The neuroprotective benefits of coconut oil

The neuroprotective benefits of coconut oil

( Natural News ) It’s no surprise that in some regions of the world, coconuts are called the “tree of life.” It’s not just because no part of the tree goes unwasted, it’s also due to its multiple health benefits. Recent studies, in particular,…

Why CBD is a Natural Alternative to Adderall

Why CBD is a Natural Alternative to Adderall

Originally posted on Although CBD is still fairly new to the market, it is getting a lot of attention in the media. Many people with conditions ranging from depression to fibromyalgia find CBD to be an effective natural treatment option. And, CBD has…

Another reason to exercise? Brain benefits

Another reason to exercise? Brain benefits

There is growing evidence that regular aerobic exercise can help improve cognitive function, things like thinking, problem solving and reasoning. Zumba instructor Damaris DeJesus leads the Zumba Gold class at the Spurlino YMCA in Gibsonton. [LUIS SANTANA | Times] If the promise of losing…

17 Proven Plants That Improve Memory & Concentration

17 Proven Plants That Improve Memory & Concentration

There are Plants that Improve Memory and Concentration and using them can keep your brain healthy and enhance cognitive functioning. 1. Huperzia Huperzine-A is a compound that is usually derived from the extracts of Huperzia serrata, also known as firmoss . The plant is…

A Snack That Makes You Smarter?

A Snack That Makes You Smarter?

If you asked ten random people if they’d like to feel more focused and clear-headed on a daily basis, chances are not one of them would say, “Nah, I’m good.” Everyone wants to improve their cognition and brain function, because we all want to…

The Hormone That Stops Alzheimer’s

The Hormone That Stops Alzheimer’s

Athletes know that a vigorous workout can lead to “runner’s high.” This is a feeling of euphoria you get when exercise-activated brain chemicals boost your mood. For years, researchers attributed runner’s high to hormones called endorphins. But new research shows that exercise produces another…

Science Explains: study drugs

Science Explains: study drugs

tudy drugs, scientifically known as nootropics, are substances which improve cognitive function, in particular executive functions like concentration, memory, and motivation, and are used for the purpose of studying or cramming. These drugs are often the same ones used in medicine to treat sleep…

Why you need Brain Supplements and Nootropics

Why you need Brain Supplements and Nootropics

Why you need Brain Supplements and Nootropics Eiyo Nutrition Feb 15 There is a special feeling of self-satisfaction you get from being able to recall names and numbers faster, having a strong mental energy that can last you all through the day, and being…

Study: Following a choline-rich diet may offer transgenerational protection against Alzheimer’s disease

Study: Following a choline-rich diet may offer transgenerational protection against Alzheimer’s disease

( Natural News ) Nutrients are like instructions, building our cells and telling them how to operate and communicate. These instructions strengthen our genetics, communicating vitality and disease prevention. The lack of nutrition can cause deficiencies in our bodies, damaging cells and bringing the…

Study says that sniffing this aromatic herb can increase memory by 75%

Study says that sniffing this aromatic herb can increase memory by 75%

Rosemary, an aromatic evergreen herb, not only smells and tastes good but also carries with it a number of health benefits. Since ancient times, people have benefited from its medicinal properties. One purpose that it serves is how it can boost one’s ability to…

Ways To Get Rid Of Brain Fog

Ways To Get Rid Of Brain Fog

Along being vital to mental capacity, brain health is also extremely important for emotional well-being as your thoughts and feelings are interconnected very closely. But several times, you may have felt that your thoughts are unclear and that you’re feeling “cloudy headed”. This feeling…

3 Amazing Ways Testosterone Can Boost Your Brain Power

3 Amazing Ways Testosterone Can Boost Your Brain Power

Overview Most people are already aware of the crucial role that testosterone plays in building muscle and for overall sexual health. Despite the recent advancements in medical technology, however, we are still far from being able to completely understand the organizational and activational impact…

What to eat to support the brain’s innate healing ability

Rebuilding through neuroplasticity Science recently has discovered that the human brain is amazingly resilient and can reorganize and form new neural connections and pathways between intact neurons to compensate for damage and function loss. This adaptive mechanism is termed neuroplasticity. Because of their belief…

9 Ways to Boost Your Dopamine, the “Feel-Good Hormone”

9 Ways to Boost Your Dopamine, the "Feel-Good Hormone"

Dopamine, one of the brain’s neurotransmitters, is a chemical that carries information between neurons, according to Psychology Today. It aids in the regulation of movement, attention, learning, and emotional responses. Not only does it enable us to visualize rewards, but it also stimulates the…

4 Advantages of Nootropics

4 Advantages of Nootropics

Nootropics are smart drugs that help improve different functions of the brain and its performance. Unlike generic drugs that can be addictive, nootropics are used as supplements that only work by boosting the brains capacity. For this reason, nootropics will only improve your brain…

This New Blend Of Nootropics is Clinically Proven to Enhance Brain Function

This New Blend Of Nootropics is Clinically Proven to Enhance Brain Function

Every day, millions of Americans start their day with a hit of caffeine. For most, the preferred method of delivery is coffee. Over 60 percent of the population drinks at least one cup of the bean juice per day. But obviously there are other…

Rosemary, known as a sacred plant in ancient Greece, found to possess anticancer properties

Rosemary, known as a sacred plant in ancient Greece, found to possess anticancer properties

( Natural News ) If you thought rosemary’s abilities were limited to adding some flair to chicken and roasted potatoes, think again. Studies have shown that it can be surprisingly beneficial in preventing and reversing cancer, particularly when it comes to breast cancer. This…

What are nootropics/brain supplements?

Nootropics are supplements, drugs, or functional foods, that enhance cognitive functions such as intelligence, memory, and focus. Nootropics also called smart drugs or cognitive enhancers—are drugs, supplements, or other substances that improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation, in healthy individuals….

Say YES to NOOTROPICS to Boost Brain Function

Say YES to NOOTROPICS to Boost Brain Function

Say YES to NOOTROPICS to Boost Brain Function Nathan Zassman Jan 18 Nootropics are a classification of dietary supplements designed to improve cognition and memory while facilitating learning. The word was created by Romanian physician Corneliu E. Giurgea by combining the Latin words nous…

12 Best Brain Foods That Improve Memory and Boost Brain Power

12 Best Brain Foods That Improve Memory and Boost Brain Power

Nutrition plays a vital role in brain function and staying sharp into the golden years. Personally, my husband is going through medical school, which is like a daily mental marathon. Like any good wife, I am always looking for things that will boost his…

Nature Knows Nootropics